Lectionary Readings for Wednesday, September 18th, 2019

Lectionary Readings for Wednesday, September 18th, 2019

Weekday Sabbath

Book of Es, Daughter of Jehovih Chapter 10

Chapter 10

1. Es said: When God saw that Looeamong’s warrior angels had come upon the earth
regions, discovered by Columbo, God withdrew, saying:

2. Behold, I will use this as a testimony unto Jehovih and against this false Kriste, in time
to come. For I will withdraw my angel hosts and give up, for a season, the central lands of

3. And it shall come to pass, that mortals in these lands shall not prosper in peace, nor
righteousness, nor in learning, nor in science, nor in inventions, nor in anything good
under the sun. For Looeamong’s warrior angels shall obsess them, and they shall build up,
and then destroy, and the people of Aliattes, the Yodopans, shall be destroyed, and the

I’huans and their cities shall be ruined.

4. Now it did come to pass, as spoken by God, the central lands of Guatama, from sea to
sea, fell under the dominion of the warrior angels of Looeamong, the false Kriste, and
they became warriors and destroyers; nor rose they in peace, nor wisdom, nor in anything
good under the sun. But they lived as pilferers, debauchees, warriors, murderers and
idolaters of the false Kriste.

5. God had said: I will go to the northward, to the western coast of Uropa, and my angel
hosts shall inspire another people to migrate to Guatama for conscience sake (Jehovih’s

6. And it shall be proved, in time to come, that they whom I shall take across the ocean,
shall inherit Guatama; and they shall prosper in peace and virtue and wisdom and
learning and inventions. And man, in after time, shall witness the difference betwixt the
people of Looeamong’s possessions as compared with mine own in the northern regions.

7. And so, God sent his angel hosts amongst the factions of western Uropa, and inspired
mortals to rise up, and depart out of that country for conscience sake. And they that were
inspired of God crossed over the ocean, and landed in Guatama, and they named the place
of their landing Plymouth Rock, saying: For God’s sake and for liberty, help us, O Thou,
our Creator.

8. But they said not: For Kriste’s sake, nor for sake of the Holy Ghost.

9. Nevertheless, Looeamong’s angel warriors had accompanied them across the ocean;
and, when they beheld what mortals had done, they departed, by means of the mortal
ships returning to Uropa, for these angels were too low in grade to cross the ocean
without the presence of mortals.

10. And, when they had come to the other side, they reported to Looeamong’s angel
generals what had been done by mortals, in Guatama, and these angel generals sent a
dispatch to Hapsendi, Looeamong’s heavenly kingdom, to learn his will and pleasure.

11. Looeamong sent back word as followeth, to wit: Send thou a sufficient inspiring host
to obsess all mortals who have thus possessed Guatama, lest the country fall into
Jehovih’s hands. Spare them not; possess all, or ruin all, in the name of Kriste and the
Holy Ghost.

12. And thus it came to pass, as regardeth this false Kriste and his affairs with God:

13. The latter had inspired, for sake of Jehovih, certain other people in north-western
Uropa, who were Faithists in heart, but not practisers of the rites and ceremonies, who
called themselves Quakers, to migrate to Guatama, to shape the destiny of the inhabitants
to peace and virtue and wisdom; and these Quakers were covenanted to Jehovih, to never
engage in war, nor to quarrel, nor to contend with any man for opinion’s sake.

14. So Looeamong’s obssessing angels did fall upon the colonies of settlers in Guatama,
and obsess them to flay and to burn and to exterminate the Quakers, for Kriste’s sake, as
mortals said.

15. And the angels of Looeamong inspired mortals to lay in wait for any such other
Faithists as might migrate to Guatama.

16. God had said: Suffer these hardships to my people to be recorded, for in kosmon, they
shall be testimony of the power of heaven on mortals.

17. To the end, that these things might become historical, God suffered Looeamong’s
angels to raise up, and obsess one, Cotton Mather, who devoted his time and labor to the

establishing of this false God.

18. And the said Cotton Mather not only accomplished these wicked deeds, but he put
himself on record as a worshiper of Kriste. Thus, as followeth, were his words, to wit:

There be now at sea a shippe (for our friend Esias Holdcraft, of London, did
advise me by the last packet that it would sail sometime in August), called ye
‘Welcome,’R. Greenwas, master, which has aboard a hundred or more of ye
heretics and malignants called Quakers, with W. Penn, who is ye scamp at ye
head of them. Ye General Court has accordingly given secret orders to Master
Malachi Huxtett, of ye brig ‘Porpoise,’to waylaye ye said ‘Welcome,’as near ye
coast of Codd, as may be, and make captives of ye Penn and his ungodly crew,
so that ye Lord may be glorified and not mocked on ye soil of this new
country with ye heathen worshippers of these people. Much spoil can be made by
selling ye whole lot to Barbadoes, where slaves fetch good prices in rumme and
sugar; and we shall not only do ye Lord great service by punishing ye wicked,
but shall make gayne for his ministers and people. Yours, in ye bowels of Christ,
Cotton Mather.”

19. Such then were the trials of God in establishing Jehovih in Guatama. And yet, the
bitterest struggle had not begun

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