Lectionary Readings for Wednesday, July 8th, 2020

Lectionary Readings for Wednesday, July 8th, 2020

Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11

Chapter 9

1. The same force, vortexya, pervadeth the entire universe, but differently, according to
volume, velocity and configuration.

2. As previously shown, colors are not substances or things in fact, but records of currents
of vortexya, and are in proportion to their deviation from linear to adverse parallelism.
These fall under the divisor, or multiple, 3 (primaries), yellow, blue and red,
corresponding to the times, 11, 33, 99, and so on.

3. The same rule was applied by the ancient prophets in music, making three primary
sounds, e, o, ih (the words of the wind), but giving all other sounds to the beast (66),
which was supposed to cover the number of sounds from the lowest bass to the highest
treble, that could be procured from the animal creation. And these ranges of sounds are
manifest in man, whether singing or talking, according to the kind of vortexian currents
that fall upon a country and the grade he holdeth in resurrection. So that even a whole
people in one country will utter sounds higher or lower than in another country, some
through the teeth, some in the throat, and yet others through the nose.

4. Sounds, as in music, are not substance, but currents of air in motion, which register
their broken discharges on the drum of the ear. So that it is possible for the ear to be so
cultivated that it can detect these velocities, so as to determine colors thereby. For, of a
truth, in entity, sounds and colors are one and the same thing, but registered, one on the
eye and one on the ear. In other words, the two organs of sense discover the same thing
differently: To one it is music, to the other it is color.

5. If a man be given to reverie because of music or colors, his soul traveleth in the
currents thereof, and he becometh oblivious to his surroundings. The vortexian currents in
that case pass through him uninterruptedly.

6. If one instrument in a same room be played upon, and other instruments in the same
room be in tune therewith, the currents of vortexya will cause the others to give off
sounds faintly. If said instruments be connected by wood fibers, the sounds will be
louder. If the person in reverie holdeth the hands of others in the room, the same current
will run through the whole. Hence music is the greatest of all harmonizers. A person may
be a great lover of music, but be so discordant in his disposition as not to enter the
ecstatic state of reverie. Another person may not know how to sing three notes, but have
so concordant a disposition that he is at once carried into ecstasy by music, or by colors,
or by viewing the great harmonies of creation.

7. The true prophet is such as hath attained concordance. The vortexian currents of any
and everything pass through him. He seeth and feeleth with his soul. He is a perpetual
register of everything near at hand. And if he cultivate his talent so as to estimate results
therefrom, the future and the past are as an open book to him.

8. That which is erroneously called instinct in animals, is the capacity to be moved by the
positive and negative vortexya.

9. Were the positive and negative currents equal in duration, the sexes born into the world
would be equal in number. Males are the manifestation of positive vortexya, and females
negative. The more positive the female, the less fruitful; but the opposite of this is the
male’s power.

10. Herb-food for man cultivateth the negative condition; flesh-food for man increaseth
the positive: Which is to say, flesh-food carrieth man away from prophecy; away from
spirituality. A nation of meat-eaters will always culminate in disbelievers in spirituality;
and they become addicted to corporeal passions. Such men can not understand; to them
the world is vanity and vexation, if poor; or, if rich, a place to revel in for lust’s sake.

11. Let the prophet steer clear of them; nor marry with them; nor have anything
in common with them. For though a man learn all the motions and powers of the
corporeal worlds, his information is still but as a drop of water compared to the ocean,
when measured by the seer and prophet that seeth the atmospherean and etherean worlds.

Chapter 10
1. It is not the part of this book to deal with spiritual matters, only so far as enableth the
student to begin etheic knowledge.

2. First, then, there are two kinds of prophecy, or two ways to prophesy. For example, the
ant and the bee, and many animals, prophesy in regard to an approaching winter. Even
birds begin to fly toward tropical regions whilst it is yet warm weather.

3. These creatures prophesy by the direct action of vortexian currents upon them.

4. Man can learn to acquire the same kind of prophecy. And this is different from the
prophecy herein before mentioned, because he prophesieth in this last method without
rules or calculations.

5. To attain this kind of prophecy, the following discipline is requisite:

6. To live in the fields and forests, and study the action of unseen forces upon himself;
to eat not fish, nor flesh, nor any food that cometh of animals; to bathe daily; to permit
no passion to enter his mind; to abnegate self and to wed himself to the Creator
for righteousness sake, and to do good; to discipline his mind, to remain in any
given direction on any subject, for days if necessary; to become oblivious to pain. After
which he shall receive anointment from one who had previously attained the seership.

