Lectionary Readings for Wednesday, January 22nd, 2020

Lectionary Readings for Wednesday, January 22nd, 2020

Weekday Sabbath

Book of Ah’shong Chapter VII, Chapter VIII

Chapter 7

1. When all the first best spirits of the lower heaven, and such as dwelt with mortals, were
taken away and domiciled in Yeshuah, there were left only druj (spirits of darkness) on
the face of the earth. For one whole year God left the earth void of Jehovih’s light.

2. Mortals loved more to commune with the spirits of their kindred, who knew little of
heaven, than they did with ethereans who were wise and holy.

3. God said: What man or what woman have ye found who saith: Come ye angels
of Jehovih, tell me wherein I can do more good works, for I thirst, and am hungry
to serve Jehovih with all my wisdom and strength in doing good to my fellows?

4. Rather do they turn away from such, and drink in the tales of the strolling druj,
and so wrap themselves in darkness. For this reason shall they find darkness in
heaven and earth; and they shall be as one who is sick and broken down in conceit.

5. When the year of darkness was ended God sent pruners around about the earth and in
the lower heaven of the earth. Two millions of pruners sent he forth, saying to them: Find
all the evil spirits dwelling with mortals, whether they be fetals or familiars, and gather
them into one place. Then find the spirits and fairies who have taken up caves and
waterfalls on earth as their abode, and bring them to the same place. Then find the idiotic
and chaotic spirits who dwell on battle-fields, and bring them to the same place. Then
find the lusters, who dwell in old castles and ruined cities, and in houses of evil, and
when they are going out for raids on mortals, seize them and bring them to the same

6. The ethereans went and collected all the evil spirits and the spirits of darkness
belonging to the earth, and brought them to a place in atmospherea, and there were of
them nine hundred millions.

7. God said: Prepare a ship suitable to transport them to Hudaow, in Ji’ya, and there
provide them a kingdom to themselves, giving them a God and Lords and proper officers
to discipline and educate them for Jehovih’s kingdoms.

8. Thus were they removed, and the earth and its lower heaven were purified from
evil spirits by the decree of God in Yeshuah, in the second year of the first dawn of dan.

Chapter 8

1. In the second year of Yeshuah, God (that is Ah’shong) caused to be established in his
heaven all requisite places of learning and industry, whereby and wherein es’yans might
be educated to good works, and to a general knowledge of Jehovih’s kingdoms (universe),
and there volunteered a sufficient number of ethereans as teachers and practisers of work
for all that was required.

2. God said: Now that the earth and heaven are purified from evil, my Lords shall deliver
the es’yans to the asaphs, and enjoin them to deliver in Yeshuah, which I have established
a short distance from the earth as a barrier against their returning to mortals. Jehovih said:

Suffer not the blind to lead the blind.

3. And it was so; at the time mortals died, their spirits were taken by the asaphs to
Yeshuah; and to make this an acceptable labor to the es’yans, God said: Tell my Lords of
the earth to teach mortals by inspiration and otherwise of my kingdom, Yeshuah.

4. And it so came to pass through the Lords and the ashars, that is, the guardian spirits
with mortals, that the name, Yeshuah, was established on the earth. God said: In the time
of kosmon, men shall say: Whence came the name of heavenly things? But Yeshuah shall
lie hid away, and Jehovih will in that day stretch forth His hand and disclose all.

5. But mortals were thick in tongue, and could not say Yeshuah, and they said I.E.Su;
hence came the name of many men, Iesu, signifying, without evil, which is the ultimate
salvation of the soul.

6. Jehovih spake through God, saying: The time of the end of dawn cometh, and My
emancipated sons and daughters shall return to their places, taking the resurrected with
them. But that the earth and lower heaven may not be left in darkness, provide ye a God
and Lords and marshals and messengers, and all other officers, to rule and teach in My

7. From the born of earth shall ye make them, and they shall hold office for two hundred
years, and four hundred years, and six hundred years, according to the atmospherean

8. Suffer not My etherean hosts to remain longer than dawn, either on the earth or within
atmospherea, for I shall take the earth into dark regions in order to build it up to a higher
state for the time that cometh after.

9. The voice departed. God said: Let the voice of the council deliberate on this matter,
and speak before the Father. For I will provide also a heaven in the ancient place of
Hored, and it shall be called Bispah, for it shall be a place of reception for the spirits of
the dead preparatory to their being brought to Yeshuah.

10. In course of time there were raised up many of the earth-born, and God selected them
and appointed them to fill the places; and he founded Bispah, and officered it according
to the command of Jehovih. After God established rites and ceremonies, and processions
and dances, with sacred words, in Yeshuah, he commanded his Lords to give the same
things to mortals, and they so fulfilled all that was designed from the beginning.

11. In the seventh year of dawn God commanded his council to select another God and
Lords, and other officers; and the council proceeded after the manner of the ancients,
selecting the most learned and the purest and holiest; according to their rank in Godliness
chose they them, and a record was made of these matters and deposited in the library of

12. So it came to pass that God called in his own Lords of the earth, and sat apart the first
day of the new moon as the day on which he would consecrate the God and Lords, his
successors; and he called the day Mas, the name of which endureth to this day of kosmon.
Furthermore, God established the moon’s day (mas) on the earth as a time of
consecration. (And this is the origin of saying mass).

13. When the chosen were in place before the throne, God said: By command of Jehovih
are ye brought before me, His Son; in His name will I consecrate ye to the places
commanded of Him.

14. The marshals then conducted him that ranked highest up to the seat of the throne. God

15. In the name of Jehovih, and by His Power, Wisdom and Love, do I ordain thee God of
heaven and earth. He that receiveth from my hand receiveth from my Father, who raised
me up.

16. The initiate said: All power cometh from the Father. All wisdom cometh from the
Father. All love cometh from the Father. In His name and by virtue of His
commandments through His Son, receive I all that is put upon me, for His glory, forever!

17. God then said: Give me a crown, O Father, for Thy Son! A scarlet light descended
from above, and God reached forth his hands and wove it into a crown and placed it on
the initiate’s head, saying: God of heaven and earth, thee I crown. And now shalt thou
receive also the sacred triangle, which is the heirloom of the Gods of earth. And he hung
it around his neck, adding: And since there can be but one God on earth or in this heaven,
I herewith uncrown myself in Jehovih’s name and salute thee, O God, G

18. Ah’shong now stood to the right, and God, who was ordained, went and sat on the
throne, and there descended red and blue lights from above, enveloping him completely,
and he was quickened. He said:

19. Let the initiates for Lords of earth approach the throne of the Most High Jehovih!

20. The five Lords came forward. God said: Join hands and receive ye from the Father.
By virtue of the Power, Wisdom and Love of Jehovih, vested in me, receive I thee as the
highest chosen; and I proclaim thee Lord of earth, in Jehovih’s name! Accept this crown
from heaven above, the like of which cannot be woven from earthly things; by its power
shalt thou remain in accord with Yesuah and the kingdoms above.

21. God fashioned the crowns and then crowned them Lords of the five divisions of the
earth. God said: Retire thou aside and choose thy messengers and officers, and after
ordaining them, depart to the kingdom prepared for thee. The Lords said:

22. In Thy name, O Jehovih, do I accept that which Thou hast put upon me. With all my
wisdom and strength and love will I serve Thee, O my Father, Jehovih!

23. The Lords retired; and the es’enaurs sang, more than a million of voices in concert!

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