Solidarity among people of like faith is of vital importance in this day and age. We are called to have unity in whatever acceptable fashion that it can take. For Faithists today, a full unity is not entirely foreseeable in a short period of time, but an “interfaith union” is…
Communicating with the Spirit World
Some people have been mistaken in thinking that when we speak of “spiritualism” or holding a “spiritual church service” that we are referring to communicating with the demon world. When Faithists speak of communication with the righteous angels or holy celestial beings, we in no way mean that one should…
What the Angels of the Creator Reveal
The Angels of the Creator reveal: That human beings on this planet are living at the bottom of an ocean of Mind which is composed of the minds of past undeveloped inhabitants of the earth. The majority of these minds or spirits are selfish, un-aspiring, and un-progressive. They vibrate in…
The Breath of Life Leads to our True Home
“Man perceived the magnitude and glory of the corporeal worlds. He said, How shall I speak of Your great works, O Jehovih, and of Your wisdom and power! Shall I open my mouth before You! I look upon Your countless stars, suns and moons, spread out over the heavens! The…
Unity and Harmony Amongst Brothers and Sisters
“Discover the good that is in your neighbour, and laud him therefore, for this is the method of raising him higher.” (Book of Discipline 7:15) We read in the Scriptures, “There is divine unity amongst my disciples, but each has also been granted a special freedom by my Father in…
We Are Responsible for Each Other

“Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, and o unto thy fellow man as thou wouldst have him do unto thee.” (Eskra 44:8) When difficulties arise either in one’s family or within the congregations of our blessed people, it is always important to enlist the assistance of wise and mature…
What Does it Mean to be a Faithist?
A Testimony Shared by Sister M. When I was younger I used to witness my mother praying beside her bed on many occasions. On many of those occasions, she would kneel down while she was sobbing. My father was physically abusive to her, but her friends never knew anything about…
Rabbah Endorses Eloist Edition of Oahspe

Rabbah Rish’kahni, a descendant of J.B. Newbrough, the scribe used by angels to transcribe the Oahspe Bible, recently endorsed the use of the Eloist edition of Oahspe. The Eloist edition was published in 2016. “I use the original edition of the Oahspe, but for the sake of clarity, I also…
Jehovih’s Faithists are a Family
It was recently brought to my attention that there are a few individuals on the internet calling themselves Faithists, who at the same time are promoting racial superiority. I am familiar with who they are, and I can ensure you that these individuals are not associated with the Worldwide Faithist…
Divine Revelations Being Received by Individuals or Groups
When an individual claims he or she is receiving divine revelation, it must be confirmed by others who also received the exact same message. The celestial being Mir Mahvar, along with numerous angelic beings, have stated that “In this age, a lone individual does not receive divine revelation that affects…