Lectionary Readings for Wednesday, April 7th, 2021

Lectionary Readings for Wednesday, April 7th, 2021

Memorial Sabbath

Book of Jehovih’s Kingdom on Earth Chapter 26

1. The C’chiefs said: And Jehovih prospered the New Kingdoms, as they were called in
mockery, for they were not kingdoms, but the opposite.

2. Jehovih had said: A republic can not follow the highest Light; it followeth the majority.
And a majority is, and was, and ever shall be, the lesser light.

3. Therefore, a republic is not the all highest government; and, since only the All
Highest can triumph in the end, behold, and interpret ye what shall come to pass.

4. The C’chiefs said: But many understood not. Nevertheless, the Faithists had little in
common with the Uzians.

5. The Faithists established a reciprocity between different colonies.

6. For, some were suited to agriculture and some to manufactures.

7. And they exchanged produce, so there was neither buying nor selling between them.

8. And it came to pass also, that, as some of the colonies were situated to the south, where
it was warm, and some to the north, where it was cold, so the people went and sojourned
in any place suited unto them, continuing their membership wherever they went.

9. Now, thus it did come to pass, in Jehovih’s kingdom on earth, man was without a
government, such as man’s government.

10. And this was the next higher condition that came up after republics.

11. The angels of Jehovih, perceiving this was coming to pass, said unto the Faithists:

12. Bother not your heads much about passing new laws for the Uzians; neither take ye
any part in the government, whether it doth this or that.

13. For many men shall rise up, saying: If the government would make a law of peace; or,
if the government would prohibit the traffic and the manufacture of this curse or that

14. But we say unto you, all these things shall fail. Trust ye not in the ungodly to do a
godlike matter.

15. The societies shall fail; the Peace Society shall become a farce; the Prohibitory
Society shall be lost sight of.

16. Even the churches that profess peace and temperance will not embrace peace and
temperance. They will fraternize with liquor-traffickers and with colonels and generals of
war, for sake of policy.

17. The boast of the Uzians shall be: This is a home for all peoples; but, nevertheless,
even in the midst of their boastings they shall make prohibitory laws to the contrary.

18. For they are fallen under the lower light; none can turn them about the other way.

19. Under the name of liberty, they shall claim the right to practice ungodliness.

20. But ye shall come out from amongst them, and be as a separate people in the world.

21. Thus it came to pass; the people were admonished by God and his angels, and by
Jehovih speaking in the souls of mortals.

22. And those that were of the Spirit believed; but those that were of the flesh

23. Wider and wider apart, these two people separated. And the believers, having faith in
Jehovih, practiced righteousness, rising higher and higher in wisdom and purity. But the
disbelievers went down in darkness; were scattered and lost from off the face of the earth.

24. Thus, Jehovih’s kingdom swallowed up all things in victory; His dominion was over
all, and all people dwelt in peace and liberty.


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