Lectionary Readings for Thursday, July 9th, 2020

Lectionary Readings for Thursday, July 9th, 2020

Book of Saphah, Plates 59-67, Tablet of Se’moin




Plate 61. Panic, Yi’haic, Vedic, Hebraic and Sanscrit Primaries.

Plate 62

Plate 63

The Tree of Language.
PAN, (of language) the first guttural sounds approximating words. POIT, beginning of labial word-sounds. HUIT, first acquiesced language. FUS, first written word-signs. CHINE, monosyllabic.

YI-HA, combination words. ABRAM, first words; original text. FONECE, following the sound, but not
the signs. (writing) A
HAM, amalgamation. EBRA, the old; the sacred. SANSCRIT, mixture.
RABA, (first Egyptian also) ‘Teeth and thorax.’ ALGONQUIN, after the sacred name E-Go-Quin.

China, India, Europe and America, the four branches of the earth, languages from one root. What was
the tree, and where grew it, that none can find it? Where lieth the submerged continent, the forgotten
world? Whence escaped the struggling mortals, to float to far off continents, and tell the tale in all
lands of a mighty flood?


1. Ah, the earth (Panic). Pan, da, sa, the ground; the foundation (Panic). N’ah (Poit). Thah
(Kii). Pan (Iz). Sas and ‘Asa (Zan). Edama (Fonece). Adama (Ebra). Rd’han (Vede). Bu’ha
(Sanscrit). The first name applied to earth; as a man in looking forth saith, Ah! Ha’d’n
(Chine). Wh’ah (Algonquin). Written with a straight line horizontal.

2. Oh! the sky, the canopy over (Pan). Oh’ah (Kii). O’shak (Fonece). D’yo (Vede). N’yo
(Algonquin). As a man would exclaim looking upward. The vault above the earth.

3. Esk, earth and sky, third combination. One corporeal world and its canopy (Panic).
I’dek (Poit). Ex (Fonece). Ska (Algonquin). The near world.

4. Esak, the kosmos. The all world, the sun and moon and earth and stars and all the skies
(Panic). Erak (Hiut). Erat (Fonece). Eret (Ebra). Ad- (earth). Oh’m (skies). (Poit)
Ja’sak (Vede). the fourth combination. Beyond measure. Jagat (Sanscrit). A’sah (China).

5. Ea’yo, from below forever, from upward forever (Panic). E’do (Bakie). M’yo (China).
She’go (Algonquin). U’do (Vede). Udoche (Sanscrit). Upward and downward forever.
None can measure the extent.

6. Hoi, the penetrable and impenetrable; the create and the Uz (Panic), Joy or Woe (Gau).
Oi (Zerl), Yoih (Vede). A ray of sunlight is Hoi; it destroys and it creates; man’s speech is
Hoi; it can heal or poison. Uz’hoi, poison (Vede). Git’hoi, good healing (China). Ang’hoi,
medicine man (Algonquin).

7. Druh or druk or drug, that that leadeth to destruction; the four dark corners of the
world, north-east, south-east, north-west and south-west. The temple is sacred to the
south and north and east and west. The serpents and devouring beasts come to the arena
from druh (Panic) cross-purpose, evil purpose; cruv (Vede), a serpent-like evil, druhk,
evil spirit, (Vede), druj, evil destroyer (Poit), druja, sign of death (Channic), cross-bones;
danger from unseen spirits, an X, ex or drux. Ug or ugh (Algonquin), ugly (English), at
crosses, angular. The place of the evil Gods in the ceremonies. The four quarters of the
world are good; but the four corners are evil.

8. Eoih, the unseen Power, Creator (Panic). Before man could comprehend the All Spirit
he was taught the wind, the All Unseen, and to call it E-O-Ih! The emblem of Boundless
and of Life.

