Lectionary Readings for Monday, August 12th, 2019

Lectionary Readings for Monday, August 12th, 2019

God’s Book of Eskra Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6

Chapter 4

1. Give ear, O man, and be wise in thy judgment, of sure perception and good
discernment in the revelations of my words in the cycles past and present.

2. For I summed up all the Gods of the hadan regions of the earth, and all their high
officers in the plateaux and heavenly kingdoms thereof, and I named them, G
OD! And in
their dominions with mortals I named them, L
ORD! As one, even God, made I them in my
past revelations on the earth. That I might not confuse the judgment of men!

3. And all the heavenly places of the earth, the atmospherean heavens, which travel with
the earth around the sun, I named,
HADA, the intermediate world, the lower heaven.
Through which none can pass to the etherean heaven till purged of self, and made
spotless, pure and strong in spirit.

4. Of this hadan heaven, and of her Gods and their labors made I two words, GOD and
HEAVEN, and Eskra is the sermon thereof. In which ye nations of the earth, and ye angels of
heaven shall profit in spirit; as by experience past, the future becometh fortified in
wisdom and strength.

5. In which sermon all resurrection is of God, who is Jehovih’s Son; but to distinguish
from which (God) I named all that desired not resurrection in heaven, but loved more
the earth,
SATAN. And whoso loved evil and practiced it, I named, SATAN; and whoso
combined, as angels or as mortals, to make anarchy, I named,
EVIL WORKERS for hell.

6. As God and heaven are of the resurrection, so are satan, hell and the devil of the

7. To one or other, resurrection or declension, belong all men on the earth, and to one or
the other belong all the spirits of the dead.

8. None can stand still; all the living are on the move forever.

9. Jehovih is Life, Motion, Individual, Person! In proof of which, He gave unto thee life,
motion, individuality, person.

10. To develop these four entities is resurrection toward Him, more and more, which is

11. To neglect them, or pervert them, is to go away from Him, which is declension, which
can lead to entire destruction.

12. No man can be life for another; nor motion, nor individuality, nor person for
another. For himself, and to himself, hath Jehovih created him with these.

13. Nor can any of the Gods, however exalted, give to or take away these things.

14. For even though the highest-raised angels may attain to turn the earth over, or to
dissolve it, as the air in the firmament, or create a new earth, yet none of these can create
life, or motion, or an individual, or person.

15. These are from Jehovih and in Him; and all angels, the Gods and Lords, and generals
and captains and chiefs in heaven are but the brothers and sisters of mortals and the spirits

of the dead.

16. And yet, O man of the earth, and thou, angel of the heavens of the earth, be not
puffed up or make light of the Gods, or Lords, or Saviors, or Chiefs of the heavens,
for thou art compared to them but as a drop of water is compared to the ocean.

17. As a man amongst you employeth a thousand men to do his bidding, so have I, your
God, thousands of millions of angels to speak in my name.

18. Put not off my words, saying: It is but your conscience speaking. My angels speak to
you in spirit, with my very voice and words, which are Jehovih’s also.

19. According to the capacities and talents of such mortals as practice my
commandments, so do I appropriate them to assist in the resurrection.

20. And in the same way do I allot my ashars to abide with you; to the musician, angel
musicians; to the philosopher, angel philosophers; to the historian, angel historians; to the
cosmographer, angel cosmographers; to the revelator, angel revelators; even so unto all
men who seek to serve Jehovih by doing good.

21. And these my ashars, which I place over you, are not individual angels, merely acting
and speaking their own notions, but are organized companies of thousands of millions,
who labor through a chief angel, called Lord; and all of them are in concord with me and
my kingdoms, directed by my Holy Council, of millions of angels high in wisdom, which
is directed by me, your God, even as I am one with other Gods, who are one with Jehovih.

22. What my angels do in truth and wisdom, for righteousness sake, these I ratify
in heaven; what I do in heaven, my angels do and reveal unto you in my name

Chapter 5

1. The Lord said: This is the labor of God after the dawn of the arc of Bon:

2. God crowned four thousand Lords, and titled them LORDS OF THE HEAVENLY

3. And God allotted to every one of them one hundred messengers and fifty heralds,
and gave them authority to provide their own attendants in their own way.

