Lectionary Readings for Thursday, January 7th, 2021

Lectionary Readings for Thursday, January 7th, 2021

Book of Sethantes, Son of Jehovih, Chapters 1 and 2



1. In the beginning of the inhabitation of the earth, the angels of heaven assembled in
Hored, a heavenly plateau resting on the earth.

2. And the archangel Sethantes was the wisest of them all, and he said unto them:

3. Behold, we have come from far-off heavens; by the voice of Jehovih came we to
partake of the glory of the red star, the earth. Jehovih said unto us: Come ye and
enjoy the new world I have created. Partake ye of all the fruits thereof, save of the
tree of knowledge, which is the fountain of life. Partake ye not of this, lest ye die.

4. But the voice of the earth spake unto us, saying: Partake ye, for indeed Mine is the tree
of everlasting life.

5. And many obeyed not the voice of the Father, and are now bound by the tie of life,
which is in the blood.

6. And the voice of Jehovih came to me, saying: Sethantes, My son, behold, I gave
into thy charge in My etherean heavens millions of angels, and thou has brought
them to the earth, and they are fallen from their high estate. Go thou, deliver them.

7. And I said: What shall I do? And Jehovih said: Bring thy angel hosts to Hored, for
there will I crown thee God of these heavens and earth for the redemption of angels and
mortals. And it shall be a new heavenly kingdom from this time forth to the end of the
world. For it is the time of the arc of Wan, and I will bring from etherea My high-raised
Goddess, Etisyai, chief factor of Harmuts, and she shall crown thee in My name, G

8. God said: When I had thus spoken in Hored before the angels of heaven, a great light,
like a sun, was seen descending from the firmament above. And I commanded my
es’enaurs to chant in praise of the Father and His works.

9. Meanwhile I had the angels of Hored numbered, and there were of them twentyseven millions and six hundred thousand, and these were the same who were on an excursion in my charge when the voice of Jehovih commanded us to visit the earth.

10. The light above us descended fast toward us, like a ship of fire it came nearer and
nearer, till we saw that it was wider far, than the place of Hored and all my angel hosts.

11. And it came to pass that when the great light had descended to the plateau of
Hored there came forth out of the light one million archangels, from the arc of Wan
in the Hosts of A’ji, in the orbit of Fow’sang in etherea, and they bore regalia
and crowns from the Orian chief of Harmuts. Foremost of the archangels was
Etisyai, and her brother Ya’tiahaga, commissioners from the etherean heaven.

12. When they came near me, Etisyai gave the sign of Jehovih’s name, greeting,
halting, and saying: All hail! In Jehovih’s name, and in the love of Harmuts, Orian chief,
we come to greet thee, first God of the lower heaven, belonging to the corporeal earth!

13. I said: All hail, O emissaries of Harmuts, Chief of Orian worlds! Come, O Etisyai,
and thy brother and all this host! Come honor My throne, in Great Jehovih’s name!

14. The archangels then came forward, saluting, and Etisyai said: In Thy name, O
Jehovih, I found here a throne!

15. And she caused to rise the form and substance thereof, and she ascended thereon,
and Ya’tiahaga with her. And the other archangels formed a crescent in front of
the throne, all of them bearing crowns or diadems, but they stood upright. And now
the angels of the host of God took their places, that they might witness the
testimony of Jehovih’s commission, but the lights from the columns of fire,
brilliant in all colors and shades and tints, baffled many of them from seeing plainly.

16. When all things were in readiness Etisyai, standing erect and brilliant like a star,
raised her right hand, saying: JEHOVIH! A

17. And now with her left hand she raised high the crown, so that all might see and bear
witness, and giving the sign again of Jehovih’s name above the crown, wherefrom a flame
of light shot forth brilliantly. Thereupon she placed the crown on God’s head, saying:

18. ARISE, O MY SON, THOU SON OF JEHOVIH! Instantly there arose from the millions
of souls one universal shout: All hail, O Son of Jehovih! And God rose up, having the
crown on his head, and the people cheered him lustily, for he was well beloved.

19. Etisyai said: Bring forth thy five chief Lords that I may crown them also. God then
caused the five chief Lords whom he had selected to sit at the foot of the throne.

20. Again Etisyai raised her right hand, saying: O JEHOVIH! ALMIGHTY!

21. Then Etisyai took the crowns, which were handed her by the other archangels, and
placed them on the heads of the Lords, saying:


23. The Lords rose up, having on their heads the crowns of Lords, and again the
multitude saluted with great cheering. When the applause ceased Etisyai said:

24. My God and My Lords, give now the sign of Jehovih’s name that His glory may be
fulfilled. (For this was the oath of office.) (The sign is the circle twice cut. For further
information see Emethachavah, Book of Saphah.)

25. And God and the Lords saluted Jehovih before the hosts of heaven. And they stood
apart a little distance, and Etisyai said:

26. Behold the All Light, Jehovih, encompasseth me. My voice shall be His voice. By the
glory of Faith in Him am I One with the Father.

