Lectionary Readings for Saturday, July 4th, 2020

Lectionary Readings for Saturday, July 4th, 2020

Seventh-Day Sabbath and Weekday SabbathUS Independence Day

Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy, Plates 49-58, Chapter 1, Chapter 2

Plates 49-58

Plate 49. Cevorkum, Roadway of Solar Phalanx.
a, a, a, lines of different currents; b, b, b, transverse currents. The crossing denote
the localities of the highest etherean light. The numbers with their signatures,
show the densities through which the great serpent passes each cycle. The
lines across the cevorkum denote a cycle of three thousand years, but overdrawn one thousand times in order to be apparent to the eye, i.e., one to 4,700,000.


Plate 50. B, B, B, B, B, planets. Fig. 1, photosphere, or light on every side;
Fig. 2, negative currents; Fig. 3, relative enlargement of a planet on the
illuminate side; Fig. 4, enlargement illustrative of age of planet; Figs. 5 and 8,
variation in vortex, called variation of needles; 1, 1, etherea, or inactive space;
2,2,2,2, place of actinic force. The Panic signs denote the expression in numbers.

Plate 51.
Atmospherea corresponds to the place of actinic force in preceding plate; etherea, to
non-action. Figs.1, 2, 3, enlarged illustrations of the course and form of vortexian currents.

Plate 52.
Zero (line of velocity), with the two arrows, and the parallel lines crossing, are
the signs of the boundary to a vortex. The oscillations of a planet are shown
in the curves. In order to reduce the Panic signs to English, see B

3,000 years.

6,000 years.

9,000 years.
Plate 53.
Travel of the great serpent during the first 27 thousand years, nine thousand years each
segment, after man’s creation. Showing also the Orian fields in etherea, with their
comparative densities and symbols.

12,000 years.

15,000 years.

18,000 years.

Plate 54.
Travel of the great serpent during the second nine thousand years after man’s creation.
Showing also the Orian fields in etherea, with their comparative densities and symbols.

21,000 years.

24,000 years.

27,000 years.

Plate 55.
Travel of the great serpent during the third nine thousand years after the creation of man.
Showing also the Orian fields in etherea, with their comparative densities and symbols.




Chapter 1

1. The same principles apply to all the stars, suns, planets and moons, differing in
manifestation on account of size, motion, density and relative place.

2. The earth floateth in the midst of a vortex, the outer extremity of which is somewhat
beyond the moon. The vortex is globular, corresponding to the form of the earth, with
slight differences, which will be pointed out hereafter. Vortices are not all closed at the
ends; some are open at both ends. (See illustrations of vortices, G

3. The vortex turneth the earth on its axis, with its own axial motion. Consequently the
outer part of the vortex hath greater velocity than near the earth’s surface, which hath an
axial motion of one thousand miles an hour.

4. The moon hath a vortex surrounding it also, which hath a rotation axially once a
month, but being an open vortex turneth not the moon. All vortices do not lay in contact
with the planet, in which case it is called a dead planet. The moon’s vortex is ten times the
moon’s diameter, and the earth’s vortex thirty times the earth’s diameter, with variations
which will be explained hereafter.

5. The outer rim, forty-two thousand miles broad, of the earth’s vortex, hath a revolution
axially with the earth once a month. The swiftest part of the earth’s vortex is therefore
about fifteen thousand miles this side of the orbit of the moon.

6. From the swiftest part of the earth’s vortex, its force is toward the earth’s center. And if
there were no earth here at present, the vortex would make one presently.

7. Things fall not to the earth because of the magnetism therein, save as hereinafter
mentioned, but they are driven toward the center of the vortex, by the power of the

8. The greater diameter of the vortex is east and west; the lesser diameter north and south,
with an inclination and oscillation relatively like the earth.

9. The name of the force of the vortex is called vortexya, that is, positive force, because it
is arbitrary and exerteth east and west. As in the case of a wheel turning on its axis, its
force will be at right angles with its axis, the extreme center of which will be no force.

10. For which reason the north and south line of the earth’s vortex is called
the m’vortexya, or negative force, for it is the subject of the other. As a whirlwind
gathereth up straw and dust, which travel toward the center of the whirlwind,
and to the poles thereof, even so do corporeal substances incline to approach the
poles of the earth’s vortex. Which may be proved by poising a magnetized needle.

