Notes on the Book of Judgement Chapter 14

Notes on the Book of Judgement Chapter 14

1. Of the foundations of the resurrections of thy God, there are two kinds; one, which dealeth with those already born, and the other, with such as are not yet born. 2. For, after thou hast purified thyself as to flesh and spirit, two conditions are open to thee, celibacy and marriage.

Each person has a choice to choose either celibacy or marriage. This choice takes place after one has become purified in both flesh and spirit, or body and soul.

3. To such as are by nature inclined to celibacy, let them rejoice; for, in not having offspring, they shall have less bondage after death to remain in the lower heavens, and to return to the earth, to their kindred.

If one does not have offspring, the Oahspe Bible says they “shall have less bondage after death to remain in the lower heavens.” This means that they will have more opportunities to reach higher levels of spiritual life after the passing of the physical shell. They will not have the responsibility to return to teach what would have been their offspring.

4. It is a great glory for them to make themselves Brides and Bridegrooms to the Great Spirit, to be His for righteousness sake.

Such unmarried ones are dedicated fully to Jehovih as His “Brides and Bridegrooms”, and they belong solely to Him.

5. But, as to thee, who desireth marriage, pursue thou the same course as to purity and holiness of person, as to thine own resurrection. 6. For, in this, thou shalt be graded also, according to what thou dost. 7. The delight of thy God, who hath dominion over both, the earth and her heavens, is to witness the birth as such as come from the pure in flesh and pure in spirit.

For those who wish to be married, the Kosmon Bible tells us that such ones are still responsible for remaining pure and holy since this also affects their resurrection.

8. In likeness of the father and mother are all children born into the world; and every child is a new creation, quickened into life by the presence of the Creator, Who is the All Life.

The eighth verse reminds us that life begins with the presence of Jehovih the Creator.

9. If thou art pure in flesh, thy child shall be pure; and, if thou art pure in spirit, thy child shall be pure in spirit. 10. If thou art a flesh-eater, a drinker of strong drink, and a user of narcotics, thy child shall come forth with thy contaminations upon it. 11. Consider, then, what thy grade shall be, which shall be according to thy heirs, as to their grade in the place where they are born. As to whether thou encumberest the world with progeny lower in grade, or liftest up the world by progeny of an exalted grade.

Verses 9 through 11 are sombre reminders that whatever children are produced, they inherit the likeness of the parents. The ninth verse says that if the parents are pure in flesh, that the children too shall be pure. However, in the same manner, if the parents are carnal, addicted to alcohol and other drugs, the children too will be contaminated.

With this in mind, as the eleventh verse says, we should examine our own parents and ancestors as to what type of life they lived. Are (were) they pure in spirit and in flesh? If they were not, it may be an indication of why we may be having some types of problems in our lives. Are we easily addicted to games of chance? Are we suffering from genetic illnesses? Is it difficult to find quiet for our spirit due to a wandering mind or anxiety?

In some cases, these can be thought of as generational curses. If our lives are full of problems due to our parents and/or ancestors, this is certainly not the time to blame them for all of our problems. Some of them simply did not know better. Some may have been raised in toxic environments where drugs and alcohol were commonplace. This was typical in 1960s America and Great Britain. Today, a similar plague of drugs has taken hold of the world in general.

If we are able to determine that we are genetically wired due to the indiscretions of our parents or ancestors, there is still hope that we can do better. We have the opportunity now to make changes. If you have a genetic disorder or chronic illness, outside of a miracle, there is no changing this. However, if we are finding life difficult because of making the same choices our ancestors made, we can choose to be different. Thus, our Heavenly Father will see those changes and bless us accordingly.

12. Be wise as to the selection of thy partner, as to purity and righteousness. But be not deceived by such as eat not flesh merely, for the purification of the corporeal body is but half the matter. Look for one who is pure in spirit.

We are cautioned about our choice of marriage partner. The Oahspe specifically tells us that our choice should be based on both “purity and righteousness”. However, at the same time, we are told that simply because the potential partner might be a vegetarian, is not enough. We know that, for various reasons, not everyone is able to live the strict life of a vegetarian. The Oahspe is telling us that primarily we should “look for one who is pure in spirit.” One of the typed manuscripts dated 1898 of the Oahspe in the Oahspe Bible Archives reads “only part” instead of “but half” in the twelfth verse.

13. Whoso is pure in flesh and in spirit shall bring forth heirs unto resurrection, which shall be little or no bondage to the spirit, after death.

Here we read that we can expect children born from parents who are pure in body and soul are expected to be resurrected. In this sense, it means they will be raised up to higher levels of the heavens in Jehovih’s presence. Such ones will have “little or no bondage” to earth after their death.

14. But, whoso marrieth for the earth only, shall bring forth heirs of bondage. And profligacy and debauchery and sin shall come upon the heirs of that marriage.

The phrase “for the earth only” indicates those who are tied to earthly or carnal things of the world. The children produced by such parents are the opposite of those parents who are pure in body and spirit. The children of worldly parents are often examples of those who are carrying generational curses, as the verse says, “sin shall come upon the heirs of that marriage”.

