1/ New Moon, Chapter 30 2 / Seventh-Day Sabbath, Chapter 31 3 / Chapter 32 4 / Chapter 33 5 / Chapter 34 6 / Weekday Sabbath, Chapter 35 7 / Chapter 36 8 / Chapter 37 9 / 1st Quarter Moon, Seventh-Day Sabbath, Chapter 38 10 / Book of…
When We Think and Act Like Angels

Many pray for healing, but they will not open the door to the Healing Spirit. They ask for Divine Mercy, but they will not forgive their fellow-man. They seek Divine Love, but they are filled with criticism and condemnation. They want the upliftment of Divine Thought, but they fill the…
Spiritual Food and Light

This article appeared in Kosmon Light (1913) under the title “Angelic Communion.” The following vision was described by Sister Wilson at a meeting held in No. 1 Community recently and interpreted by a brother present. As the Es (spiritual) light became clearer, an Angelic Being was perceived seated at a…
The Heavenly Ministry

No matter what the appearances, or what your mental or physical afflictions may be, YOU are now living in the midst of the healing, prospering Powers of the universal Mind of the Ever-Present. “In Jehovih you live, and move, and have your being.” The Powers of the Mind of the…
“Jehovih” Instead of “Yahweh”?
Question: Why does your Bible and publications use the name “Jehovih” instead of “Jehovah” or “Yahweh”? I have never seen this before. What basis do you have for using this strange spelling? Reply: The form of the Creator’s Name as published in the Oahspe is rendered as “Jehovih” (je-ho-vee) This…
The Experience of a Truly Good Man Entering the Spirit World
Even as a child is born on earth, with friends around it to rejoice at its coming, so do kind and loving spirit friends welcome into the spirit world a truly good man’s spirit. The incorruptible leaves the corruptible in the twinkling of an eye; but before his spirit has…
The Creator is Your Hope of Glory
A wonderful path stretches out before you. You are walking into the arms of a glorious destiny as a child of the living Creator. Your soul is part of the great soul of the Great Spirit, one with the infinite Soul and lives in the ocean of Soul partaking of…
Jehovih the Great Soul
I recognise You as The Great Soul. I recognise You now as the Almighty Healer of all heavenly and earthly realms. I recognise You as the Master of Souls, the Spirit of divine impersonal Love.
Unity in Essentials
Solidarity among people of like faith is of vital importance in this day and age. We are called to have unity in whatever acceptable fashion that it can take. For Faithists today, a full unity is not entirely foreseeable in a short period of time, but an “interfaith union” is…
Unity and Harmony Amongst Brothers and Sisters
“Discover the good that is in your neighbour, and laud him therefore, for this is the method of raising him higher.” (Book of Discipline 7:15) We read in the Scriptures, “There is divine unity amongst my disciples, but each has also been granted a special freedom by my Father in…