9. Eloih, synonymous with E-O-Ih, the Creator, the person who moveth the wind. The All
Soul. The All Self. The Second Self, more subtle than the wind. It is the circumference of
all; it extendeth from left to right, and from below upward. The motions of the hand and
arm in oratory. The hand and arm speak His name. It is the secret sign. It holdeth the
emblem of life (Panic and Gau). E-go-quin (Algonquin). Je-oes (China), Je-ovih
(Fonece), Je-hova (Ebra), Geo-zih (Hiut), Zi’o (Vede): The soul of all. As the emblem is
the Living Wheel, I swear by it. Let my accusers say I have not the holy gifts. They shall
bind me on the wheel. The G
REAT SPIRIT will release me. Let the wheel of My name be by
the roadside that he who passeth may turn it in remembrance of the I A
M. This shall be a
prayer from the unlearned, and I will hear them. [Zarathustra]

10. Susa, the Complete. Without evil the All World would be incomplete; spirit of
Corpor; Spirit of Es (Panic). Soo’a (China). Lu’la (Hiut). Hiss-tu-oh (Fonece). The wheel
hath both good and evil. It hath the leaf of life. The priest shall be proved on the wheel. If
he be released he is holy. If he be not released he is unholy and shall perish. Though an

evil man die by the wheel it is not bad for him. Only the man that loveth Jehovih feareth
not to have the wheel roll over him. Druk-a-naw (Vede). Drujiy-ho-gan (Semak).
Jaugernacht (English). Su’sa, living death (Chine).

11. Druk (Panic), earth evils. Poisons, plagues. Rosh (Fonece), snake poison. Poison
lurketh on the earth. Ruks (Algonquin and Kii). Ruts, the time of females (Ebra). When
the signs are down, be ye patient. Usk, the outer covering is evil. Husk (English). All
flesh is druk (evil). Hoey’e (Chine).

12. Gan (Panic). Ghan (Chine). Egan, mankind (Chine). Edam and Edan (Fonece). Adam
(Ebra). Puam (Sanscrit). Pam (Vede). Sam, speaking animal (Kii). Samuel, prophet
(Ebra). Gang, rich land-owner (Chine). Ang (Algonquin). Anger (Poit). Ong’ee (Kii).
Man (English).

13. Uh’ga, the test (Panic). If the Es release him then is he our true prophet. He hath
sworn by the wheel; he shall be tried. An oath; to swear by the A
LL I AM. Ish’ga (Chine).
Duk’ah (Poit). Eh’la (Fonece). Alah (Ebra). Isch’bu’ah, pledging by (Hebrew). Uk’gak
(Algonquin). He shall be proved on the cross, the druh, and he dieth not. Let him answer
on His name that that he hath professed. If he be a false prophet he will fear Uh’ga
(Test). False prophets’bones hang on the druh, the cross. The true are released by Eolin.

14. Uh, evil spirit (Panic). Yuuh (Poit). Kuuh (Fonece). Kuach (Ebra). The evil that is
above us. Yu’gi (Chine), evil spirits who love evil. Zi-uhk (Vede). Useh (Kii). Huuh

15. Fome, wind (Panic). Foam (Chine). Ome’Eri (Algonquin). Evil wind, Ruak (Ebra).
That that speaketh without lips, fume (Vede). He fumes, Ome (Ku).

16. Yote’a (Panic), water. Voet’i (Kii). Vo’ti and Va’ti and Va’rs (Vede). Go’taw and
Gota’Weri, morning water (Algonquin). Yot’Yaw (Hiut). Hoy’ah (Fonece). Hoy’am

17. Dang, light (Panic). Hi’Dan (Kii). Orang (Fonece). Orah (Ebra). Ang, ji (Chine).
Ang’ni (Vede). Ag’ni, fire-light (Sanscrit). Ong (Algonquin), spiritual light. Yong, daylight (Hebrew).

18. Ha’k, dark (Panic). Hark (Chine). Pa’h (Poit). H’ark (Kii). Kah (Fus). Kasha’k
(Fonece). Chasah (Algonquin). Kasha’k (Ebra). O’Yak (Vede).

19. Sa, the cross-bones. The sign of an evil man that died in evil (Panic). The evil cross,
the English letter X. He was bound on the wheel, and perished. There was no All Holy in
him. Let this mark be branded on his forehead, that all men may know he is a false
prophet. He rotted on the wheel, Sa’h (Vede). Sahan (fus). Let this be a sign of evil spirits.
He’sa (Algonquin). Sa (Ebra). Sa’d, to wither (Sanscrit). This shall be the sign of war. It
shall be on the banners of the righteous. They shall go forth shouting, Isa’b! (Ebra). Die,
Sa (Chine). Death, Sa (Kii). Let us perish for righteousness’sake rather than do evil.

