Lectionary Readings for Sunday, July 5th, 2020

Lectionary Readings for Sunday, July 5th, 2020

Holy Memorial DayFull Moon

Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapter 3, Chapter 4

Chapter 3

1. Here followeth the method of manufacturing light and heat as they are on the earth and
moon and sun, and all other planets:

2. The half of the earth’s vortex (for example) which faceth toward the sun is a concave
lens to the earth. A similar lens, but far larger, is at the sun-center: The convex faces of
the two lenses are toward each other forever. They are ethereally connected by solutions
of corpor needles linear in position.

3. The vortex is larger than the earth, so that polar lights are possible on the shadow side.
And the brilliancy of the polar lights are proportionately less than daylight at noon in the
tropics, exactly in correspondence to the concentration of the rays by a lens of the
magnitude referred to.

4. The vortexya rising up out of the earth at night is negative, or less than the vortexya
descending in daylight, and their conjunctive line is near the earth’s surface. Hence, five
or six miles’altitude is intense cold; whilst five or six hundred is so cold that mortals
could not possibly measure it.

5. In the early days of the earth, when there was more heat emitted from the earth than at
present, it also rose to a greater altitude; but it was nevertheless thrown back, to a great
extent, every day, even after the same manner it is to-day, by the vortexian lens referred
to. And as of the heat, so also of the light.

6. In the sum of all the universe there was, and is now, and ever shall be, the same latent
amount of heat and light. The vortex in formation driveth them to the centre for a period
of time; nevertheless a time cometh when the heat and light escape outward. And though
the vortexian lens recast them back in a measure, thus producing day and warmth on the
face of the earth, yet there is ever a trifling loss toward perpetual coldness and darkness.

7. This great hemispherical lens, atmospherea, not only thus manufactureth light and
heat, but it also affordeth man the means of seeing the sun and moon and stars. It hath
the power also of magnifying millions of comparatively dense etherean worlds, so
that man can see through them. The student should consider this from the standpoint
of a magnifying lens in a microscope, which hath power to distend many things so
one can see through their fibres, which to the naked eye seem dense. For etherea is
not nearly so rarified as mortals suppose. Without the sun’s atmospherean lens, man
could not even see the moon, nor stars; and the sun itself would seem as a pale red star.

8. As the vortex of the earth is thus a lens to the earth, so is the moon’s vortex to the
moon, and so also of the sun and all other stars and planets, where light and heat are

9. When the moon is half full, a dim outline of the shadow side of the moon is to be seen
with the naked eye. This, by philosophers hath been erroneously called the earth’s shine.
For they ignorantly believed the light of the earth was reflected on the moon. The real
cause of this sub-light on the moon is in consequence of the action of a sub-lens on the
moon, facing the earth’s vortex, which operateth after the same manner as the other.

10. When the moon produceth a full eclipse of the sun (by which philosophers
ignorantly believed the light and heat of the sun were cut off from the earth), it
causeth darkness on the earth by breaking the linear connection betwixt the earth’s
vortex and the sun-center, so that the positive current in the earth’s vortex is cut off,
and that part that would otherwise be a lens becometh negative in its action, in the
linear space. But when the eclipse falleth far in the north or south part of the earth only,
then the action of the moon’s shadow will fall in the direction of the earth’s lens, so that
a sub-lens is impossible. Whereas, were there such a thing as earth’s shine, in time of
total eclipse of the sun, the equatorial light would make the moon shine at that time also.

11. As light, and heat, and magnetism, and electricity, are all one and the same thing,
which are the manifestation of vortexian currents under different conditions, the student
must not lose sight of the fact that none of these so-called things are things in fact, that is,
entities of themselves, separately or combined.

12. Vortexya can be charged, as before mentioned, into iron and other substances. When
it is charged in iron it is called magnetism; when charged in phosphorus it is called light
(inactive); when charged in nitrate of silver it is called darkness. If its application be
continued on phosphorus, the latter will combine with common air and ignite. With
phosphorus and without it, it will, as before stated, combine oxygen and hydrogen, and it
will also separate them. And yet vortexya, in fact, is no substance or thing as such; but is
the vortex in axial and orbitic motion, or, in other words, corpor in an etheic solution.