11. In the early times, the earth was longer north and south than east and west. But the
m’vortexya, being less than the vortexya, the earth assumed the globular form, which was
afterward attenuated east and west, then it again turned, to adapt itself to the polarity
north and south.

12. In these various turnings of the earth, the same force of the vortex exerted over to the
east and west. By which behavior every portion of the earth hath been to the east, to the
west, to the north and to the south. Which is proven in the rocks, and boulders, and
mountains of the earth.

13. Wherefore it is shown there is no north and south polar power in the earth as such.
Furthermore the iron mountains show they attract east and west and north and south,
without any regard to a central polar force in the earth.

14. Wherein mortals have been taught erroneously in regard to two powers which do not
exist, as they have been heretofore set forth: These are the attraction of gravitation in the
earth, and a north pole magnetism in the earth.

15. The positive force of the vortex is, therefore, from the external toward the internal;
and the negative force of the vortex is toward the poles, and in the ascendant toward the
pole external from the sun center.

16. Whereof it may be said the force of the vortex is toward its own center, but turneth at
the center and escapeth outward at the north pole. As one may draw a line from the east to
the center of the earth, thence in a right angle due north, which would be the current of
the vortex until the center were filled with a corporeal body. After which the same power
applieth, and is all one power, although for convenience called positive and negative.

17. Vortexya can be concentrated in iron and steel, and in iron ore, in which condition
they are called magnetic. And these substances, if poised as needles, will assume the line
of polarity of the vortex or its poles.

18. Vortexya in the atmosphere will combine oxygen and hydrogen, and an explosion
ensueth, which is called thunder. But if an iron wire be raised up in the air (a lightning
rod), it formeth a negative center, to which the vortexya flieth quickly, following it down
into the moisture of the earth, where it is dissolved.

19. If an iron wire extend from city to city, and vortexya be charged at one end, it will
manifest at the other pole, and at times even escape in a flame of fire (electric flash).

20. In like manner the vortex of the earth constantly chargeth the earth with its vortexya
in the east and west, and it manifesteth in the northern pole of the vortex in flames of fire,
which are called Borealis. But it sometimes happeneth, over high iron mountains, that the
light is manifested in other directions. A su’is can see vortexya, as is proven by placing a
horseshoe magnet before him in the dark, and he will describe the polar light escaping,
even though he hath not been previously informed.

21. When vortexya is manifested in flames of fire it is called electricity. But when it lieth
dormant, as in iron, it is called magnetism.

22. Where two corporeal substances are rubbed quickly together, friction and heat result;
this is a manifestation of vortexya.

23. In the beginning of the earth’s vortex, the current concentrated certain substances
(which will be described hereafter) in the center thereof, where, by friction, the vortexya
manifested in heat, so that when the congregation of materials of the earth’s substance
were together, they were as a molten mass of fire.

24. And for a long period of time after the fire disappeared, two great lights manifested,
one at the north and one at the south.

25. Were the earth a central planet, like the sun, the light would have been all around, in
which case it would have been called a photosphere.

26. By vortexya was the earth first formed as a ball of fire. By the same power is the
warmth of the surface of the earth manufactured to this day. Think not that heat cometh
from the sun to the earth; heat cometh not from the sun to the earth. Of which matter
mortals in part still dwell in the superstitions of the ancients, who believed all things
came from the sun. For is it not said this day: Heat and light come from the sun? Nay,

without examination, they also talk about the attraction of gravitation of the sun
extending to other planets!

27. Corpor, as such, hath no power in any direction whatever: Neither attraction of
cohesion, nor attraction of gravitation; nor hath it propulsion. But it is of itself inert in all
particulars. As two ships sailing near each other will collide, or as two balls suspended by
long cords will approach each other somewhat, the cause lieth not in the ships or the
balls, but in what is external to them.

28. Cast water on a dusty floor and the drops of water will assume globular forms, being
coated with dust. For convenience sake it is said that the globular form is natural to a
liquid, and it is called the globular power. But it is nevertheless caused by a power
external to itself. Approach one of the drops of water, which lieth coated with dust, with a
piece of cloth, and instantly the globe of water breaketh and climbeth up into the cloth.
This is erroneously called capillary attraction. But in fact the water had no attraction for
the cloth, nor the cloth for the water. The power which accomplished this was external to
both, and was the same in kind as the vortexya that brought the earth to its center and
maintained it therein.