20. Su, an enlightened man; also Augh (Panic). Su (Chine). With the gift of prophecy,
Su’s (Ebra). I proclaim in the name of Eloih, Soo! (Kii). Shu (Algonquin). He would not
kill a worm, Choo (Vede). He standeth betwixt us and the All Light; T’su (Gau). Su’chi,
perceiving by the Unseen (Sanscrit). The interior bright, Soo (Fus). One who can not sin,
Su (Onia). The purified Son.

21. Oke, a house (Panic). Oak (Chine). Okel (Fonece). Ohel (Ebra). Oik (Kii).
Hoik (Gau). Oikon (Hellic). Croke (Vede). Koik (Aribanya). Oikos (Greek). Teach

my people to have homes (Oke); the migrant is an abomination to the All Eye (Aham).

22. Hiss, serpent’s word. He maketh noise like the wind. Who can distinguish between the
voice of Eolin and the hiss that kills? From the two evil corners above, the hiss
descendeth. His food is of the earth. That that tempteth to the earth is hiss. The hiss that
crawleth have I made as an emblem of the hiss that teacheth lust (Panic). Hiss (Chine).
Hees (Algonquin). Cvees (Vede). The sign of treachery, of poison unseen. A danger that
man can not heal. First I made poison air; from that I made poisonous weeds, and from
them I made hiss; to crawl on his belly commanded I him. The lowest made I him; he
biteth himself and dieth therefrom. [Abraham.] The sum of evil is to be its own destroyer.

23. Sam’tu, triangle (Panic). The sign of Corpor and Es and Eolin. Also the Soul-light,
Eolin, the Corpor light, the Sun, and the burning flame. Also an instrument for

24. Fui, a square, a box. A sign of righteousness (Panic).

25. Sui (Chine). Tu’fong or Sam’fong (Panic), a measure with two lengths and one angle,
Yu’on (Vede).

26. Guz, hypothenuse, a line from the top of an upright to a distance from the base of the
upright. Guys (Panic). The mean between upright and horizontal. Gui (Kii). Zy (Vede).
The man who is not upright and yet not all evil. The mean betwixt Su and Hiss. Kur
(Algonquin). Zhi (Chine). Dji (Huit). All men are Dji. An angle of support, a sign, a line,
a rope.

27. Sarji, sarguz, a pyramid (Panic). My sides guy, but I am the centre shaft. The temple
was built east and west and north and south, and the four corners representing good and
evil were square with the world. The sacred house of Eolin, Bar’ji (Fonece). Bar’nah
(Ebra). Gaw’hi (Algonquin). Yah’hy (Vede). A building with chambers for spirit

28. Gau, a measuring instrument; a plumb and level combined. Gau said: They gave my
base a level, and the sights on the angle of the plumb-line were level also, and in the
distance of Tek Gos (about twenty miles) discovered the rounded earth. By the Gau was
the earth proven to be a globe. By Gau have I revealed (Vede). A proven problem. An
exact. Gau, a geometrical language. Language is of two parts, the proven is Gau, the
unproven is M’gau. A sacred instrument; that that can not err. My sacred temples shall be
built by Gau. Dau’sin (Chine), plumb-line. Ann’ak (Fonece). Ahm’uk (Ebra), a plumbline. A Gau’Yi shall be placed by the altar. By the Sign Gau’i shall man learn to prove all things (Vede). It shall be the symbol of proof. Be patient that your sight may not err, saith

29. K’Sam, tripod (Panic). Symbol of earth, water and air. My three are one; without these
three nothing can be born into life. Ka’Sam (Chine). Ya’Sais (Vede). Yo’ham
(Algonquin). The stool of the prophet. Only on the tripod shall the oracle proclaim.
(Aham). The origin of the term Aham, the language of oracles. A language with two or
three meanings. Sacred language of Aribania.

30. Puh, to pull, a cap-stone (Panic). The stones of the temple shall be drawn up with a
push (Poit). Zuz (Vede). Uuh (Fonece). Uhe (Algonquin).

31. I’che, trowel (Panic). Chu (Chine). Hi’che, trowel or ax, or hatchet (Algonquin).
Yi’che (Vede). My hand is a wood hand. I make even; and I shall be a sign by the foot of

A’Kin. The temple is the work of my hand, but who knoweth the Hand of the Great Spirit.
His hand is over all. (Perah). A lazy man shall not have me for a sign, saith I’cho (Kii).

