¶ 1 The title of the 20th chapter of the Book of Judgement is “God Declareth a Day of Judgement, and Also He Bequeatheth Liberty unto All Men.” 1. GOD said: There shall be a day of judgement unto thee, O man. Soon or late, thou shalt take the matter…
Study on the Book of Judgement Chapter 19
The title given to this chapter is “God Giveth a New Religion.” 1. God said: Hear the words of your God, O ye preachers, priests and rab’bahs; seek not to gainsay my words. ¶ 1 At the outset of this chapter, it is evident that it is those who are…
Walk the Talk
“Take your chosen of the congregation of your church, and make manifest whereof ye preach.” (Book of Judgement 18:3) The 18th chapter of the Book of Judgement is certainly an indictment against nominal Christianity and its leaders who can not seem to swindle enough money from their followers. Many preachers…
Not Converting the World
“I am not come to captivate the ignorant and unlearned. Nor am I come to call sinners to repentance. Nor to convert the debauchee, nor to convert the profane man, nor to convert the harlot. Sufficient have been other revelations unto all these. Nor have I come to say: Behold,…
Notes on the Book of Fragapatti 21:4-7
4. To corporeans I give corporeal eyes and corporeal ears, that they might attain to wisdom on the earth; but to a few I give su’is, that they may see and hear things spiritually. 5. To the spirits of mortals who die in infancy, I give spiritual eyes and spiritual…
Notes for First Book of the First Lords. Chapter I, Chapter II
Chapter 1 Between chapter 1:2 and 1:8, there is an unknown period of time from when the angels appeared as mortals and when “the Lord commanded the angels to give up their forms, and to be no more seen as mortals.” Some have claimed that the angels existed in mortal…
“Jehovih” Instead of “Yahweh”?
Question: Why does your Bible and publications use the name “Jehovih” instead of “Jehovah” or “Yahweh”? I have never seen this before. What basis do you have for using this strange spelling? Reply: The form of the Creator’s Name as published in the Oahspe is rendered as “Jehovih” (je-ho-vee) This…
Standing Up for Ourselves
Brothers and sisters, We should pray for our enemies as we have always been taught. We can be tolerant of the mistreatment we receive from others and remain patient, waiting on the Eternal Father to intervene. Sometimes, however, it is important that we use our divinely given right to stand…
When You Have Doubt
If you are having doubts about your faith, pray about it. Do not sit idly doing anything about it. Sometimes faith takes courage because of various forms of opposition. In some cases, this opposition is in the form of lower-level spirits who do not have your best interests at heart.…
Oahspe Study Notes for Lika XIV
There are various levels of hell, each with its own name and number of angels. (14:3-6) Certain beings came upon earth “fastening upon mortals”, and at times bringing death to “large cities and nations.” This death is disease, likely airborne. The Oahspe Bible says these beings “impregnated the air with…