The Path to Great Harmony In the time before the winds carried man’s understanding, the Great Spirit created all creatures, each perfect in their way. The bird was given feathers to soar and knew, without teaching, how to weave her nest. The hare was swift and clever, needing no counsel…
Freedom and Personal Responsibility
Today’s reading from the Oahspe: Book of Inspiration, chapter 11. The reading from Oahspe puts a lot of emphasis on personal understanding, freedom, and connection with Creator. The scriptures teach us to have a personal connection with Creator. “Let each person hear Me in the way that is best for…
Notes on the Book of Discipline Chapter 1
The first chapter of the Book of Discipline begins by urging us to open our minds to discern the beauty and glory of heavenly places prepared by the various celestial beings. In the second verse, we read about the concept of two resurrections. The first resurrection is described as chaotic,…
Notes for Jehovih’s Kingdom Ch. 19
A voice spoke to Tae, the leader of Shalam. The voice said they did well in starting a kingdom on Earth, but it’s just a small part of a bigger plan. Lessons from Uz (the world) teach that big cities can make it hard for people to do good things.…
Notes on the Book of Discipline Ch. 10
Shalom, In today’s Oahspe readings we learn about the need to be patient with our neighbors and brothers (1-4), confession to others, and to Jehovih (5-11); Faithists have a C’Chief (chief of chiefs, first priest) and Chiefs (priests) to whom we seek counsel for our wrongdoing and guilt. We do…
Notes on the Book of Judgement Chapter 16

4. To serve thy God is to work for others, especially the sick and helpless, and not for thyself. Thy prayers and confessions to me are but the waste of thy breath. The grammar may lead some to think that praying is useless. We know better. The text could be…
Notes on the Book of Judgement Chapter 14

1. Of the foundations of the resurrections of thy God, there are two kinds; one, which dealeth with those already born, and the other, with such as are not yet born. 2. For, after thou hast purified thyself as to flesh and spirit, two conditions are open to thee, celibacy…
A Record of Grades

“And the ashars shall make a record of every mortal, of the grade of his wisdom and good works; and when a mortal dieth, and his spirit is delivered to the asaphs, the record shall be delivered with him; and the asaph, receiving, shall deliver such spirit, with the record…
Notes on the Book of Inspiration Chapter 1

1. These are the words of Tae, in kosmon: I am Light; I am Central, but Boundless, saith Jehovih.
Notes on the Book of Judgement Chapter 33

The title of this chapter is “God Judgeth Against Exclusiveness.” 1. God said: Hear the judgements of thy God, O man; look thou upon all the world with the eye of a God. 2. Be thou comprehensive in judgement over all nations and peoples upon the earth. It is important…