13. As previously stated, ethe holdeth corpor in solution, which is the condition of
atmospherea and of the etherean regions beyond. When a portion of this solution is given
a rotary motion it is called a vortex. Nor is a vortex a substance or thing of itself, more
than is a whirlwind, or as a whirlpool in the water. As a whirlpool can not exist without
water, or a whirlwind exist without air, so can not a vortex exist without the etheic
solution. As previously stated, in the beginning of a vortex it is long, but in course of time
it hath a tendency to become round like a globe, but flattened a little at the poles. This
also happeneth to every vortex that carrieth a satellite: That the periphery of the vortex is
undulated; and the extent of its undulation can be determined by the minimum and
maximum distance of the satellite from its planet.

14. In consequence of this discrepancy, the lens power of the vortex of the earth varies
constantly, even daily, monthly and yearly. Nevertheless, the sum of heat and cold and the
sum of light and darkness are nearly the same, one generation with another. This was, by
the ancient prophets, called the F
IRST RULE IN PROPHECY. This was again subdivided by
three, into eleven years, whereof it was found that one eleven years nearly corresponded
with another eleven years. This was the S
NINETY- NINE YEARS, whereto was added one year.

15. In the case of the tides, a still further allowance of six years was found necessary to
two hundred; but in the succeeding four hundred years a deduction was required of five
years. Whereupon the moon’s time was eighteen years.

16. As the lens power loseth by flattening the vortex, and increaseth by rounding the
vortex, it will be observed that the position of the moon’s vortex relatively to the earth’s,
is a fair conclusion as to the times of ebb and flood tide. In periods of thirty-three years,
therefore, tables can be constructed expressing very nearly the variations of vortexya for
every day in the year, and to prophesy correctly as to the winters and summers, so far as
light and darkness, and heat and cold, are concerned. This flattening and rounding of the
vortexian lens of the earth is one cause of the wonderful differences between the heat of
one summer compared with another, and of the difference in the coldness of winters, as
compared with one another. Of these also, tables can be made. Winter tables made by the
ancients were based on periods of six hundred and sixty-six years, and were called
ATAN’S TABLES, or the TIMES OF THE BEAST. Tables made on such a basis are superior to
calculations made on the relative position of the moon.

17. But where they have prophesied ebb and flood tide to be caused by certain positions
of the moon, they have erred in suffering themselves to ignorantly believe the cause lay
with the moon. A man may prophesy by a traveling wagon what time it will reach town;
but the correctness of his prophecy does not prove that the wagon pushed the horse to
town. These revelations pertain more to the cause of things, than to giving new
prophecies. What mortals can not discover by any corporeal observation must come by
inspiration. In the year 4 B.K. Leverrier, of France, prophesied the existence of Neptune
by the calculation of planetary disturbances. Other discoveries have been made in the
same way; whereupon they have believed the said disturbances to be caused by one
planet’s power on another.

18. Planetary disturbances are not caused by any power or effect of one planet on another;
the cause of the disturbances lieth in the vortices wherein they float. Mortals can not see
the vortices; their only means of prophesying lieth in corpor. A man may prophesy of the
moon by calculations of the disturbances of the tides. But to attribute to the tides the
cause of the moon’s position would be no more erroneous than to attribute the cause of
tides to the moon.

19. It is not the intention, in these revelations, to give new calculations in regard to
occurrences on the planets; it is a trifling difference whether a man prophesy by a vortex
or by a planet. Wherein he erreth in regard to judging the cause of things, he should be
put on the right road. Wherein he hath had no knowledge of the forces and currents of the
unseen worlds and their dominion over the seen worlds, revelation only can reach him.