29. Withdraw the vortexian power, and the earth would instantly go into dissolution.
When the cloth approacheth the drop of water, it breaketh the vortex thereof,
and the water goeth into divisible parts into the cloth, in search of negative polarity.

30. What is called corporeal substance, which has length, breadth and thickness,
remaineth so by no power of its own, but by vortexya external thereto. Exchange
the vortexya, and the corpor goeth into dissolution. This power was, by the
ancients, called Uz, or the fourth dimension of corpor. (See Uz, B

31. Wherefore it is said, the tendency of corpor is to uncorpor itself (dissolve or
evaporate). From the surface of the ocean, and from the earth also, moisture riseth
upward. Turn a wheel slowly, with water on its periphery, and the water flieth not off; let
the wheel stand idle, and the water runneth off; or turn the wheel very swiftly, and the
water flieth off. The same results would follow, as regardeth water, if the wheel stood still
with a current of air whirling around the wheel. If the air passed slowly, the water would
fall; if at a certain speed, the water would be retained on the periphery; but if at a higher
speed, the water would be carried off.

32. When the earth’s axial motion and the vortexian power are equivalent, there is no
evaporation of moisture outward; when the vortexya exceedeth, there is great
evaporation; but when the vortexya is less, there is rain. According to the vortexian
currents, so are the winds (save as hereinafter mentioned), and when these are discordant,
small vortices ensue in the cloud regions, and each of these small vortices formeth a drop
of rain, which is an infinitesimal planet. Nevertheless, all of them are under the propelling
influence of the earth’s vortex, and are thus precipitated to the earth. But neither
the earth attracted the rain drops, nor do the rain drops attract themselves to the earth.

33. The earth’s vortex is a sub-vortex, existing within the sun’s vortex: Mercury, Venus,
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and so on, are corporeal worlds, and each and all of them within
sub-vortices, and the combination of all these vortices within the sun’s vortex are known
by the names great serpent, or solar phalanx. For which reason the sun’s vortex was called
the M
ASTER VORTEX, or TOW-SANG, by the ancient prophets. (See plate 36, GOD’S BOOK OF

34. Were the sun planet extinct, the master vortex would instantly make another sun.
As the lines of vortexya are in currents from the outer toward the interior, so do
the solutions of corpor take the shape of needles, in the master, pointing toward
the center, which condition of things is called L
IGHT; and when these needles
approach the center, or even the photosphere, the actinic force thereof is called H

35. Neither light, nor heat, nor attraction of gravitation cometh from the sun to the earth.
Heat decreaseth in force in proportion to the square of the distance from the place of
generation; nevertheless, an allowance of decrease must be added thereunto of one to the
hundred. Light decreaseth in proportion to the divisibility of rays, as will be mentioned
hereafter. Though a man see the light of the sun, as he seeth a horse in a field, yet there is
no such thing as travel of light in fact; nor is there any substance of light. But that which
is called light is polarity of corporeal needles in solution, caused by the lines of vortexya.
In experiments on earth, the flash requireth a certain time to polarize these infinitesimal
needles, and for convenience sake such lapse of time is called the travel of light. When
the flash continueth, as in the case of the sun center, the master’s infinitesimal needles
remain poised from the sun center outward, even to the earth, and may be compared to
telegraph wires, with a battery at each end. But there is no travel in any sense whatever.
Daylight is not, therefore, made by the sun, nor by the photosphere of the sun. Daylight is
the condition of things polarized within the master vortex. Night is manufactured by the
earth coming betwixt the master’s focus and the outer extreme. So that both night and day
continue all the time; and we realize them both alternately in consequence of the axial
motion of the earth. As in the case of night, or of any darkness, when the needles of
atmospherean substance are disturbed in polarity, or when the lines of needles are cut,
as in eclipse, there is no direct manifestation of the earth’s vortexian currents, and such
is the cause of darkness. For which reason nitrogenous plants grow rapidly at night,
whilst the ripening of certain fruits and grains require the light of day. For by this
vortexya are seeds and grains and fruits charged with it. Whereof when man eateth, or, as
in breathing air, these things go into dissolution, as hereinafter mentioned, the heat is
eliminated, and lodgeth itself in man. Or if certain herbs be piled together, and they
commence dissolution, their heat is evolved, and is called spontaneous combustion.