27. And a fleece of golden hue descended from above and encompassed Etisyai around
about, and she was like a central star with rays of light emanating. She was entranced by
Jehovih. Through her the Creator spake, saying:

28. My Son, even God, I brought thee forth out of corpor, quickened into life everlasting.
By faith I inspired thee to do whatsoever thou hast done. Faith gave I unto thee, as the
tree whereon A
LL PERFECTION is the fruit. By that faith within man that nurtureth the
I AM within Himself unto perfection, becometh he My son, doing by virtue of My
presence. According to thy wisdom and love have I given thee strength; and by thy
strength raised thee up.

29. Behold, this day have I given thee a kingdom in atmospherea, and made thee God
before all the kingdoms of heaven. This place shall be thy place and Mine also. Here shalt
thou dispense wisdom and laws, and appoint officers in My name and by virtue of My

30. And thy kingdom shall be like two kingdoms: One here with the hosts of heaven,
and one on the earth, even over these thy Lords. For thou art the judgment seat and
Creator of order over the whole earth, and in the heaven belonging to the earth.

31. Stretch forth thy hand, My Son, and clothe thyself in the golden fleece.

32. God made the sign, and then raised his hands upward, saying: Jehovih! Jehovih! By
thy command I call upon Thee to array me in Thy golden fleece! Behold I am Thy Son.

33. And the archangels tossed up the raiment and regalia they had brought from their
etherean arc in a’ji, and, by the faith that was in God, the substance flew to him and
encompassed him around in raiment of the upper heaven.

34. Then Jehovih spake to the Lords, saying: As God hath built a kingdom in Hored, and
reigneth over this heaven, and over ye and your helpmates, so shall ye build kingdoms on
the earth, and ye shall rule over mortals in My name, teaching them of Me and My
everlasting kingdoms in the firmament above. In testimony of my voice receive ye this
raiment of silver and gold from My archangels.

35. The archangels then draped the Lords in shining raiment. And Etisyai came down
from the throne, still entranced, saying:

36. Though, My Daughter Etisyai will rise up in the flame of fire, yet will I, even
Jehovih, abide with thee, O God, and with ye My Lords, now and forever! And
then Etisyai took God’s hand and led him to the center of the throne, saying: Sit
thou on this throne for it is thy Father’s kingdom in the lower heaven of the earth!

37. When God sat down, the entrancement departed from Etisyai, and the Light of
Jehovih went and settled upon God and the Lords. But Etisyai sat down at the foot of the
throne, and thereupon all the archangels sat down also.

38. God said: Behold, she that is greatest maketh herself least of all. Arise, O Daughter
of Jehovih, and enjoy my kingdom, for it is Jehovih’s also. And God came down
from the judgment seat and took Etisyai’s hand and she rose up, whereupon God
proclaimed the freedom of the hour. Thus was established the first throne of God in these
heavens. And now all of the hosts mingled together, angels and archangels, joyfully.


1. When the hour was ended, God again ascended the throne, and the marshals raised
the signals of order, and the archangels went and stood in a crescent in front of the
throne. Etisyai sat at the feet of God, and the splendor of her glory, unadorned, save with
white and yellow drapery, shone through all the talents Jehovih had given her, the
perfection of purity, wisdom, and love, the like of which only Gods had looked on!

2. God said: In Thy name, O Jehovih, do I now found the session of Thy kingdom
in the lower heaven. As long as man and woman shall bring forth heirs unto Thee,

this kingdom shall not cease to glorify Thee. Let the Lords approach the throne.

3. The es’enaurs now sang, and in the meantime the marshals and escorts conducted the
Lords before the throne. When they were in order, the music ceased, and God said:

4. Five great divisions of the earth there are, and I have ordained ye the five Lords thereof
in Jehovih’s name. According to the number of inhabitants on the earth’s divisions, and
your relative rank before heaven have I placed you. When ye have seated yourselves in
your respective kingdoms, ye shall have each twelve messengers, whose duties shall be
betwixt ye and me. Choose ye, therefore, your messengers, even this hour, that ere the
resurrection of the archangels they may be confirmed and their registry borne to heaven

5. The Lords chose their messengers, and they were confirmed in the name of Jehovih,
and the swift messengers, who ply with the upper heavens, made a record of their names
and places. Thereupon God said to them:

6. According to your talents have you been chosen; according to your excellence will ye
be promoted to wider fields of labor. May the wisdom. love and power of Jehovih be with
you all, amen!

7. And now Etisyai signified that her time of departure had arrived.

8. God came down from the judgment seat, and standing one moment in sorrow, reached
forth and took Etisyai’s hand, saying:

9. Arise, O Daughter of Jehovih, and go thy way!

10. Etisyai rose up, pointing upward, said: My house is in the arc of Wan. Jehovih
dwelleth with thee and me! My swift messengers shall come to thee at times. My love
will abide with thee and thy Lords, and the harvest of thy resurrection. In Jehovih’s name,

11. Etisyai then walked to the ship of fire; but ere she entered, she turned and took
one more look at the hosts of Hored, and, then stripping from the frames, luminous
drapery, cast it playfully over the en’enaurs, and quickly disappeared in the light.

