Lectionary Readings for Tuesday, August 17th, 2021

Lectionary Readings for Tuesday, August 17th, 2021

Book of Judgment Chapter 3


1. Think not, O man, that I am insufficient to the times and seasons. Or say thou that God
spake in the dark days of the earth, but latterly holdeth his tongue.

2. Behold, I am thy elder brother, even as a captain of the earth and her heavens for
a season. As I am, even so were my predecessors in the time of the ancients:

3. Embassadors of the Most High, Jehovih!

4. Whose power and wisdom are given unto me, even after the same manner as are thy
earthly kingdoms governed and disciplined.

5. Whereby order may contribute to the resurrection of all of His created beings.

6. First, I charge thee that whoso saith: GOD, GOD! calleth in vain.

7. I am not come to establish, but to abolish all Gods and Lords and Saviors amongst

8. For what is past, is past.

9. But whosoever, henceforth, heareth my word and the decree of my commandment, and
continueth to make an idol of any name, save the Great Spirit, blasphemeth against his

10. But whoso cryeth out in fullness of heart, saying: GOD, GOD! meaning thereby the
Ever Present, the Creator, is not a blasphemer before me.

11. And whoso saith: ORMAZD, ORMAZD! meaning thereby the Ever Present, the Creator, is
not a blasphemer before me.

12. And whoso calleth any name in any language that signifieth the Ever Present, the
Creator, is not a blasphemer before me.

13. And whoso saith: BRAHMA, BRAHMA! signifying a God in figure and shape of a man,
sitting on a throne in heaven, is a blasphemer against Jehovih, the Ever Present, the

14. And whoso saith: BUDAH, BUDAH! signifying a God in figure and shape of a man,
sitting on a throne in heaven, is a blasphemer against Jehovih, the Ever Present, the

15. And whoso saith: KRISTE, KRISTE! signifying a God in the figure and shape of a man,
sitting on a throne in heaven, is a blasphemer against Jehovih, the Creator, the All Person.

16. And whoso calleth on the name of any other man or angel, worshipping such as a
God, is an idolater in my sight.

17. Nor do I judge them less idolatrous than though they worshipped stone idols or graven

18. And whosoever saith: DEITY, DEITY! and DIVINITY, DIVINITY! and DIVINE LAW and
NATURAL LAW, are adjudged in darkness.

19. For I proclaim my heavens open, and the way of understanding clear.

20. Jehovih is Ever Present, and doeth by virtue of his Presence, and not by any law.

21. And whoso saith that which will lead men to believe He is not Present, or that he hath
gone away, leaving certain laws after Him in His stead, the same is adjudged a blasphemer against Jehovih.

; AND, IN THE HOUR OF THY DEATH, BECAUSE THOU HAST SO CALLED ON HIM, THOU SHALT ASCEND INTO A HEAVENLY PARADISE, the same is a falsifier of my kingdoms and a blasphemer against Jehovih.

23. And whoso saith: COME THOU BEFORE THE CHURCH, AND BEFORE THE PRIEST, AND MAKE PRAYERS AND CONFESSIONS, AND THOU SHALT BE ABSOLVED AND FORGIVEN THY SINS, the same are falsifiers of my kingdoms and blasphemers against Jehovih, the Creator.

24. Nor have I provided resurrection in this world, nor in my heavens above, save by
good works done unto others; and this is serving Jehovih, the All Person; and not because
of any worship or confessions done before any of the idols on earth or in heaven.

25. Nor is there any redemptions in heaven to the Brahmins, nor to the Budhists, nor to
the Kriste’yans, because of their prayers and confessions.

26. But wherein good works have resulted in affiliation; and in lifting the people up out
of misery and crime, the same is adjudged as worship of the Great Spirit, Jehovih.

27. Wherein the Brahmins have suffered a people to fall from knowledge into ignorance,
or from virtue into vice, my judgment is against them.

28. Wherein the Budhists have suffered a people to fall from knowledge into ignorance,
or from virtue into vice, my judgment is against them.

29. Wherein the Ka’yuans have suffered a people to fall from knowledge into ignorance,
or from virtue into vice, my judgment is against them.

30. Wherein the Kriste’yans have suffered a people to fall from knowledge into ignorance,
or from virtue into vice, my judgment is against them.

31. Wherein the Mohammedans have suffered a people to fall from knowledge into
ignorance, or from virtue into vice, my judgment is against them.

32. Where beggary and vagrancy and all manner of darkness have increased in any of the
cities or countries of any of these idolaters, my judgment is against them.

33. They shall not excuse themselves, nor escape my judgment, by saying: O the true
Brahmin, or the true Budhist, or the true Mohammedan hath not fallen. These, that fell,
were such as embraced not our doctrine in fullness of heart.

34. Because my judgment is also against impotency. They have tried their respective
religions hundreds of years. And they have not raised up one city of righteous people.

35. Wherefore, I have come to put these doctrines away, and give them that which shall
prove itself potent in all the world.

36. That, which I proclaim, shall be proclaimed by the angels of the second resurrection,
unto all nations and peoples.

37. My light is not to one people only, save to the righteous, who serve the Creator by
doing good unto all men. In my sight, the nations of the divisions of the earth are as one
people only, brothers and sisters.

38. I take from all of them their idols, their Gods; but I give them a greater, even the

39. I say to them: I suffered my children to have idols; but now, that ye are men, put away
your idols, and accept Jehovih, Who is the Creator of all.

40. Nor shall any man more say: I worship the Brahmin principle, or the Budhist
principle, or the Ka’yuan principle, or the Kriste’yan principle, or the Mohammedan
principle. For all of these have proved themselves to result in war and destruction.

41. None of them have faith in Jehovih, but faith in their armies of soldiers, and in their
weapons of death.

42. But I give unto all people one principle only, which is to serve Jehovih. This is broad
enough for the redemption and resurrection of all men. And I will have none other.

43. Seek, thou, O man, to believe in the All Person, Who is Ever Present, Whose eye is
upon thee, Whose ear heareth thee; for He is the All One, Who is the pass-word to the
highest of heavens.

44. And thou mayest call on thy idol at the gates of my heavens, but the gates shall not be
opened unto thee. For I will have no quarrel in my exalted kingdoms in heaven as to Gods
and Lords and Saviors.

45. Till thou art washed clean of them; coming in spotless white, a servant of the Most
High, thou canst not withstand the light of my kingdoms in heaven.

46. But thou shalt return in spirit to the earth, and abide in the church and temple of thy
chosen God, wandering about, in stubbornness of heart, a prey to drujas and vampires and
other angels of darkness.

47. Have faith, O man, in Him, Who created thee alive; about Him there can be no
mistake. Glorify Him by righteous works, having faith, that even as He brought thee into
life, so will He provide unto thee, according to thy just deserts.

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