36. Nevertheless, the herbs as such, have no power to produce heat; by their rapid
dissolution, the vortexya in them endeavoreth to escape to some pole. The heat in herbs,
and seeds, and plants, and other growing things, is because they are the objective points
of the actinic force of vortexya. And this heat in herbs is equivalent to the same thing in
iron, which is called magnetism. And its liberation or polar manifestation is, after all, one
and the same thing as that which is discharged in a magnetic flame called electricity.

37. So that the cause of all these things springeth from the vortex, the power and force of
which is vortexya. By a sudden dissolution of vegetable substance, as wood or straw, we
have what is called fire, or burning. There is no substance of heat, nor of fire; a
dissolution occurreth in which the vortexya is liberated. Corporeal substances all contain
heat (vortexya proper); even snow and ice have it in infinitesimal quantities; and oils, and
herbs of all kinds; but the diamond containeth the highest percentage of charge.

38. Wherein they have taught erroneously that heat cometh from the sun. As may be
proved in all the earth that heat (so-called) is evolved at the expense of destroying

something, which is, in general, called combustion. And there is not in all the universe
anything that can give off forever without receiving a supply forever. Heat had to be
stored up in the first place in anything in heaven or earth before it could be liberated.

39. Though a man burn a stick of wood, he can produce no more heat therefrom than
what was stored therein.

40. Allowing the sun to be four and a half millions of miles in diameter, and to be of the
best quality of a diamond. Give it even fifty percent of the burning capacity, and it would
be entirely consumed in eighty thousand years! And yet the sun is not of any such quality
as a diamond. Even not more so in quality than is the earth. But suppose it were even as a
diamond, or as the highest conceived-of center of heat; then that heat had to be previously
given to it. Whence came it? To suppose that heat existeth of itself is folly; to suppose
that heat can be produced forever without supply is not supported by any fact in heaven or

41. Friction produceth heat; but it is because the abrasion liberateth stored-up vortexya.
Or as in the case of glass on leather, vortexya is manufactured. In the case of the sun no
such manufactory, nor one approximating it, existeth.

42. Wherein they have observed sun-spots, and said that during their presence, the
temperature of the earth decreaseth, thereby reasoning that sun-spots prevented the heat of
the sun falling to the earth, they have erred in two particulars: First, in defective
observations and guessing at a conclusion; and second, in not having first determined the
relative heat evolved from the earth at different periods in its course of travel. (Of which
matter further remarks will be made hereinafter.)

43. The same errors, in regard to the light of the moon, were made in the conclusions of
Kepler and Humboldt, in attributing the eclipse thereof to be governed by the sun’s rays
being inflected by their passage through the atmosphere and thrown into the shadow cone.

44. The superstitions of the ancients still cling to philosophers; they seek, first, to find the
cause of things in the sun; or if failing therein, turn to the moon, or if failing here, they
turn to the stars.

45. Finding a coincidence in the tides with certain phases of the moon, they have
erroneously attributed the cause of tides to the power of attraction in the moon
manifesting on the ocean, which is taught to this day as sound philosophy! Attraction, as
previously stated, existeth not in any corporeal substance as a separate thing. There is no
substance of attraction. Nor is there any substance of gravitation. These powers are the
manifestation of vortexya. If vortexya be charged into a piece of iron or steel, it is called a
magnet, because it
APPARENTLY draweth its own kind to itself. When two pieces of steel,
alike in quality, are charged with vortexya to their utmost, their power will be in
proportion to their dimensions. If one be twice the size of the other, its magnetic force
(so-called) will be in the main two times more powerful.

46. The form of a true magnet of steel, to manifest the greatest positive, and greatest
negative force, should be nearly a right-angle triangle, after the manner of a line of
vortexya from the equatorial surface of the earth to its center, and thence toward the north
pole. By having two such magnets, and bringing their poles together, a square is
produced, which now balanceth its recipency and its emission of vortexya. (See cut C,
Figs. 2 and 3.)

