Lectionary Readings for Sunday, March 8th, 2020

Lectionary Readings for Sunday, March 8th, 2020

Holy Memorial Day

Book of Fragapatti Chapter 13, Chapter 14

Chapter 13

1. Then Fragapatti sent swift messengers to Mouru, relating all that had been
accomplished, giving, also, the names of the generals and captains over the newly
established colonies redeemed from Utza, in the Aoasuan mountains, so they might be
registered in the libraries of Haraiti. And Fragapatti established a line of messengers
betwixt the colonies, and also from the colonies to Mouru, and selected and appointed the
messengers, to hold office during dawn.

2. And when the affairs of this region of the lower heavens were completed and in
working order, Fragapatti was ready to ascend with the mad and dumb drujas rescued
from hell. Accordingly, the proper persons fell to work and carried them into the
avalanza; being obliged to blindfold them because of the light. Nor did the drujas cease
wailing and crying with fear and pain and craziness. But because of the multitude of
infants, Fragapatti had previously provided five hundred thousand women of fetal, that
the infants might be redeemed to everlasting life.

3. Sixty thousand physicians had Fragapatti aboard, and they fell to work right and left,
resuscitating and restoring to consciousness the unfortunates. And of the hosts of Hoab,
not one was there but went to work, willingly, as nurse and helper.

4. Now struck up the es’senaurs with music, thirty thousand of them, but soft and gentle
as a breath of wind, carrying the tones around about the ship, even as an endless echo,
calling and answering from all possible directions, a continuous and enrapturing change,
as if near, and as if far off. So that the uninformed knew not whence the music came, nor
how it was produced.

5. All these things were set to working order just as the great avalanza was ready to start.
Then Fragapatti went into the ship, being almost the last one to enter. Already was the
light gathering bright and dense about him, his head almost hid in the brilliancy of the
halo. And then he called out:

6. Arise! Arise! In Jehovih’s name, upward rise! And as he spake, behold, the avalanza
moved with his will, for all the hosts joined in the same expression, and presently started
upward the great fire-ship; leaving the burning walls and signal centers flickering below,
so that even hell overthrown shone with great grandeur.

7. Fragapatti spake to Hoab, saying: When I took thee and thy hosts from Zeredho, I
promised to take thee to Mouru, the capital city of Haraiti, my kingdom. Now thou
desirest me to go with these drujas to Zeredho. I will ask thee now, thinkest thou that thou
couldst plan their salvation, and restore them to light?

8. To which Hoab replied, saying: I perceive that of myself I can do nothing but go down
hill; or, at best, keep on a level road. As I now comprehend All Light, there is no one
thing in all the universe that can rise of itself; but, by the external pressure of other things,
all tend downward, even man. To attain to be one with Jehovih is the beginning of the
resurrection of the individual; but he who hath attained power to resurrect others is strong

indeed. There are many who spasmodically resurrect others, but, alas, how few can keep
them resurrected! Not only must he have the Light of Jehovih within himself, but power
to make others obtain the Light for themselves. Alas, I am weak!

9. Fragapatti said: Understand thyself, O Hoab. Be not deceived, nor short in faith to
accomplish; for herein lieth the key to all Wisdom and Power. Suffer not thyself to go to
the other extreme, saying, man of himself can accomplish nothing. To teach a child this,
is to hew off its legs and arms. To teach it that it can accomplish, is to make it giant-like
and effective.

10. Hoab said: I perceive thy wisdom, O Chief. How, then, shall we find a line by which
we can train this economy? If we inspire them not with faith to accomplish, they will
accomplish nothing; if we teach them they are dependent on Jehovih for all things, and
that Jehovih doeth all things, and that no man can change his own destiny, that he is
moved as a machine, then we will make nonentities of our people. On the other hand, if
we inspire them that they can accomplish, it will grow upon them, and, finally, they will
believe that they do all, and Jehovih nothing. This was the mire my other kingdom ran

11. Then spake Fragapatti, saying: Thou perceivest that reason cannot solve the matter.
Let us, then, suspend the subject, and I will take thee to Mouru and her kingdoms, and we
may obtain facts more pertinent than opinion or reason.

Chapter 14

1. Upward rose the avalanza with its contrasting assemblage of the souls of Light, and
with the souls of darkness, the drujas, the holy es’enaurs chanting anthems of praise and
thanksgiving, whilst the drujas were engaged in ______ or cursing everything in heaven
or earth, or in weeping and moaning, or in stupor, dull as if dead.

2. Fragapatti had previously sent swift messengers to Athrava and the Holy Council of
Mouru, where had descended the Light of Jehovih, Whose voice came upon them, saying:

3. Lo, my hosts come in the avalanza; prepare ye to inhabit them, thirty millions. Choose
ye from My ethereans and My atmosphereans who shall receive the hosts of the avalanza,
the nine hundred millions in darkness. Go ye, therefore, to the borders of the sea, Chewan, near the cross-roads, Tse-loo, where I have created the plains of Hoo’e’tse-gam, ample for their resurrection. And ye shall provide them houses and hospitals and
nurseries, suitable for them to dwell in, being ready, when the avalanza cometh, to deliver

4. Athrava and the Holy Council had responded to this, and the swift messengers in turn
had informed Fragapatti of the place prepared. Accordingly, the avalanza was landed in
Hoo’e’tse-gam, where the thirty millions were in waiting to receive them, disciplined by
Ardi’atta, Goddess of Zhei, in etherea, first of the seven le’tas in Gom. And they had
ten thousand trumpeters, besides other players, four thousand and two hundred.

5. Ardi’atta had provided the pastures in green and in red and brown, but the green she
had laid near Che-wan, where the avalanza would land; hence, it was called, Hoo’e’tsegam, signifying, green for the newborn. Consequently, the drujas were delivered from the avalanza on an open green plain, neither dark nor light, suited to the diseased in mind.

6. Fragapatti knew Ardi’atta, for her former kingdom in etherea lay in one of his own
provinces, and it was easy for him to commune with her at a distance, and without
messengers. So, even before the avalanza landed, he said unto her:

7. I will cast the drujas on the green fields, and as fast as thou and thy hosts can
resuscitate them to consciousness, they shall be selected and carried into the houses and
nurseries thou hast provided for them.

8. Thus was the avalanza discharged of the drujas, for the present in Haraiti, to receive
treatment prior to being carried to Zeredho. And Ardi’atta and her hosts took charge of
them, although more than four millions of Hoab’s hosts, also remained with them, as
volunteers, to assist in the redemption.

9. Then Fragapatti directed the ship to be steered for Mouru, whither it arrived in due
season; and there were in waiting to receive him more than one thousand million souls,
and they had provided musicians, one million players and singers, so that far and near it
was like a sea of music.

10. When Hoab looked upon the beauty and magnificence of the scene, and especially the
discipline, his soul was filled with thanks to the Great Spirit, so that he could scarce
speak. And when he mastered himself a little, he said: O Chief, Fragapatti! How could
one so exalted as thou art come to me in Zeredho! Every hour am I rebuked by myself
because of my former vanity.

11. Fragapatti said: To learn not to speak of one’s self, nor to think of one’s self, whether
praised or rebuked, is this not the right road to Jehovih? Hoab said: It is true. Therefore,
the opposite, is going on the wrong road.

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