12. The es’enaurs chanted, and the hosts of archangels joined in with them, and in that
same moment of time the ship began to rise, and it was as thousands of columns of fire
surrounding one majestic column, and the whole circle rising in spiral form, turning and
rising, rising and turning. And when it was a little way up it seemed like an ascending
sun; and then higher and higher, like a far-off star, and then it passed beyond the vision of
the angels of Hored.

13. When order was proclaimed, the All Light began to gather around about the throne,
covering over God and the Lords. Jehovih, through God, said:

14. Hear ye, for I abide also with these My Lords of the hosts of heaven.

15. The Lords said: What shall we do? And Jehovih answered: Summon all the angels to
pass before the throne of God, one by one, that I may judge them. For as many as dwelt
on any of My corporeal worlds of the fifth of the second rate shall abide in the
kingdom of Hored, and their labor shall be with es’yans only; but all of the full of the first
rate shall abide in the kingdoms of My Lords, and their labor shall be with corporeans.

16. The marshals then arranged the angels and they passed in front of the throne, and so
great was God’s wisdom that, in looking on the angels as they passed, he perceived the
rates of every man and woman. And those destined for labor in atmospherea only, he
caused to turn one way, and those for the earth, as ministering spirits with mortals, to turn

the other way; and when they had all passed, they were correctly divided according to
Jehovih’s commandment.

17. God said: Hear me, O ye Lords! Take your laborers and repair to your respective
places on the divisions of the earth, and the waters of the earth. And ye shall be Lords
with me, your God, for the glory of Jehovih. Whatsoever ye do on the earth will I ratify in
heaven; whomsoever ye deliver from the earth will I receive in heaven. As ye shape and
build up mortal man, delivering his spirit into my kingdom, so will I receive him and
award him.

18. That your kingdoms may accord with me and Mine, I give you messengers sufficient,
and they shall pass daily betwixt us: According to their proficiency and power to pass
from place to place, so have I chosen them.

19. Let a record be kept within your own kingdoms, and these records shall be your own,
to be carried upward with you in the next resurrection.

20. And yet, ye shall have a record jointly with me, separate from your own record,
pertaining to your kingdom’s relations with mine.

21. When mortals die and are born in spirit, ye shall receive them and enter them in your
records as es’yans, signifying new born in heaven. And for these es’yans ye shall provide
temporary abodes, where they shall tarry, some for a few days, and some for the space of
one year or more. Of their numbers and conditions ye shall inform me, through the
messengers, and I will send ships to bring them to My kingdom.

22. Ye shall appoint asaphs, whose office it shall be to receive es’yans from the ashars.

23. Whilst a mortal is alive on the earth, the ashars shall abide with him, guarding him in
the name of the Lord, and in My name. But when he dieth the ashar shall deliver the
es’yan to the asaph, saying: In Jehovih’s name receive thou this new born spirit. He was
My protégé; for the good or evil in him, charge thou to Me. And the ashar shall deliver up
a record of the mortal life of the es’yan, and the record shall be kept within your own

24. And the asaph shall take the es’yan, saying: In Jehovih’s name, receive I this new born
spirit. He shall be my protégé according to the commandments of the Lord my God.
He shall then take the es’yan to the place to receive it, where it will have nurses and
attendants according to its requirements.

25. When ships come to your kingdoms, the asaphs shall deliver all the es’yans they have
received, and My officer shall receive them, and bring them to My place in heaven.

26. When God had ended the instructions to the Lords, the Lords answered, saying: We
will be thy Lords, O God, doing thy commandments, for the glory of Jehovih, our Father.

27. God said: To each of you have I given a great division of the earth, and each division
shall be named after you, each in its place.

28. This, then, was the rank assigned: Waga (Pan); Jud (Asia); Thouri (America); Vohu
(Africa); and Dis (Europe). And the lands were called after the names of the Lords and so
entered in the books of heaven in Hored, by command of God in the name of Jehovih.

29. And the record of the Great Serpent showed the firmament of Tem’yi in the third
circuit of c’v’wark’um and dan’ha twenty-four.

30. When all was finished the Lords went and sat down at the foot of the throne, and the
es’enaurs chanted a hymn of praise to Jehovih and the entire multitude jointed therein.

31. When the hymn was ended, God rose up, standing amidst a sea of light, and raising up
both hands, said: O Jehovih! Almighty and everlasting! Help Thy servants in founding
this Thy Kingdom for Thy glory! Peace, Wisdom and Power!

32. Then making the sign of Jehovih’s name with his right hand, he came down to the foot
of the throne, and taking the hand of Waga: Lord of Waga, he said: Arise, my son, and go
thy way; and Jehovih will bless thee.

33. Waga rose up and stood aside, and then in like manner God raised the other four
Lords and they stood aside also.

34. The marshals filed past the throne saluting, and after them the Lords, saluting also;
and after them came the asaphs, and lastly the ashars; and the procession was under way,
passing off between the pillars of fire with which God’s laborers had ornamented Hored
around about.

35. This was the beginning of the first kingdom in the lower heaven, and the first of the
reign of the Lords on earth.

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