20. They have said there are five elements of corpor; then again sixty; and a hundred. But
in time they will say there are millions. And yet all of them are comprehended in the word

corpor. To resolve them, discover them, and classify them, and their combinations, is the
work of man. Where they are aggregated together, as the earth, the result is called a
CREATION, or a created world. When such a globe is dissolved in ethe and sublimated, it is
said a world is destroyed, or a star is destroyed. Nevertheless, in any of these operations,
no one ingredient as such is annihilated. What is creation more than to make a drop of
rain; or the dissolution of a world more than the evaporation of a drop of water?

21. Pour a few drops of water on a table covered with dust, and each drop will become a
globe. Look for them tomorrow, and they are gone (evaporated). The globe is annihilated
(for it was not a thing in fact), but the water, which was the thing, is not annihilated, but
evaporated. The term annihilation applieth to such as are not things in fact, but which are
forms and figures. A ray of light (so-called) can be annihilated; but that that comprised it
can not be annihilated.

22. Were the earth’s vortex to break, the earth would be precipitated into dissolution,
under ordinary conditions. But were the earth’s vortex to be swallowed in the vortex of
another planet, then the earth would be precipitated as a globe to such planet. Such is the
case as regardeth double stars, and triplets and quadruplets, especially where they are in
contact. The same principle holdeth in regard to the vortices of some nebulae and comets;
one is frequently swallowed up within another. But in such case the corpor commingleth.

23. In the case of double stars, and triplets, and so on, if conjoined, the center of
gravitation (so-called) is not to each one, but to the intervening center between them. The
polarity of such a group is as to the vortex. Think not, however, that double stars or
triplets or quadruples are the limit of combinations in one vortex. There are clusters of
planets, hundreds of them, thousands, and even millions, that sometimes occupy one

24. As a globe can be annihilated, so can a vortex, and so can vortexya; for none of these
are things of themselves in fact, but combinations in some given place or condition; but
the corpor of such expression of known forms and figures and motions can not be

25. Though the general form of a vortex, as before stated, in its beginning is long, funnel-shaped (like a whirlwind), its ultimate is toward a globular form. And though the current of a vortex is spiral, at first, its currents ultimate toward less spirality. If one
could imagine a very long serpent in spiral form, constantly turning its head in at one
pole, and its tail at the other, and forever crawling upon its own spirality, such a
view would somewhat illustrate the currents of a vortex. (See cuts in G

26. In one plate the black center representeth a planet, and the black spot with the letter
“S” representeth a satellite. The white lines indicate the course of the vortexian currents,
but purposely exaggerated in the drawing. First, to show the undulation in the vortex
where the satellite resteth, and secondly, to show the head turning in at one end, and the
bulge of the tail ready to overlap itself, wherefrom there is an excess of light manifested
in the tail (northern) regions.

27. Were the currents of the vortex to attain due east and west lines, without polar outcropping, the winds would cease to blow on the face of the earth. The air and the earth would ultimate in equilibrium in axial revolution.

28. Herein lieth the cause of the winds chiefly; nevertheless, high mountain ranges of
irregular forms, and places on the earth’s surface, add considerably to breaking and

changing the currents that would otherwise result. The transcendent heat of the tropical
atmosphere would seem to call for replacement from the north and south by cold currents
of wind; but it must be remembered that only a few miles up from the earth the
temperature of the tropical air is as low as the polar air. Only so far as icebergs float
toward the equator is there any very perceptible lowering of the temperature of the air,
and of wind currents toward the tropics.

29. As previously stated, in describing the positive current of vortexya being in the form
of a right-angle triangle, with the angle in the center of the earth, and one leg toward the
north pole, and one in the east, at the equator, it will now be perceived that the greatest
cold region of the earth can not be at either the equator or the poles, but must occupy
places distant from the poles in the exact ratio of the difference in the power between the
positive and negative currents of vortexya and m’vortexya, and corresponding to the
atmospherean lens of the earth.

Chapter 4
1. The currents of the vortex of the earth being in constant change, the following results
happen. In the regions where they overlap one another, and break to a limited extent,
producing discord in motion, certain eddies and whirlpools result, and the corpor in
solution is condensed, like little planets or meteoric stones, varying in size from a pin’s
head to ten or twenty miles in diameter. And the little broken currents in the vortex lose
their prey, and the meteoric stones or little planets are carried by the vortexian current
down to the earth’s surface. (See plates Wark, G

2. The belt in atmospherea where these things happen is usually about five or six or seven
hundred miles up from the earth’s surface. But the belt sometimes ascendeth a thousand
miles. But at other distances upward other belts exist; and others still beyond, and so on.

