Lectionary Readings for Sunday, August 11th, 2019

Lectionary Readings for Sunday, August 11th, 2019

Holy Memorial Day

God’s Book of Eskra, Chapters 1, 2, and 3


1.God said: This Book shall be called Eskra, because it is the history of the heavenly
cycle, Bon. It shall contain the substance of the heavenly records of three thousand three
hundred years, of the first regions of the resurrection of the dead. My words are not of the
earth, but of heaven.

2. For of the history of the earth ye know already; wherefore I reveal things ye know not
of. Be ye profited therein understandingly, for my heavenly kingdoms will be presently
for your habitation.

3. As it hath been revealed to you already, in regard to the successions of the God, and the
periods of dan, and the division of the higher from the lower heavens, it is sufficient unto
you to know that which is given of God is of him who is Jehovih’s voice, without regard
to which administration, or which God. And to know also that that heaven referred to in
Eskra is not of the higher heavens, etherea, but atmospherea, which heavens travel with
the earth around the sun, which heavens were called the lower heavens by the ancients,
and by some, the intermediate world. Through which heavens all souls must pass, being
first purified and risen in wisdom, ere they can inherit the emancipated worlds in etherea.

4. Nor are these my revelations to mortals only, but to thousands of millions of the spirits
of the dead, who know not the plan of the resurrection to higher heavens; but who wander
about on the earth, not even knowing the organizations of the kingdoms in my lowest of

5. Whom I reach by coming to mortals, and to places on the earth where they abide.

6. For many such angels believe the heavens to be as an unorganized wilderness, void of
government and instruction and discipline.

7. And by virtue of their presence with mortals, though invisible to them, do inspire
mortals with the same darkness. Wherefrom mortals have concluded there are neither
Lords nor God, who are Jehovih’s high officers in these kingdoms.

8. These matters shall be set forth in brief in Eskra; the fullness of which shall be opened
unto mortals and angels in time near at hand; for they shall see and read the books in the
libraries of these heavens, and learn to know of their own knowledge.

9. Therefore the light of this Book of Eskra is not of one God, or one Lord, or
one recording angel, who are constantly succeeding one another, but of the body
of the first heavens of the earth for the period of this cycle which is now at the close.


1. God, Son of Jehovih, said: Give ear, O earth, and be attentive to the words of Jehovih’s

2. And ye mortals of the earth; for I have said: The time shall surely come when all things
shall be revealed to the inhabitants of the earth.

3. Be patient and wise in understanding me; my words are for your resurrection forever,
and for the glory of the Creator.

4. And ye angels of heaven, draw near; for I will reveal to you that which is for your own
good. The multitude of my kingdoms shall be opened up to your understanding also.

5. And O ye, my high raised Lords and officers of heaven, call up your hosts from far and
near. Hear ye the words of your God. Call ye up the mighty ones of Yogannaqactra and
the inhabitants of Theovrahkistan.

6. And Hibin, the successor to Yussamis, of the six heavens of Ugsadisspe, to
Tewallawalla, to Setee’song, to Go’e’dhu, to Ellapube, to Apax and to Fue. And call ye up
the successors to Hibin, and the primal Gods under him of his six mighty heavens.

7. And Ong Woo, the successor to Anuhasaj, of the heavenly regions, the a’ji’an forest,
Turpeset, with her twelve heavenly kingdoms; the place of Negathogan and Shumat and
Thorokak and Enisshappaga and Habor and Amga and Magossa and Dhi Wan and
Seffakostrus and Inubib and Marh and Wischowitcha, and to the primal Gods and
generals and captains.

8. And to Yusalithth, successor to Osiris, of Vrigginyannah; and to Raxya, successor to
Te’in of Ovella; and to Yadonya, successor to Sudga, of Tempissiv; and to Yima,
successor to Egupt, of Rathyaya; and to Hidemmes, successor to Shu Wan Loo, of

9. And to their primal Gods and successors, and to their generals and captains.

10. And to Zhubon, successor to the line of Yaton’te, with her twelve subjective heavens,
the Fiskadore, the Wooloo, the Yamyam, the Katiro, the Wannahogan, the Ravax, the
Ginnewan, the Shawnea, the Wishogah, the Pottomatta, the Shiwasae and Muskadayan.

11. And to their primal Gods and successors, and to their generals and captains.

12. And to Yessotosissi, successor to Yodma, of the heavenly regions of Ornababa, with
seven mighty kingdoms, Gootha and Yembique and Waing T’soo and Ithya and Yorama
and Hi’D’honyah and Wurrtembogga.

