Lectionary Readings for Thursday, February 13th, 2020

Lectionary Readings for Thursday, February 13th, 2020

Book of Apollo, Son of Jehovih Chapter 12, Chapter 13

Chapter 12

1. The rites of the resurrection were completed, the whole of which would make a book,
were the words written down; and as for the music, for which there were five hundred
thousand singers and players, scarce a conception of it can be given to mortals. And when
the light of the throne of God broke away a little, God announced six hours’recreation;
whereupon, all the angels of Gau and of the etherean heavens, mingled together joyfully.

2. And after this (for, behold, the end of the dawn of dan had come), Apollo, mightiest of
all, rose up, and waved his hand in the sign, I
N JEHOVIH’S NAME! and stood aside from the
throne of God. After Apollo, Cim’iad rose up, and gave the same sign; followed by
Phaeja. And when these three stood aside, high raised, on the floor of the throne, so that
all the assembled millions could see them, so hushed were all things, like as if Time had

come to an end.

3. Then filed in front the ten thousand Lords and Lordesses, they who had once been false
Gods and false Lords, and, of the ancient times, arrayed in such gorgeous attire; now
robed in plain white, and without ornaments.

4. The marshals opened the arches of the adavaysit, but yet not a soul moved from his or
her place.

5. Then great Apollo, and Cim’iad, and Phaeja, came down and sat at the foot of the
throne, more loved than all the Gods who had as yet visited the earth and her heavens.

6. God came down from the throne and took Apollo’s hand, saying: Arise, O Son of
Jehovih, and go thy way. Apollo rose up, himself in tears, and stood aside. God now
took the hand of Cim’iad, saying: Arise, O Daughter of Jehovih, and go thy way.
Next he raised up the long-tried Phaeja, when lo, both he and God burst into tears, and
fell in each other’s arms! Phaeja, of few words at most, was last to slack the fond
embrace; and then he and great Apollo, and Cim’iad, light of heaven, broke loose and
marched forth to the etherean ship of fire. God resumed the throne, blinded by his tears.

7. Now fell the mantles of Jehovih, and His crowns, on the two thousand million Brides
and Bridegrooms. The awakening Light of the etherean firmament bespoke Jehovih’s
Awful Presence! The hosts moved with one accord, and presently entered into the
adavaysit, amidst a shower of etherean flowers.

8. The marshals signaled, for the dawn was ended. The bright Cim’iad stretched forth her
slender hand and arm to Jehovih, saying: By Thy Power, O Father, I command! Arise!
Arise! Ad-av-ay-sit! Arise!

9. And the mighty vessel, and the vessel of Apollo, adjoined, arose up from Gau, rocking,
rising, and moving to the music of a million trumpeters and singers, joined by the
es’enaurs of the lower heavens. Higher and higher rose the etherean fire-ships, turning and
rising, passing beyond the vortex of the earth, beyond Chinvat, out into the firmament of
etherea, higher and higher, till all was lost in the distance.

Chapter 13

1. Jehovih spake in the light of the throne of God, saying: To the Council of Gau,
heaven of My Heaven! Hear ye the words of your Creator, O My beloved: Sing songs
to Apollo and his Lords; let my people rejoice; for the Glory of My Son is upon them.

2. From My kingdom is the Light and the Life; out of My Wisdom Apollo hath come.
Sing to him, O ye Lords of heaven; let My angels rejoice in his name, for he shall abide

3. Created I him for the glory of angels and men; in his idols and images shall My people
behold the harmony of My beloved. With Mine Own hands, molded I the ankles and feet,
and well-rounded thighs. Behold the arms of My Son, no longer than to the thighs, and
with dimples, and small wrists.

4. His neck is straight and slender, and smooth and round, like the higin on an altar; and
his shoulders like hewn stone, polished and tapering, like a woman’s, who goeth not to

5. His instep is high; he can spring like a deer, swift as the wind. He sitteth not on his
haunches all day, with his hands down, like a druk that is tired, waiting for food. He

fleeth to the plain and the forest on his swift feet.

6. Proclaim ye Apollo in heaven and on earth. He is risen! Higher than the sun is the Holy
Begotten of Jehovih! Out of the Virgin Mi is he come, Holy; in symmetry and music,
there is none like Apollo.

7. She was My betrothed from the foundation of the world; Spouse of your Creator, O
God! Her name was Mi, Mother of Mine Holy Begotten Son.

8. They were without shapeliness before Me; they lolled about on earth; they lolled in
heaven; on their haunches waited they hungrily.

9. The Virgin bowed down; for her first-born was the Redeemer of the world. In stone,
and wood, and copper, and gold, and silver, is he stronger than ten cities; and wiser than
ten thousand men.

10. He cometh to the young mother’s dream, and shapeth her unborn, with limbs like a
racer, and with long hair on the head. He standeth in the idol, and knoweth the Mother’s
prayer every day. Who calleth on the name, Apollo, calleth on the Father, Creator of all

11. Blessed are the Lords of Apollo; blessed are the sons and daughters of Apollo;
blessed are they that bring forth in shapeliness like My Son, Apollo.

12. This mark have I put up before all women under the sun; the young women before
marriage; and before the young men before marriage.

13. Choose ye of them in the likeness of Apollo; your heirs shall glorify your Creator.

14. Apollo is My judge; he sitteth on My right hand; swifter than an arrow is his
judgment on a woman’s first-born.

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