3. Another result that happeneth from these overlapping currents in the vortex, is the
production of rain and snow and hail. Certain parts of the earth are given to snow; certain
parts to rain and hail; and other parts to drought. In drought regions the vortexian
overlappings descend to the very earth, where they are called by various names, such as
cyclones, whirlwinds and so on; but if they occur on the ocean, carrying either up or down
a current of water, they are termed water-spouts. In regions where there are rain, hail and
snow falls, the vortexian commotion taketh place from half a mile to three miles above
the earth’s surface. Here the discord resulteth in liberating the moisture which was in
transparent solution, and clouds result. But if the commotion continue, these are,
atomically, still further liberated, and either rain or snow or hail resulteth, which is carried
down to the earth.

4. The places in the vortex of the earth where these discords result are nearly uniform in
their relative distance from the earth, and in the times of the occurrence, having special
reference to the prophetic periods previously given.

5. Refer to plate 44, in Book of Ben where will be seen a variety of representations of the
forms and figures of snow-flakes. But these are not all; there are thousands of millions of
them, differing so much from one another that description is not possible. As previously
stated, corpor being in solution in ethe, hath in the main the shape of needles, but of such
infinitesimal size that corporeal knowledge of them can only be, at most, subjective

knowledge. But in the snow-flake are both the casting and the mold of discordant
m’vortexian currents.

6. But it must be borne in mind that where one snow-flake is molded in one moment,
another snow-flake molded in the same place the next moment, and so on, would
display no two snow-flakes alike. Three stages may be described in the discordant results:
first, the cloud; second, the frozen cloud, which is snow; and third, the rain-drop or hailstone.

7. In the meteoric regions (which are above such clouds as produce rain) corpor also
presenteth three stages of development, which are: Ash-clouds, transparent or otherwise;
and crystal needles; and meteoric stones. The latter only, as a general rule, are
precipitated to the earth. But on certain occasions, both the other forms of corpor are also
precipitated to the earth.

8. Allowing a certain size to rain clouds, which are near the earth, corporeal clouds high
up in the vortex, are proportionately larger according to the ratio of the difference
between their globular circumference and that of the lower strata. So also are the
discordant waves proportionally longer, wider and deeper.

9. It is an error to say that the atmosphere of the earth decreaseth gradually and
continually in specific gravity according to the distance above the earth.

10. It is an error to say that there is any gravity in it, save only that it precipitateth
formations like rain, snow, hail and meteoric stones. As before shown, these things have
no gravity of their own to go in any direction. Nor is there any attraction in the earth to
pull them down. They are driven to the earth by the vortexian current. But the point
herein now considered is, the commonly expressed knowledge of men, that the
atmosphere hath less density outward, away from the earth, in proportion to the
distance from the earth’s surface. In one respect this is an error; in another a truth: As to
PER SE there is no difference in the atmosphere on the face of the earth compared
to that of a thousand miles high, or a hundred thousand miles high. It is all in even
balance, as to pressure and density,
PER SE . But because the etheic solution of corpor
is more sublimated by swifter axial motion in the higher regions, and because the
lower regions contain less perfectly dissolved corpor, the difference hath been
improperly described. Air is no heavier because of rain; the weight lieth in the rain only.

11. Hence the gravity (so-called) of the atmosphere hath reference only to imperfect
solutions of corpor. And it is true that a superabundance of these imperfect solutions are
near the earth.

12. At the sea-level a certain pressure seemeth to manifest, as in a barometer; on a high
mountain a less pressure seemeth to manifest. There is also a variation in the barometer
according to certain conditions of the atmosphere. The difference is not that the pressure
of the atmosphere is different; the pressure of the atmosphere,
PER SE , is the same in all
directions, high and low. The cause of the variation of the barometer is in reference to
distension (sublimated solution of corpor), and hath no reference to pressure as such. This
capacity to distension is not only external to the barometer, but within it also; so that as a
measure of atmospheric pressure
PER SE it is entirely worthless. The suction pump, or
inverted tube filled with water, showeth the pressure of the atmosphere upward as well as
downward, and showeth what the pressure is.