15. The spirits of such fathers and mothers shall fall in the grades in heaven; and long will be their bondage in hada. 16. Flesh-eaters seek their partners according to the impulse of the flesh, as to the temptation thereof, or according to riches, or caste, all of which are earthly considerations and for themselves only, and in no regard as to what their heirs will be.

It is an irresponsible choice for parents to have children during their life of debauchery and sin. Such a choice is both reckless and selfish because their offspring will suffer from some of the consequences of their parents’ bad choices.

17. And their offspring come forth in darkness; they are void of su’is, void of heavenly aspiration, and dumb as to the voice of the Creator. 18. They go about, saying: I see no All Person! I hear not the Unseen! Nay, I believe not that any man hath seen or heard Him!

Those born of evil parents, who are not conscious of the need to change their ways, are in a sad situation indeed. The Oahspe Bible says they are not able to hear the Voice of the Creator and possibly even deny His very existence. How many millions of people on earth exist in such a state today!

19. Herein was it revealed to thee of old: Some are born of the beast, and some are born of the spirit. Which I declare unto thee, O man, is the interpretation of all the poverty and crime and war and licentiousness there is in the world.

Thus in the nineteenth verse read that some are born from an evil carnal state, while others are born from a purely spiritual state. That carnal state is called the beast. Many of the millions of children born to carnal parents are the ones today bringing about “crime and war and licentiousness” in the world. Their carnal desires, like those of their parents, are causing many of them, and those whom they attempt to control, to live in abject poverty and crime.

20. This is the fountain-head, which thy God would bring to the understanding of all people. But there are many, even hundreds of millions, that can not be made to appreciate this.

The Oahspe is clear that there are “hundreds of millions” that are unable to understand these simple truths. Thus they remain in the evil, chaotic world without hope of a beautiful and bright future.

21. Nevertheless, the kingdom of peace and righteousness shall not cover the earth over until this is understood by all men and women.

Our Scriptures tell us that Jehovih’s Kingdom will be placed upon the earth for a period of time. However, it can not cover the entire earth until these simple truths are understood by all who are living on this planet. This means that we as Jehovih’s Faithists have a great responsibility upon us. We must be doing our Father’s work of sharing the Message of Light with others. We must be busy with educational programs that assist others in understanding how to remove themselves from the carnal life of the evil world. We must help people come to a proper knowledge of Jehovih’s Way.

22. Whoso understandeth this, let him wed accordingly; and let such people be as societies to themselves. In this day, no mark of circumcision is required; but men and women shall converse on the ways of the Creator understandingly.

The Oahspe teaches us which type of partner we should choose for marriage, in addition to teaching us the consequences of choosing the wrong partner.

23. And, when thou hast children born unto thee, thou shalt more consider the place of thy habitation, as to temptation, than thy dominion over them. 24. To dwell in a city, which is full of iniquity, thou shalt be stern with thy heirs, restraining them from liberty, in order to keep them from vice. 25. And in this, thou wilt be a sinner also.

How considerate it has been of Jehovih to provide us with such information for His Faithists. Those who worship Jehovih in spirit and in truth are careful as to even the place which they choose to dwell with their children. If we choose to live in a place that is known for its iniquity and disregard for Jehovih’s laws, parents are told to “be stern with thy heirs” (1899 typed manuscript). The 1882 version of the Oahspe uses the term “tyrant”, but this does not mean someone who acts with evil intentions or beats their children or starves them as some form of discipline. Such actions are detestable to Jehovih and His people.

26. But dwell thou in a place of purity, and give unto them liberty and nobleness. They shall not be thy slaves. 27. In this matter, thou takest upon thyself a new grade, according to thy heirs and thy God-ship over them.

We see a contrast between the previous verses and the twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh. If parents choose a peaceful location that has respect for Jehovih’s laws and His Way, they can expect their children to live in a similar manner. Instead of being “slaves” to their parents, the children are free to explore the pure environment in which they live. In turn, the parents are eventually given a higher grade.

28. Be cautious in thy proceedings. He, who created thee alive, gave thee no sinful desires. 29. Because thou art not yet a completed man, these things are. 30. Thou shalt find joy in thy talents, and profit in the wisdom of thy God. 31. To perfect thyself is a great glory; to raise up sons and daughters who are also perfect, is a ten-fold greater glory. 32. For, it is the fullness of the life thy Creator gave into thy keeping; which is the glory of heaven and earth.

When we were born, we were without sinful inclination. We had no desire to sin as infants. However, as we grow older, our world and our environment, in general, have an effect on us. We often become a product of our environment and surroundings. We can easily be influenced by our spouse, friends, fellow workmates and schoolmates, and others including social media and television. It is easy to become adapted to the society in which we live. Jehovih has told us to become a society unto ourselves instead. He has given us instructions on how to choose our partner and where one should live in the world to better serve Him, our partner, and our children.

The Oahspe says that it is a blessing to raise up children in righteousness and that such is “a great glory”.

Let each of us be mindful of Jehovih’s Way and have respect for those who have chosen to be married and those who have chosen to remain unmarried. Let us help our brothers and sisters with their responsibilities with their children, if they wish to have such assistance, and bring glory to our Ever-Present Creator Jehovih.


See also: “Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage

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