7. To attain such prophecy is to forfeit sexual powers; to forfeit appetite; to forfeit
ambition for leadership and fame; to forfeit concern for the opinions of the world. In fact,
to become a Bridegroom (or a Bride) to the Creator.

8. Not all persons can attain to this; but some are born closely allied to it.

9. There is also another kind of prophecy, wherein man prophesieth by spirits speaking
through him. This is dangerous, for lying spirits may come to him.

10. Rather, let man seek to become one with the Father, making close observations of
the rules of vortexya; for in this he provideth for the development of all his faculties.

Chapter 11

1. The following signs are given in words, to wit: Flag, rising sun. Salute the East!
children of dawn. The signs are, first, the folded hands; second, the soothe, and third,
the supplication. O thou setting sun! Response: In Jehovih’s name! How many chiefs
dwell in dawn? Response: Three or more. How stationed, O Thou High Noon? Response:
The three lights are east, west and south. The smoke and fire rise from the altar!

2. Here followeth the SECONDARY (in the chamber above). The voice of the east: How are
the lines of living fire, O Noon? Response: As the Sun, which is the Light of the
Corporeal Earth, riseth in the east to adorn the day; and ascendeth to the south at high
noon as the glory thereof, and setteth in the west, so, in remembrance of Jehovih, are
stationed the representatives of a lodge of dawn. What is dawn? Three years or more at
the youth of a cycle.

3. The students then present their tables and the college is declared open in the words: In
Jehovih’s name, give ear to the Voice.

4. With Moses and Capilya both the above were merged into one lodge.

5. The second began with flag at High Noon: O thou Fire of Heaven! How many chiefs
(rab’bahs) mark the altar of Jehovih? Four or more. Thou Setting Sun, speak: How stand
the fathers? Response: My hands shield the light of the All Seeing Eye! My heart I cast to
the winds! As a circle, divided into four quarters, is the symbol of the name Jehovih, thus
(making the signs), cloven twice across, Who hath dominion over All Things, so are the
four sides of the world represented by four Fathers in the chamber of light, in The Temple
of Holies, which is square with east and west and north and south, for the Honor and
Glory of our Father in Heaven! How are they numbered? Three thirty-threes, and one

ninety-nine! Wherefore these signs of blood and death? They are the four heads of the
beast. They are always stationed in the four corners of the lodge. Why in the four corners?
Because of darkness upon them. They profess peace, but practice war. How are they
numbered? One, eleven, and six hundred and sixty-six, the number of the beast. In Thy
name are we assembled, O Jehovih! Give us strength, wisdom and love, that we may
avoid the fatal numbers; and that we may glorify Thee and Thy dominions. Amen!

6. There is no such thing as separating science and religion. To obtain knowledge and to
do good; these are valuable.

7. Without discipline knowledge can not be obtained; without discipline little good can be
accomplished. Forms and ceremonies must accompany discipline; otherwise inharmony
overcometh all. These are religion.

8. To be not puffed up with self-concern; and to be willing to become good; these are the
foundations for a good prophet.

9. But in all gifts, the rules of prophecy should apply. If a man be gifted in music, he
should study music, and not rely wholly on inspiration (the vortexian tide). If gifted in
healing he should study, and learn to apply the researches of others, and not rely wholly
on the vortexian currents. If gifted in prophecy, he should also learn the rules of vortices
and planets. The combination of gifts with good learning, this is the highest.

10. He that healeth by laying-on of hands, only giveth off the vortexya he hath previously
received. Let him see to it that he replenish himself by sunlight (so-called), and trees and
herbs and ground to walk upon. For giving away, without replenishing, will soon result in

11. As a young child sleeping with a very old person loseth its vortexya, becoming
emaciated; or as a negative husband is devoured by a positive wife; or a negative
wife devoured by a positive husband, so is the prophet consumed by the multitude.

12. When a prophet hath attained to discharge vortexya, so as to make raps at will, he is
also subject to the presence of people from the unseen worlds. And these people, spirits,
or angels, use this vortexya for a foundation for sar’gis.

13. The ancient prophet caused the worshipers to sit in the dark, because all people give
off the negative current in the dark (which they received as positive in the light), and bade
them sit in crescent, whilst he sat betwixt the horns. Wherefore the decrees of the prophet
were called Tau. In this form of the altar the prophet was supplied somewhat with
vortexya by the audience.

14. It cometh to this: Vortexya is unseen power, but it is without sense or judgment. Next
back of this standeth the life of every living thing; and next back of all standeth the
Creator, Jehovih. All learning, science and religion are but far-off stepping-stones to lead
man up to Him. To acknowledge this, and to call on him constantly, is to keep open the
road to receive His hand and hear His voice.


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