Lectionary Readings for Tuesday, September 17th, 2019

Lectionary Readings for Tuesday, September 17th, 2019

Book of Es, Daughter of Jehovih Chapter 9

Chapter 9

1. Es said: Now, behold, just as the ship of Litabakathrava had risen upward, and was on
its way starting forth, the fire-boats of the four false Gods arrived in Paradise.

2. And the hosts, in the boats, were discomfited and angry withal, because their boasted
audacity was thwarted from having an interview with the Orian Chief and his hosts.

3. And they of the fire-boats saw one another, and were incensed and jealous, and puzzled
to know what to do. Neither would any of them confer with God, Jehovih’s Son, for they
had been thus commanded by the respective false Gods.

4. Now, therefore, after the fire-boats had cruised about awhile, displaying their splendor,
three of them departed, leaving only the fire-boat of Looeamong’s hosts remaining.

5. The captain of this boat had said: It is not sufficient that I come hither, and find the
foreign God departed. I will ascertain what hath been said and done, and what these
Jehovih worshipers are up to.

6. So, he went aside, and made his boat fast and he and his hosts, arrayed in splendor,
went and talked with the inhabitants of Paradise, inquiring, amongst other things, the
cause of such great rejoicing amongst the people.

7. And one of the people, being unguarded, said: Behold, it is well with us that we
rejoice; God, Jehovih’s Son, hath inspired a new mortal anchorage. He hath taken
Columbo, across the ocean, and showed him a new country, where only the Great Spirit,
Jehovih, is worshipped.

8. The captain of the fire-boat thus discovered one of the plans of God for redeeming the
world; but the captain disclosed not his joy, though presently, he and his hosts went
aboard and departed, making all haste to Hapsendi, the heaven of Looeamong, the false

9. On the day after Looeamong learned this matter, he sent a war-ship with seven million
warring angels to stir up a mutiny amongst mortals in countries whence Columbo sailed.

10. And, by inspiration, Looeamong’s warrior angels did set the rulers of Spain against
Columbo, and had him cast in prison, thus breaking the chain of inspiration betwixt
Columbo and the throne of God.

11. In the meantime, Looeamong’s angels made all haste to have mortal ships and shipmasters of their own kind cross the ocean to the countries Columbo had discovered.

12. Thus did Looeamong’s mortal worshipers cross over to Guatama, and, with
them, Looeamong landed and stationed in Guatama one thousand million angel
warriors, sworn laborers to the false Kriste, to establish him in these great lands.

13. When God saw how evil had already taken root in these countries, behold, he was
doubly resolved to obey Jehovih’s commandment, in regard to the inquisitions, in which
Jehovih had said:

14. Suffer Looeamong to carry out the inquisitions, to put to death whosoever he will. For
it shall come to pass that the spirits of those he slayeth in Roma and Venice and Napla
and all other cities and countries will remain in their places with vengeance on their souls.
And the time shall come when thou shalt withdraw thy protecting angel hosts from these

cities; and, behold, these angels of vengeance will come forth and visit their wrath upon
this false God and his kingdoms.

15. So, God was strong in resolution to let evil take its course; and, so, in all countries
where the false Kriste had been afflicting mortals, God withdrew his protecting hosts,
leaving those countries and those heavens to take their course.

16. And it came to pass, the angels of vengeance came forth for battle; to battle other
angels, and to obsess mortals unto battle also, and all against the false Kriste.

17. Thus was opened the door for the split in Looeamong’s doctrines, which was to
ultimate in the entire overthrow of the Trinity, and of the Holy Ghost, and of Looeamong
also, under his false name.

18. Thus did war begin again on earth, and in Looeamong’s heavens, about himself and
his doctrines.

19. To make matters worse for himself, he established angel emissaries in his earthly
kingdom, in Roma, to inspire the popes to cause mortals to be scourged, imprisoned and
put to death for heresy, and these things were done in the name of Kriste and the Holy

20. And it came to pass that no man could express a word, or thought, reflecting upon
Looeamong’s earthly doctrines or government, without falling a victim to mortal and
angel emissaries of this false Kriste. Verily were many of these mortal cities obsessed by
angels of darkness and evil.

21. In course of time, behold, mortals, inspired by vengeance-loving spirits, rose up
against Looeamong’s popes and cardinals, and protested against the abnegation of man’s
right to think for himself; and these people called themselves, protestants, professing that
there were two Kristes, a true one and a false one, and, moreover, that they themselves
were worshipers of the true Kriste.

22. Nevertheless, they were also under the inspiration of evil angels, for they fell to work
burning and flaying their opponents also.

23. And God foresaw that now was the time to inspire the western nations of Uropa to
great learning and to science and to philosophy and to western migration.

24. So, God sent angels to teach man once more the telescope and the art of printing; and
to inspire man to question the spiritual powers of kings.

25. Thus was Looeamong’s power in great measure locked up in managing his disrupted
kingdoms, whilst God’s holy angels pursued the road of righteous development for the
coming era of kosmon.

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