13. And to their primal Gods and their successors, and to their generals and captains.

14. And to Pidissomo, successor to Savvaqactra, of the heavenly place Joisyama, with her
eighteen heavenly kingdoms, You and Loo Sin and Kad and Rum and Jassak and
Solomon and Ressa and Nibbakak and Hizeph and Sakkar and Sin Chong and Remthaxax
and Avardissa and Kessadronakas and Hui’gammaksonad and Nu Lee Wing and Trasmas
and Kissayaya.

15. And to their primal Gods and successors, and to their generals and captains.

16. And to all other Gods of the heavenly regions of atmospherea, the hada of the earth;
and to their successors and generals and captains; and to the heavenly, hadan regions of
Sho’e’gan, with her twenty-eight sub-kingdoms, and to the heavenly, hadan regions of
Ghi’e’wan, with her forty-four sub-kingdoms, and to their exalted officers and teachers,
heavenly Sons and Daughters of Jehovih.

17. And to the plateau of Narid, in the second resurrection, with her two hundred
heavenly kingdoms, their Gods and generals and captains and high teachers, Sons and
Daughters of Jehovih.

18. And to the plateau of Yakabba, two thousand miles high, with her six hundred
heavenly kingdoms, and their Gods and high officers.

19. And to the plateau of Yannurib, two thousand one hundred miles high, with her four
hundred heavenly kingdoms, and their Gods and high officers.

20. And the seven plateaux of Havagamatris, with their two thousand heavenly kingdoms,
and their Gods and high officers.

21. And the six plateaux of Vraggaomen, with their fourteen hundred heavenly kingdoms,
and their Gods and high officers.

22. And the fourteen plateaux of Ghemayumaistra, with their three thousand four hundred
heavenly kingdoms, and their Gods and high officers.

23. And to all other plateaux in the heavens of the earth, the atmospherean regions, and to
the Gods of all heavenly kingdoms in these lower heavens; the intermediate world of the
angels raised up out of the earth.

24. God said: Jehovih called upon me, His Son, saying: My Son! Call aloud in My name;
with My Voice stir up all these heavenly regions I have named.

25. For My Gods and high-raised officers shall open unto thee their libraries of heavenly
books which shall yield up My treasures. I will make the angels of heaven know Me and
My word! They shall come together from their countless heavenly kingdoms and places;
for My hand and My strong arm is upon them.

26. The labors of My lower heavens shall be clothed in mortal words, and handed down
to mortals. My Gods and My primal Gods and generals and captains shall uncover their
proceedings before the heavens and the earth.

27. They shall come together and be as one man with one voice, and their word shall be
My word.

28. For My prophets have proclaimed it abroad, that the time would come when I would
reveal all things unto men; and things that were dark made plain; and things in the light
made as heaven, rejoicing.


1. Hear My voice, O angels and mortals! The words of the heavens of the earth are My
words, orderly and well disciplined. No man can imitate Me; angels can not counterfeit
Me. My words are from the Fountain, that erreth not forever.

2. Whoso seeth My way can not fail to understand; I quibble not, nor beat about the bush.
Even Lords and Gods are as nothing in My hands. I trim them up, and prune their
orchards in Mine own way; I sift and weigh and assort, for I am Jehovih, the Almighty!

3. I am the sum of the Voice of all the lower heavens; the doings of Gods and high
officers; the Person of the word of three thousand years.

4. And My record shall be the standard for mortals and angels for thousands of years to
come. Other books and other worlds will be written and spoken, and they shall pass away
and be remembered not by angels nor men. But My words, the words of Eskra, will live
and endure forever. Then spake God, saying:

5. For I am His fountain, of the Tree of Bon; I am His cycle of the Great Serpent’s e’spe,
and can not die or go out of remembrance. I am as a link in a great circle, the section of
Bon in the solar vortex.

6. During every cycle I come and speak, and my words are not like other words. I plant
them on the low earth, and they take root, and grow into a tree that reacheth up into
heaven. And the angels of heaven come thither and gather my words, for they are the fruit
of everlasting life and of the resurrection of mortals and of the spirits of the dead

7. Give ear, O ye nations of the earth, and magnify your understanding, for the wisdom of
the Almighty.

8. He singleth not out one man or one God, and saith: Behold, by him judge ye Me and
My works! Or giveth the history of all the living in one book; the pith of things is the unit
sprung from all.

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