32. Tu’fa, a compass (Panic). An instrument to measure circles; circumference without
any part of a square.

33. Inqua (Panic). Hin’Kwa (Zerl). E’m’wak (Algonquin). A thing within a thing. The
es that is in corpor, the soul that is in es. Three within one, Ma-nee-to (Algonquin).
The earth within the vortex. Equa, swift flying, equation (English). Race-horse (Chine).

34. I’su (Panic). Ie Su, a young child that has not sinned. The true cross within Eloih.
I’e’su (Aham). Child prophet (Aham). Ye’loo (Kii). My I’su shall have no flesh desires.
His love knoweth all men and women alike. Gee’soo’gan (Chine). Iesu, one who is born

35. Uhk’sa, the evil cross (Panic). The written sign of Sa. (See Sa.)

36. Git, the moon (Panic). Git the moon (Chine). The second light Egs’git. She sendeth
forth Egnita (Algonquin). Git’mas, corporeal moon (Vede). Eg’nit (Poit). Egnitero
(Algonquin). The moon of E-o-quin. G’uit (Kii). Git’m’gow’, the moon much receiving;
the gentle moon, she sendeth forth the gold light, the or (Ebra).

37. Git’ow the sun (Panic). Git’how, the sun (Chine). The central light. Let the sun stand
to the corporeal world as Jehovih standeth to the All Unseen. He, the Gitow shall be on
the beam betwixt the pillars as a symbol of my power. As he bringeth forth grass, so bring
I forth the souls of men. He sendeth forth Karang’kwa, the All Heat, Haw’git (Algonquin).
He sendeth white light, or H’wit (Ebra). Or, the corporeal sunlight; Git’fume, the driving
(Aham). M’Git (Kii). Hog’git or git-hog (Aribania).

38. Sang or Sa’ang (Panic), stars. The small shining that sendeth forth the Ogistok, i.e.,
the twinkle. Anga (Algonquin). Seng or Seng’sope (Chine). Eng’ho, the twinkler, i.e.,
Kokab (Fonece). Hy’ang (Vede). The far-off worlds, Esk’ang (Poit).

39. M’git (Panic). The prophet took triangles and laid them separately before the king,
Oss, and the prophet said, E,-O,-Ih; E,-O,-Ih, twice, and straightway, the angles were
interlocked, and lo and behold, nothing had been broken. And Oss, the king, said: These
shall be hung up in the temple as a testimony before men that the Great Spirit is with my
people. His light shall be my light. (Vede).

40. Git’s’ang (Panic) sacred, star. Two triangles of different kinds of wood interlocked without severing, by spirit power (Uz). Let my prophets prove themselves by the sacred star, and they shall sit on the K’Sam and be oracles in my kingdom. An
emblem of a miracle kept over the altar. Also called Yoke’eng (Chine). Yope’amg
(Algonquin). Let him conjure the sacred star. A starlight evening. Less than moonlight.

41. Ex (Panic). Two or more against each other, collision. Life against death, or sour
against sweet, or bad against good. The supposed opposites in all things. Egs (Poit). Egs
(Algonquin). Egs (Kii). Egks (Fonece).

42. M’git’ow, morning, sunrise (Panic). Dawn, M’git’ow (Algonquin). Tigiatow (Vede).
At dawn fly away the evil spirits; at dawn come the shining, full of holiness (Kii). The
wise man hath found Git’m’ow full of cow, i.e., receptivity, and Tau, the bull, i.e., forcegiving. He maketh a book at dawn. The seventh heaven cometh in M’git’ow, the morning
light (Poit).

43. Hi’dang, high-noon (Panic); the sun at noon. Let the Hi’dang be an emblem over my
altar. He is the glory of the day as is the Great Spirit of the soul world. As ye bow before

him do it in remembrance of Him that ye see not. He is of my body and life, and as much
as ye glorify Him, so will I, Eolin, the Creator, glorify ye in the heavens above (Gau). See
to it that ye worship not the corporeal sun, but glorify my works in remembrance of me.
Keep this symbol covered, save on the days of sacrifice, lest your enemies accuse ye of
worshipping corpor. (Chine).

