Lectionary Readings for Tuesday, January 21st, 2020
Book of Ah’shong Chapter V, Chapter VI
Chapter 5
1. God said: Blessed is the surgeon’s knife; its burn is the capital of health regained; but
yet a fool will cry out: Hold! hold! enough! thou inflicter of pain!
2. Who hath an eye like Jehovih? His whipping-posts are on all sides, but there is a clear
road between them. Yet man followeth it not.
3. Withdraw all good men and good angels, and there is no person left; they would not be
half made up. A man without an arm or a leg is but part of a man; a man without
perception of the All Person is a deformity in soul. He seeketh a home for his own ease
and glory; but the Son of Jehovih seeketh to find the severest labor that will profit his
4. Yeshuah shall be my homestead; hither will I bring the fruit of heaven below; hither
build my training schools. Seven years shall be my service; and they shall learn the ways
of etherea. Build me a house of brotherhood and fill it with willing pupils sworn to labor.
I will make them Gods and Lords with power and wisdom.
5. Behold a man maketh a factory and turneth out fabric for sale. I make a college and I
turn out sons and daughters of Jehovih, to give away. Bring me such material as will
stand in warp and filling; Jehovih’s fabric shall endure forever. Search me out the seed of
I’hin, and house them with care, for they shall redeem the earth-born after I ascend to the
Father’s kingdom.
Chapter 6
1. All the first best angels of atmospherea were brought away from the earth and housed
in Yeshuah, being placed at school and in factories new made in heaven. These were
2. The second first-best spirits were brought also, but placed in hospitals and nurseries.
3. Of those who had advanced to receive the second resurrection, God said: Build an
etherean ship and take them to Theistivi, in etherea.
4. So it came to pass there were two hundred millions raised to the second resurrection, of
the grade thirty-five. Theistivi lieth betwixt etherea and Seven A’ji, which is the lowest of
the etherean heavens next to an atmospherean abode.
5. God said: Two qualities have I left in Yeshuah, first and second. These shall be the
new kingdom after I am ascended. From these I will raise up a God and Lords, and they
shall rule over the lower heaven and the earth; and they shall bequeath to others after
them to rule in like manner.
6. Thus was founded the second light of Jehovih on the fruit of the earth. God’s etherean
hosts became as a training school to raise up a God and Lords and marshals and es’enaurs,
and all other officers, and men and women, for a lower heaven. God said: Yeshuah shall
not approach nearer the earth; nor shall it be as Hored, where spirits of darkness might
easily approach.
7. One hundred millions of spirits did God and his Lords and fellow-laborers bring from
the earth to Yeshuah, and they were placed in a brotherhood apportioned in the places
suited to their talents. And God divided the time of study, and of recreation, and of music,
and of discipline, marching, and so on, suited to all the people; and it was a place of order
and glory.
8. For without discipline there is nothing; and discipline cannot be without ceremony; nor
ceremony without rites, and forms, and established words. Is it not a foolish soldier that
saith: Behold I am wise! I need no discipline nor manual of arms. What more is he than
one of an untutored mob?
9. God said: As I drill them in heaven to make them a unit, so give ye to mortals rites
and ceremonies, that, coming into heaven, they go not back to their old haunts and fall
in darkness. Whatever tendeth to harmonize the behavior of individuals is of the
Father; the opposite tendeth to evil. Better is it that men march to the sound of one
monotonous word, than not to march at all; the value lieth not in the word, but in
bringing in unison that which was void. A fool saith: I need not pray, there is no virtue in
words. But his soul groweth up at variance with Jehovih. Neither is there more virtue
in the prayer or the words, than in marching (sacred dance) before Jehovih; for
whatever tendeth to unite men in one expression of soul in harmony, is Jehovih’s.
10. Sacred dances and rites and ceremonies were established in Yeshuah in the name of
Jehovih; and the new heaven became a place of delight.
11. God said: Teach my chosen to labor hard and wisely; and to dance with energy, and to
sing with strength and fullness of soul. For what more is there in any man or woman than
to learn to put forth? And what more pitiful thing is there in heaven than a man or woman
who hath but dragged along?
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