4. To serve thy God is to work for others, especially the sick and helpless, and not for thyself. Thy prayers and confessions to me are but the waste of thy breath. The grammar may lead some to think that praying is useless. We know better. The text could be…
Notes on the Book of Judgement Chapter 14
1. Of the foundations of the resurrections of thy God, there are two kinds; one, which dealeth with those already born, and the other, with such as are not yet born. 2. For, after thou hast purified thyself as to flesh and spirit, two conditions are open to thee, celibacy…
Demonstrating Loving-Kindness
In one of his latest messages titled “Demonstrating Loving-Kindness,” Mir Izgadda stated that “Jehovih’s people need to focus their attention on the heart by developing a better attitude concerning loving-kindness towards others.” In his message, he speaks about the importance of helping others and as a result, raising our own…
Was John Newbrough Racist?
Faithists are sometimes accused of being racist or following a racist religion. Those who accuse us point to a comment that John Newbrough made concerning a “new race” being raised up. Let’s take a look at this in context. John Newbrough is quoted as saying: “We lost one little babe,…
A Record of Grades
“And the ashars shall make a record of every mortal, of the grade of his wisdom and good works; and when a mortal dieth, and his spirit is delivered to the asaphs, the record shall be delivered with him; and the asaph, receiving, shall deliver such spirit, with the record…
Notes on the Book of Inspiration Chapter 1
1. These are the words of Tae, in kosmon: I am Light; I am Central, but Boundless, saith Jehovih.
Notes on the Book of Judgement Chapter 33
The title of this chapter is “God Judgeth Against Exclusiveness.” 1. God said: Hear the judgements of thy God, O man; look thou upon all the world with the eye of a God. 2. Be thou comprehensive in judgement over all nations and peoples upon the earth. It is important…
Notes on the Book of Judgement Chapter 31
The title of this chapter is “God Judgeth the Man of Promise”. 1. God said: Consider the judgements of God, O thou man of many promises. Called “man of many promises” due to the many oaths or vows humans make. (See vs 3). 2. Behold, I have heard thee say:…
Using a Bible Translation in Conjunction with the Oahspe
“And Jehovih called his angels, who were older than the earth, and he said unto them: Go ye, raise man upright, and teach him to understand.” (Oahspe vs. 2) For Faithists, the Oahspe is their sacred text – their official Bible. Some Faithists from Jewish or Christian backgrounds, or those…
Notes on the Book of Judgement, Chapter 23
Title: “God Judgeth Uz, Commonly Called the World’s People” In other words, the people of the world, or worldly people. This can also include people of certain religions that belong to the Beast. “And the names of the heads of the Beast were Brahmin, Buddhist, Christian and Mohammedan. And they…