Lectionary Readings for Sunday, August 16th, 2020

Lectionary Readings for Sunday, August 16th, 2020

Holy Memorial Day

God’s Book of Eskra Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12


1. Toyvraghah and Hagonte and Yulis and Rufus, with their hosts, returned from their
voyage to the earth, and brought records of the standing of mortals in all the tribes and
nations of the earth, and of their numbers, and their grades and generations, and of the
Faithists in all the different regions of the earth, and of idolaters, and of all matters
pertaining to mortals, and these records were filed in the libraries of heaven, and a copy
of them sent to the etherean regions in the roadway of the earth and her heavens.

2. Of Faithists, there were thirty-one millions and three hundred thousand.
In Chine’ya, thirteen million seven hundred thousands; in Vind’yu three million
three hundred thousands; in western Arabin’ya (Kanna’yan), six million two
hundred thousands, and in north Guatama, eight million one hundred thousands.

3. And of all the rest of the inhabitants of the earth, there were eleven hundred
millions. Of these, upward of ninety-seven per cent, were capable of everlasting life.

4. Of the Faithists of Chine’ya, suffice this: Though they maintained the rites and
ceremonies of the ancients, they lived not wholly as a separate people, save in a few
places. But they were the head and front of learning and of teaching all the applied arts
and industries. Whilst the idolaters of Joss and Te’in and Po were less learned.

5. God said of Chine’ya: This is a good work. Whoso shapeth the education of a people
will ultimately found them in their own doctrines. The Faithists will make these people a
great people.

6. Nevertheless great wars are near at hand here. The idolaters, being warriors, will suffer
most, and the Faithists, who practice peace, will greatly gain upon them. And it was even
so, as will be presently shown.

7. Of the Faithists of Vind’yu suffice this: They lived in families and small colonies;
they practiced the rites and ceremonies; nor were there any laws against them, as in
the olden times. But because of the many languages in this country, all peoples were
afflicted. God said: No people can advance much whilst they have many languages.

8. Of the Faithists of western Arabin’ya, who, for the most part, called themselves
Israelites, suffice this: The two branches still remained: those who lived under the oral
law, and those who lived under the written law. The latter were called Leviticans, that is,
hangers on, and of imperfect flesh and spirit.

9. The Leviticans were not scrupulous as regardeth war and the preservation of their seed.
And in consequence of their sins they brought great shame upon the Faithists in general.
And the Leviticans’examples were evil, and they gained in numbers faster than the
Oralites. The Leviticans worshiped the Great Spirit under the names, Lord and God.

10. As for the Oralites, so called, because their doctrines and teachings were secret and
only spoken, being taught , man to man and woman to woman, orally; they were non-resistants, and they owned nothing, giving all things to the rab’bah for the public good. Their practice was love and harmony; doing righteously in all things, and trusting to
Jehovih, Whom they worshiped under the name E-O-Ih. All the prophets and seers were
born of the Oralites.

11. And so great was the spiritual power of the Oralites, that during all these hundreds of
years the Faithists, six millions, had lived without king or governor. Being as a multitude
of communities.

12. Of the Faithists of Guatama, they were little learned, but were peaceful and
industrious. And they comprised all the inhabitants, save the I’hins, in all the land. And
they also lived without kings or governors. And every town was ruled over by a rab’bah,
and a combination of towns by a chief rab’bah. And the tribes were made into states, with
chief rab’bahs as representatives, and these states were united into a great government
called, T
HE ALGONQUIN. And all the government were made and maintained for the benefit
of tribes that might suffer by famines or fevers. And yet there was not amongst all these
millions of people one tyrant or dictator.

1. And now came earth and heaven into the a’ji’an forest of Aghanodis, and the pressure
was upon all sides of the earth’s vortex, even beyond Chinvat.

2. And the heavenly kingdoms were stirred up; and the nations of the earth were in trial.

3. In the great city of Paradise, heavenly seat of God, were the multitudes of angels, the
thousands of millions made to look upward, outward, to know the Almighty.

4. As a’ji driveth the weak angels of heaven to seek a lower field, so doth it on earth drive
polluted nations to war and to avarice and to death.

5. When yet but the second shower of a dozen years had fallen, mortals in many nations
of the earth rushed into war. And even the Faithists began to clamor for kings and
standing armies, with great captains and generals, to lead them on to mortal dominion.

6. The Israelites made a mortal king, and by their behavior , said: Rather man than
Jehovih. Behold, we will have the Lord with us to fight our battles!

7. And Baal, God of the idolaters, heard and saw, and gloried in the course; and he
hastened to the scene with millions of his angel slaves to inspire the Israelites to glory in
the Lord and God, whom he assumed to be.

8. And millions of the Israelites fell beneath his power and became his spiritual slaves.
The others, still steadfast in the secret oral rites, remained true to the secret name and
Person, Jehovih (E-O-Ih).

9. The which Ashtaroth saw; and, first time of all, after two thousand years friendship to
Baal, she became jealous and filled with vengeful wrath.

10. She said: I see now how this traitorous God hath planned to beat me in the regions
west of Heleste and Uropa. By the flesh of my thighs am I sworn, this thing shall not be! I
will send a hundred million warring angels down to Babylon and Tyre and Yedmon and
Luce, and inspire their mortal kings to make war on the westward cities, the strongholds
of Baal. And as to impoverished Egupt, I will send thither mortal armies sufficient to
destroy everything in the land thereof.

11. Yea, I will send my legions also amongst the Israelites, and inspire them that I,
Ashtaroth, am the only true Lord and true God. I will divide them up as a broken bundle
of straw, and cast them to the four winds of heaven.

12. On the other hand, Baal said: Because of my success, I know Ashtaroth will be
jealous and full of anger; therefore, I will place a standing army betwixt her heavens and

mine; and if she but dare to molest me, I will send my millions against her heavens and
despoil her utterly, that she may be cast in hell!

1. God, Son of Jehovih, through his Holy Council, in Paradise, his heavenly seat, now

2. To the Faithists of Arabin’ya, Ebeneezer captain, with five million angels as a
protecting host. To the Faithists of Chine’ya, Luiwatha, captain, with ten million angels as
a protecting host. To the Faithists of Vind’yu, Li Chong, captain, with eight million angels
as a protecting host. To the Faithists of Guatama, Manito, captain, with ten million angels
as a protecting host.

3. And to each of the captains I give authority to draw additional armies from the Lords
who hold dominions in the regions where they may be.

4. But it so happened that the lowest heavenly plateaus were also engaged in wars.

5. And in less than a hundred years of a’ji many of the Lords were without kingdoms, and,
with a few chosen friends, were become involuntary wandering spirits, scattered about in
all the heavens of the earth, or upon the earth.

6. God saw this, and he called out to them; through his messengers he called unto them,
saying: Having lost your kingdoms, why will you lose yourselves? Is it not better that ye
fall to, in the remaining kingdoms and by your steadfastness, help to maintain faith in
Jehovih in the hearts of the less learned?

7. But satan (self) gained access to their souls, saying to each one of them: Thou,
who hast been Lord of the hosts of heaven! Thou, take a place like a common laborer!
Thou wouldst be laughed at! The non-resistant policy is good enough in times and
places of peace. But now is war. And war can only be overcome by war. If great
De’yus was overcome and cast into hell, why not our God also? So they heeded not God.

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