44. M’hak (Panic). M’hock, or Mo’ock, or Mowk (Algonquin). O’Shak (Fonece). Koshek
or Chosek or Chasheck or Choshek (Ebra). Night, darkness. The time of the Es’win
ceremonies. Let us meet privily on the mountain-top in Choshek; the angels require it of
us. Chosek (Hebrew). Ta’ren’zewagon, in some Luwick. Not having mountain-tops they
met in Ta’rew’ze, the swamps, and had the Es’win. Ta’ren’zewagon, became a law for
M’hak (a tribe of Algonquin). When the drouth destroyeth let the faithful hold Narshka
on the mountaintops, and the rains will I send from heaven (Sanscrit). Ah’shah (Kii).

45. Work or wark (Panic). Vortex, whirlwind. Sark (Poit). Sa’ark (Gau). Ru’ark (Fonece).
Ruach, Searah (Hebrew). Yi’ah (Vede). Who’ohk (Algonquin). Who shall find the cause
of work? I am at work continually. As I have set the work, the whirlwind, before
men’s eyes, so before the host of the long-risen do I make and dissolve worlds (Aham).
The Es labor, work (English) labor. The whirlwind is labor, per se, i.e., without hands.

46. V’work (Panic). The sign of Es at labor. The make of a corporeal world. A corporeal
world within a whirlwind.

47. Yot’ang’d’ang, water, earth, air and ether (Panic).

48. Ka’fom’ji (Panic), earth, lower heaven and upper heaven.

Plate 64. ONK, or ZODIAC.

49. Onk (Panic). Sun belt of the earth. That portion of the earth subject to vertical rays.
Onk, direct. Owk, oscillating. Onk gave I unto you that ye might behold the glory
of summer, the fragrance of spring, the beauty of autumn and the snow of winter.
Study the ant and the bee; they comprehend Onk. The lazy man shall learn Onk (Poit).

50. Sed, (Panic), the sign Aries, or, in English, letter T. The sign of wisdom; of
gentleness. Sed, a lamb (Kii). A man’s nose and eyebrows. The man who winneth by love,
gentleness. A’sed (Poit). Ahed (Fonece). Aheb (Ebra). Aheb (Hebrew). And Sed rose up
on the third day after the creation of the world and stood above the sun. The Great Spirit,
E-O-Ih, said: This is My Son. The corporeal sun ye can behold at high noon, but My Son
Sed standeth above this. All that are gentle and good draweth he to My kingdom,
Nirvana. Do not unto another what ye would not desire done unto you, or ye shall not
behold My Son Sed, who standeth on My right hand. The earth is Mine, saith Sed; by
love will I redeem it. Ay’sed (Vede). A sheep with a woman’s face; symbol of love.
Gently, or gentleness. Let or Leat (Ebra), or as a lamb speaketh. A’nah (Hebrew). ba’ba
(Chine). Hy’sed (Vede). Sed (Aribania). A name signifying gentleness and wisdom.
Written sign of a lamb or of the nose and eyebrows of man. A symbol of stars and zodiac.
Let this be the season to bring together male and female. They shall go to the altar and
consult the voices of the stars through my prophets. Whoever hath Sed in him returneth
good for evil (Chine).

Plate 65. ARIES (See also Book of Jaffeth).

51. K’git, new moon (Panic). Watch ye for the new moon and glorify the Great Spirit that
He may prosper ye. Ka’git (Chine). It shall be a holy day of rest.

52. E’git (Panic). At the change of the second quarter of the moon is the relief watch of
my angels who abide with mortals; let that be a holy day of rest.

53. M’Git, the third quarter (Panic). A holy day of rest. Let my chosen keep the four
holy days of rest during each moon, for on these days do my guardian angels change
the watch. The incentive given by the spirits to mortals to make mortals observe and
learn the planets. Sub’da’don, a holy day (Panic). The day of the moon’s change.
Sub’da (Fonece). Sabbath (Ebra). A moon’s birthday. Because of four quarters to
each moon, so do I give to you four Sab’da, which shall be days of worship. (Abram).

54. Tau, a bull, a projector (Panic). Sign of a bull’s head and horns. As the prophets
interpreted so shall the king. Tau (project). His edicts are Tau, bulls. Opposite from Sed
(Aries). Opposite from cow (receptivity). Tau, e.i., Osiris, is oft confounded with Aries, a
God of the lower heavens.

Plate 67. TAU.

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