47. As in the case of an iron mountain, it is forever receiving (feebly) equatorially; and
forever emitting (feebly) polarly the vortexian current; though, for practical observations,
the force may be said to be in a dormant state. And in this sense should the earth and
other planets be considered. They are not in the shape of triangles or horseshoes, but as
globes. Hence their positive and negative vortexian power (magnetism, erroneously
called) is less than the horseshoe form.

48. The power of a magnet decreaseth in proportion to the square of the distance from it.
Under certain conditions one leg of the magnet repelleth things from it. As previously
stated, this is nevertheless one current; which vortexya floweth through the magnet, even
as water floweth through a tube. This propelling power of the magnet also decreaseth in
proportion to the square of the distance from it. If the poles of a single magnet be
exposed, it will in time decrease from its maximum power until it ultimately becometh of
the same capacity (as to external things) even as if the poles were closed by juxtaposition
with another magnet.

49. Wherein it will be observed that were the sun or moon or earth the most powerful
steel magnet, it would not take a long time (as to the time of worlds) when its magnetic
attraction would not exceed native iron ore. Wherein it will also be observed that were the
moon a globe of magnetic iron ore, it can be shown approximately how far would extend
its power of magnetic attraction external to itself.

50. Nevertheless, its magnetic attraction in that extreme case would not be on water or
clay, but on iron and its kindred ores. So that if the moon exerted a magnetic force on the
earth it would manifest more on the magnetic needle, or other iron substance, than on the
water of the ocean.

51. By suspending a ball of magnetic iron along side a suspended cup of water, it will be
discovered there is no magnetic attraction between them, more than between two cups of
water, or between two vessels of clay.

52. The highest magnetic power that can be imparted to steel in the form of a ball, to its
equatorial dimension, to manifest in moving an equivalent fellow, is seven of its
diameters! But in the case of iron ore (normal magnet) it is very considerably less than
this. By this it is shown that were the moon a steel magnet it would not exert perceptible
power more than nine thousand miles. Her shortest distance from the earth is two hundred
and twenty thousand miles.

53. Wherein it is shown that under the most extravagant supposition of power, her
magnetic attraction is more than two hundred thousand miles short of reaching to the

54. Were there such a thing as magnetic attraction between the iron and water, or between
water and water, a still further discrepancy would result. Admitting the general parts of
the moon, as to iron and stone and clay and water, to be alike and like unto the corporeal
earth, the power of the magnetic attraction of the earth, as against the moon’s, to hold the
tides from rising, would be in the ratio of different sizes of the two bodies, and their
respective distances from the water contended for. In which case there would be more
than four thousand million times advantage of power in the earth! For if we give the same
magnetic equivalent to each, we must give to each a decrease in proportion to the square
of the distance of their centers from the point in contention, the ocean’s tides!

55. The same philosophy holdeth in regard to the sun, and to Jupiter and Saturn and Mars,
and all other planets, making allowance for their different densities and velocities.

56. As to the attraction (so-called) between two earth substances, as granite, or sandstone,
or lead, or gold, or clay, or water, it is far less than between two steel magnets. Wherein it
will be observed, that it is utterly impossible for any attractive force to exert from one
planet to another; or even from a planet to its own satellite.

57. And though the most extravagant supposition, based on measurement, be given to the
sun’s supposed attractive force, it doeth not extend to the earth by more than seventy
million miles! Wherein they have taught error in place of truth!

Chapter 2
1. There are two known things in the universe: ethe and corpor. The former is the solvent
of the latter.

2. For comparison, take a lump of table-salt, which, though white, is impervious to the
sight of man. Cast it into water, and it is lost to sight; though it still existeth, the sight of
man can see through it.

3. Earth substance, as such, is equally soluble in ethe. And the great etherean firmament is
thus constituted; being a dense solution of corpor. In the main, etherea is transparent; but
in some places translucent, and in others, opaque.

4. Here are iron, and copper, and granite, and water, and lead, and clay, and nitrogen, and
oxygen, and hydrogen, and various other kinds of corporeal substances, as known on the
earth, and besides these, millions of things not known on the earth. And ethe holdeth
them in solution; even after the manner that the air holdeth the substance of clouds, which
is water in solution. And as some clouds are so rarified as to be imperceptible, whilst
others are opaque, and even black, so are the comparative conditions of etherea; of which
matters more will be said further on.