13. Wherefrom it is shown there is no such thing as attraction of gravitation of the
atmosphere toward the earth more than away from it. Where the atmosphere is
overcharged with an imperfect solution of corpor, or snow or rain, that excess is that
which balanceth toward the earth. But this also only applieth in regions close to the
earth’s surface. Fifty or a hundred thousand miles up from the earth, the axial velocity
of the vortex is so great that rain or snow would be instantaneously dissolved,
distended and lost to sight. Consequently the solutions in the higher atmosphere not
only contain moisture, but they contain iron, lead, zinc, gold, platinum, clay, granite,
diamonds and all other things known to exist on the earth, and many others besides.

14. In the early age of the vortex of the earth, so swiftly flew the outer rim that border
eddies ensued, from which nebula congregated, until the earth had a nebulous belt around
it. This belt, in time, losing pace with the earth’s vortex, condensed and made the moon.

15. But to return to the snow-flake and to the needles of the corpor whilst in the etheic
solutions: On a cloudy day these solutions or needles (mist, or dull atmosphere) are more
or less transverse to the vortexian lines. In a clear day the needles are linear to the earth,
and this is the reason it is a clear day. The latter direction of the needles may be called
direct, and the former indirect. Wherein they are direct, and they fall on the photoplate,
the force of their blows is called actinic force, and it is the same as where they fall on the
wet linen in the bleachman’s field. In this actinic blow a weak electric flame is produced
by each needle; hence the bleaching power, and also the power to blister an exposed skin
which hath been kept for years in the dark (negative).

16. If a solution of iron, transparent, or of quinine, or other recipient of negative
electricity, be sprinkled on the cloth, the actinic ray will not result in the electric spark,
and no bleaching effect will be produced; and even, sometimes, on the contrary, a black
spot will result.

17. Wherever the vortexian current falleth, corpor is more or less damaged or dissolved,
or changed in its combinations. On a piece of iron, fresh broken, it produceth rust.
Because the vortexian solution contained oxygen, this effect hath been called oxidation.
Nevertheless, in point of fact, oxygen of itself is inert: The break of its needles liberateth
vortexya, which result is a minor representation of the discharge of an electric spark from
the pole of a battery.

18. As previously stated, the vortexian currents are to the earth in the daylight;
and from the earth in the night; although their force is toward the center of the earth
(from the east) and toward the north pole afterward. The following result happeneth: For
example, a pool of water is charged during the day with the positive current; during the
night the negative current escapeth upward from the water. The decomposition resulting
therefrom is called se’mu (green scum), a mucilaginous substance which floateth on the
surface of the water. In some days’time this se’mu, by motion (from some external cause),
assumeth certain defined shapes, crystalline, fibrous and otherwise, after the manner of
strange configurations of frost on a window-pane. In some days after this, if the se’mu be
examined with a lens it will be discovered that here are miniature trees, even forests, with
vines and grasses. No seed was there.

19. This new property is called LIFE and because it existeth everywhere it is called
MNIPRESENT. Man can account for the se’mu; for the positive and negative forces; for
corpor and for ethe; but Life is unfathomable by man. The se’mu (green scum) floateth
against the ground; its infinitesimal trees and vines and grasses take root and grow, and
live a season and die; but from the roots and seeds a larger growth succeedeth. Thus
becometh all the world inhabitated over with living creatures. Nevertheless not one thing
of all of them mergeth into another; but every one bringeth forth after its own kind.

20. Man inquireth of the earth, the rocks, the air, and of all things: Who is this Life?
This Omnipresent that quickeneth into life all the living? But none can answer him. Then
man inquireth of L
IFE: “WHO ART THOU O LIFE?“ And the answer cometh to the soul of
man: “I

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