4. God said: That I may hear the voices of my Lords, when ye are within your own
kingdoms, ye shall appoint representatives unto my throne. And there shall be of
such representative Lords one for every four hundred Lords of the Hosts.

5. And the representative Lords shall be speakers for the kingdoms that appoint them, and
have power on important occasions to summon to my throne all their constituent Lords.

6. And the representative Lords shall be known in heaven and entered in the libraries
thereof as the Holy Eleven, for they are symbolical of the seasons on the earth.

7. Now therefore the Lords of the Hosts elected the Holy Eleven, and God anointed them,
and their names were entered in the libraries of the heavens. These then are the Holy
Eleven, to wit:

8. Likar, Lakash, Yopes Loe, Vadhuan, Ah Cho, Zahawee, Eezen, Khan, Zedna, Yutemis
and Ardolfus. And God gave authority to the Holy Eleven to speak before the throne,
after the manner of the Councils of the higher heavens.

9. God said unto the Lords of the Hosts: Your work is a good work. So, the Lords of the
Hosts departed to their several kingdoms. But the Holy Eleven were duly installed and
took their places in front of the throne of God.

Chapter 6

1. And God appointed two thousand supervisors unto each of the Holy Eleven; and eight
thousand eight hundred surveyors; and four thousand four hundred captains of roads, and
said unto them: Go ye and build roadways between all the heavenly kingdoms in
atmospherea. And I give unto you two thousand million laborers, to be divided between
you, according to the distances and places of the roads.

2. And God gave authority to Toyvraghah to examine the records and make the
apportionment of officers and laborers on the roads, and he thus accomplished these

3. God said: My heavens shall be divided into eleven parts, one unto each of the Holy

4. The said eleven divisions were accomplished and thus named, to wit: Sinyativi, Horak,
Damaya, Ad’dam, Hosea, Harivya, Sinisyo, Amset, Godessa, Itero and Aroqu.

5. Damaya, Ad’dam and Hosea comprised all the lowest hadan regions, bordering on the
earth; and these three divisions extended around the earth, and were twelve miles high.

6. Sinyativi, Horak and Amset comprised the next grade of heavenly kingdoms outward
from the earth, and were one thousand miles high, more or less.

7. Goddessa and Itero were the next grade of heavenly kingdoms outward from the earth,
and were two thousand miles high.

8. Harivya was next, and was outward from the earth two thousand five hundred
miles. And next after this was Aroqu, which was three thousand miles above the
earth. Aroqu was therefore the highest of the atmospherean heavens in those days.

9. These five heavenly spheres, therefore, comprised the whole of the inhabited heavens
of the earth. And yet there were thousands of plateaux still further away from the earth,
and within her vortex, but uninhabited.

10. As for Aroqu and Harivya, they were inhabited mostly by angels of the highest
atmospherean grades.

11. God said: From this time forth all heavenly marriages of Brides and Bridegrooms to
Jehovih shall take place in Harivya and Aroqu, instead of as heretofore, in the thousands
of heavenly kingdoms.

12. And all es’yans shall be hereafter maintained within the first sphere of hada, within
the regions of Damaya and Ad’dam and Hosea. And as they rise in wisdom and strength,
they shall advance in place as well as grade, going in the direction of Harivya and Aroqu,
from which all resurrections for the etherean worlds shall take place.

13. And God caused the boundaries of Ad’dam and Hosea to embrace the eastern
continents of the earth; but Damaya embraced the western.

14. To the Lords of the Hosts, God had said: The great love that mortals have for their
kindred who are dead, is like a chord forever pulling their souls back to earth.

15. Neither do mortals understand my heavens, and that the soul of man should rise

16. They cry out to me continually: O God, send thou back to me the spirit of my kin!

17. And they do not understand that their prayers are in opposition to the resurrection of
spirits of the dead.

18. And likewise doth the es’yan cry out to me: O God, take me back to my mortal kin!
For he also comprehendeth not the resurrection, but in the gratification of his love would
linger forever on the earth.

19. Suffer ye not mortals to commune with the spirits of the dead.

20. And the Lords carried out the commandment of God.

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