Reading chapter 24 of the Book of Jehovih’s Kingdom on Earth, I think this chapter says a lot about modern day conditions. As the Didache says, “There are two ways, one of life and one of death, but there is a great difference between the two ways.” The Uzians are…
Comments on Book of Judgement Chapter 2
1. GOD, embassador of Jehovih, saith: Ye shall assemble for the communion of angels, regularly, and maintain intercourse with them. For in no other way can ye demonstrate the immortality of the soul. Faithists are encouraged to gather regularly for Angel Communion so as to continue communication with them. When…
Do Not Poison Your Minds
Being around those who are always judgmental, oppressive and hateful toward others can make your own thoughts turn sour and bitter like theirs. Eventually, it will affect your own behavior. It is important to find the best in everyone, even if they are against you. Be careful when others within…
Notes on the Book of Discipline Ch. 10
Shalom, In today’s Oahspe readings we learn about the need to be patient with our neighbors and brothers (1-4), confession to others, and to Jehovih (5-11); Faithists have a C’Chief (chief of chiefs, first priest) and Chiefs (priests) to whom we seek counsel for our wrongdoing and guilt. We do…
Testing the Spirits
“Some will desire to consult the angels, as to which–in a given matter–is the highest light; but I say unto thee, thou shalt weigh the words of angels even as if they were mortals, exacting similar facts and substantiation.” (Disc. 8:9) Simply because a spirit or angel says something does…
When We Think and Act Like Angels
Many pray for healing, but they will not open the door to the Healing Spirit. They ask for Divine Mercy, but they will not forgive their fellow-man. They seek Divine Love, but they are filled with criticism and condemnation. They want the upliftment of Divine Thought, but they fill the…
Spiritual Food and Light
This article appeared in Kosmon Light (1913) under the title “Angelic Communion.” The following vision was described by Sister Wilson at a meeting held in No. 1 Community recently and interpreted by a brother present. As the Es (spiritual) light became clearer, an Angelic Being was perceived seated at a…
The Heavenly Ministry
No matter what the appearances, or what your mental or physical afflictions may be, YOU are now living in the midst of the healing, prospering Powers of the universal Mind of the Ever-Present. “In Jehovih you live, and move, and have your being.” The Powers of the Mind of the…
Faithists Are A People of Peace
Those of us who are Faithists, who have a covenant with our Father Jehovih refuse to engage in unrighteous wars for the sake of false Gods, false Lords, false Saviors, etc. Don’t allow others to bully you into participating in such unrighteous wars. We are here to live a peaceful…
Statement on COVID and the COVID Vaccine
While most members of the Religion of Light have chosen not to receive the COVID vaccine, it is a personal choice to either receive the vaccine and the boosters or not. Members should not judge their fellow brothers or sisters who are for or against the vaccine. If one’s country…