5. In the case of a vortex in etherea (that is after the manner of a whirlwind on the earth),
the corporeal solutions are propelled toward the center thereof in greater density.

6. When it is sufficiently dense to manifest light, and shadow, it is called a comet, or
nebula; when still more dense it is a planet.

7. When as a comet (or nebula) the m’vortex hath not attained to an orbit of its own, it is
carried in the currents of the master vortex, which currents are elliptic, parabolic and
hyperbolic. Hence the so-called eccentric travel of comets.

8. At this age of the comet, it showeth nearly the configuration of its own vortex; its tail
being the m’vortexya. If it appear to the east of the sun its tail turneth eastward; if west of
the sun, it turneth westward.

9. Two directions of power are thus manifested; and also two powers: First, that the
vortex of the sun hath power from the east to west, and from the west to east, to which the
comet is subjected: Second, that the comet hath a vortex of its own, which is sufficient
under the circumstances to maintain the general form of the comet. The ordinary comet
hath its tail away from the sun, but some comets have two tails, one toward the sun and
one away. In the case of Biela’s comet in the year 4 B.K. (1846 A.D.), which was broken
whilst the observer was looking on, is sufficient evidence of the sub-power of the comet


10. Interior nebula is generally described as comets; whilst exterior nebula is usually
called nebula. Nevertheless, all such solutions of corpor are of like nature, being as the
beginning or as the incomplete condensation of a planet.

11. They do not all, nor half of them, ripen into planets. But their vortices are often
broken and they return again into sublimated solutions, and are lost to mortal sight.

12. But nowhere in etherea is there a solution of corpor sufficient to put itself in motion;
nor sufficient to condense itself; nor to provide the road of its travel. But its road of travel
showeth the direction of the lines of the sun’s vortex. Save and except in such case when
a comet’s vortex cometh within the vortex of another planet’s vortex of greater power than
its own.

13. As a cyclone, or whirlwind, on the earth, traveleth with the general current of the
wind, so travel the sub-vortices in etherea within the axial lines of vortices in chief.

14. Whether within the sun’s vortex, or external thereto, the rules apply, so far as nebula
or comets are concerned, and the vortices that carry them.

15. Axial velocity belongeth to all of them; and the tendency of all of them is to orbits;
the which they attain to or not, according to their strength compared to the master.

16. When a nebulous planet is sufficiently dense to have its corpor polarized, but so that
its polarity correspondeth to the polarity of the master, it is transparent, and possesseth no
eclipse power.

17. But when nebula is polarized transversely, it is as a cloud in etherea, with power to
eclipse stars; and even to eclipse the sun itself, provided it be within the solar vortex.

18. Of external nebulae, of sufficient size to be self-sustaining, and to ultimately become
planets, there are at present visible from the earth more than eight thousand. These are in
process of globe-making, even as the earth was made. Of nebulae within the sun’s vortex,
where they are usually called comets, there are upward of eight or ten new ones every
year. Some of them survive but a few months, some a few years; some a hundred years;
and some even a thousand or more years. But in all cases when the vortex of one of them
bursteth, the corpor of the comet flieth instantly into dissolution more sublimated, and is
lost to mortal sight.

19. Where nebula is transparent and lieth between the earth and master center it is not
discernible, either with the naked eye or with a telescope. Amongst the most sublimated
forms of corpor in solution are nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen. When a sub-vortex, or
even a stratum of ten or twenty million miles, of this solution lieth between the earth and
sun center, and an observation of the sun be taken, the observer is apt to erroneously
suppose he hath discovered nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen in the sun atmosphere or
photosphere. And if the solution contain iron and gold and platinum, and other metals, the
observer is apt to erroneously suppose he hath discovered these things within the
photosphere or atmosphere of the sun.

20. Wherefore all observations made to determine such matters require that the observer
shall first understand what lieth between the earth and the sun at the time of observation.

