Are Faithists Advocates of UFO Science Fiction?

Inquiry: I’ve heard mention of space vessels in the Oahspe. Do Faithists hold beliefs in aliens and UFOs? Reply: Faithism encapsulates a belief system centered on spiritual growth, ethical conduct, and a profound reverence for Jehovih, the Creator. While interpretations may differ among groups identifying as “Faithists,” Jehovih’s Faithists specifically…

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Dealing With Disappointments

Throughout our lives, setbacks are inevitable; some of these setbacks or disappointments are going to test our spirit and faith more than others. The passing of loved ones, illnesses, financial problems and so on. These kind of obstacles and others are part of what we call life. Teachings from the…

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The Importance of Reading the Oahspe

As Faithists we believe the Oahspe is a sacred text that contains teachings and guidance from the Creator. The Oahspe is a revelation that provides insight into the nature of the universe, the purpose of human life, and the spiritual path that leads to enlightenment. Regularly reading the Oahspe is…

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Comments on Book of Judgement Chapter 2

Comments on Book of Judgement Chapter 2

1. GOD, embassador of Jehovih, saith: Ye shall assemble for the communion of angels, regularly, and maintain intercourse with them. For in no other way can ye demonstrate the immortality of the soul. Faithists are encouraged to gather regularly for Angel Communion so as to continue communication with them. When…

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Testing the Spirits

Testing the Spirits

“Some will desire to consult the angels, as to which–in a given matter–is the highest light; but I say unto thee, thou shalt weigh the words of angels even as if they were mortals, exacting similar facts and substantiation.” (Disc. 8:9) Simply because a spirit or angel says something does…

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Demonstrating Loving-Kindness

Demonstrating Loving-Kindness

In one of his latest messages titled “Demonstrating Loving-Kindness,” Mir Izgadda stated that “Jehovih’s people need to focus their attention on the heart by developing a better attitude concerning loving-kindness towards others.” In his message, he speaks about the importance of helping others and as a result, raising our own…

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Was John Newbrough Racist?

Was John Newbrough Racist?

Faithists are sometimes accused of being racist or following a racist religion. Those who accuse us point to a comment that John Newbrough made concerning a “new race” being raised up. Let’s take a look at this in context. John Newbrough is quoted as saying: “We lost one little babe,…

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