Lectionary Readings for Wednesday, April 21st, 2021
Memorial Sabbath
Book of Discipline Chapter 14
1. First, freedom unto all people on earth, and to the angels of heaven, to think and to
speak whatever they will.
2. Second, that since no man can acquire knowledge for another, but that each and all
must acquire knowledge for themselves, thou shalt dispose of whatsoever is before thee
in thine own way;
3. Remembering that one man seeth Jehovih in the leaves and flowers; in the mountains
and skies; in the sun and stars; or heareth Him in the wind and all corporeal sounds; yea,
he knoweth his Creator in the presence of everything under the sun. And he is happy.
4. Another seeth not Jehovih, nor knoweth Him. Nay, he denieth there is any All Person
in the universe. He is not happy.
5. One man distinguiseth the harmony of sounds, and he is delighted.
6. Another man cannot distinguish the harmony, and he findeth no delight therein.
7. So, of the words of thy God, one man can distinguish, and another cannot.
8. The revelations of thy God portray the harmony and glory of Jehovih’s creations, and of
the organic heavens of His holy angels.
9. Whether thyself, or thy brother, or thy neighbor, shall profess to reveal the words of thy
God, it is well.
10. Strive thou in this, and thou shalt improve thyself thereby.
11. In the preservation of my words for thousands of years resteth the recognition of my
12. I call all people unto me and my kingdom; happiness proclaim I as a result of rightdoing and good works; whoever do these are one with me in the framing of words.
13. To be one with Jehovih, this is Godliness; to be one with thy God, the way is open to
all men.
14. To be organic for love and good works, this is like the fraternities in heaven.
15. Whoever striveth for this hath my authority already; his words in time shall become
one with me and my works.
16. To improve thyself in these holy things is to discipline thyself to become a glory to
thy Creator.
17. Let any who will, say: Thus saith God, or thus saith Jehovih, or thus say I. Truth
expounded shall never die; the discrepancy from truth is short-lived.
18. Improve thyself, O man, to be sincere in thyself and in all thou doest; and, when thou
hast attained this, thy words shall be with power.
19. Remember thy Creator and seek to discover Him in the best perfections; remembering
that darkness knoweth Him not, but Light proclaimeth Him forever.
20. For on the foundation of an All Person, and believing in Him, lie the beginning and
the way of everlasting resurrection. Without Him, none have risen.
21. These are the words and discipline; in such direction shapeth thy God the thoughts of
millions. The twain are the authority vested in me, thine elder brother, by Jehovih,
Creator, Ruler and Dispenser, worlds without end. Amen!