21. But some of these sub-vortices in etherea, require forty years’time in which to drag
their whole length away from the line of observation. So that in no case is the observation
of any value, even though it be taken the breadth of the earth, unless it covereth a period
greater than forty years. But it also so happeneth that, perhaps, when such an immense

vortex is about passing away from the line, that another one, equally large, and perhaps of
different density of solution, cometh within the line. And it may thus occur that hundreds
of years will elapse before a good view of the sun can be obtained. Some of these
traveling plateaux are opaque (dark), so that the sun is kept in a dim eclipse for a year or
two, and sometimes for hundreds of years.

22. Wherefore philosophers have erroneously attributed their observations as having
proved certain gases and certain metals within the sun’s atmosphere.

23. The same remarks apply to observations made of the stars; and even of the moon.

24. In the case of light being manifested in a complete steel magnet, the major retention is
at the angle of the two legs, and the minor light at the terminus of the north leg (negative
pole). But in an eccentric magnet (horseshoe) the two lights are manifest at the terminus
of the two legs.

25. A complete planetary vortex is a globe, or nearly so, and its manifested light like a
complete magnet. But an immature vortex, as in the case of a comet or other small vortex,
will manifest light at both poles, and sometimes in the middle, if it hath attained to power
to manufacture light of its own. In some cases the comet or the nebula is not sufficiently
condensed to produce light of it own, but containeth corpor in a gaseous state which of
itself may have infinitesimal polarities refracting the normal light of the master vortex.

26. By observing the new moon, it will be seen that the light portion thereof describeth a
larger circle than the dark portion. The bulge of the light side of the moon always pointeth
toward the sun. It is an error to say that light cometh from the sun and striketh on the
moon, and is then reflected on the earth. As previously shown, there is no such thing or
substance as light; but that which is called light is a manifestation of vortexian power;
also that the c’vortex is comparatively all one light, with a central focus. The reason one
side of the moon is dark and one light, is because it hath a positive and negative
manifestation of the c’vortexya; for the moon also manufactureth its own light.

27. As the moon advanceth to the next quarter, the same discrepancy in the two
apparent sizes is manifest; and this continueth until it is full moon. It is an error to say
that dark bodies appear smaller, and light bodies larger, because of absorption,
or refraction. The cause is not absorption, or refraction, or reflection, but of manufacture.

28. Light bodies (so-called) manufacture light of their own, ever so infinitesimal,
which is as an envelope external to themselves. The eye of the observer seeth this
as well as the corporeal body, and consequently it appeareth larger than it really is.

29. The same rule applieth in regard to the sun and his photosphere, and to comets, and to
all bodies that manifest light. Suitable deduction must be made, in endeavoring to
determine the size of a planet.

30. Shadow is usually divided into two expressions, UMBRA, as the shadow of a
man standing in sunlight; and
DARKNESS, as the shadow of the earth in a cloudy
night. Nevertheless, they are but one and the same thing, but in different degrees,
both of which are here included in the word shadow. In a clear night, when the
full moon shineth, two conditions are manifest on the earth: first, that a shadow is
vertical to the moon, and the light side is not as light as when the sun shineth at noon.

31. The density of shadow from sunlight and the density of shadow from moonlight
correspond exactly to the comparative difference between sunlight and moonlight.

32. When it is full moon at midday, the light of the sun (so-called) is no greater because
of the moon’s presence. Observe the difference, however, on a given object if the ray from
a mirror facing the sun be added to the ordinary sunlight. Hence it is an error to attribute
the moon’s rays as being reflected from the sun to the earth. If it be premised that the
light face of the moon is not a mirror, but is opaque, observe the following result from
the moon when it is half full: The half of the moon is equivalent to half a globe; if the
light of the sun fell on the bulge, the rays thus landed on the moon would cause that part
of the moon to be a trifle more than four times lighter (or brighter) than on the slopes.

33. In an observation of this kind, and if the light were borrowed from the sun, two kinds
of rays would result; the bulge of the moon would afford a center for rays to emanate in
very direction; and the slope rays would refract at the same angle as received from the

34. The fact is, however, there is no intense center light manifested on the moon’s surface,
in the place where it directly faceth the sun. Hence there is no possibility of the light of
the moon being produced by light from the sun, or from the sun’s center. The light of the
moon faceth the sun center, but the latter is not the cause thereof, the cause is in the
emissions of positive and negative currents from the moon’s vortex, and they manifest in
the m’vortexya of the master.

35. The same rules apply to all planets whose vortices are negative.

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