Lectionary Readings for Saturday, May 9th, 2020

Lectionary Readings for Saturday, May 9th, 2020

Seventh-Day Sabbath

Book of Wars Against Jehovih Chapter 9, Chapter 10

Chapter 9

1. Most wise Lords, in words ye have done me great honor. There let the matter end. I
perceive what any one can understand, which is that the center of the heavens should be
here. The heirs of the earth and atmospherea, why should they be carried off to other
heavens? Sufficient is it for us that we cultivate our own. I am not competent for so
great a work. Rather shall ye choose from amongst yourselves the highest, best, wise
man, and make him your God. I will be his servant to do whatsoever he putteth upon me.

2. I have traveled far, and took the measure of many worlds. I declare unto you there are
no glories in the far-off worlds, but what can be built up in these heavens, and even on the
very earth.

3. Hear me then and judge ye, not for my fitness, but for my unfitness, and so dismiss me
save to make me your servant.

4. Send not off the highest raised angels, but make these heavens suitable unto them.

5. Make this kingdom the All Highest heavenly kingdom; and make your God the highest
of all Gods, even the Creator. Him shall ye surround with a capital city, a heavenly place
paved with diamonds and most precious gems. And his throne shall be the most exalted,
highest of all glories. To which none can approach, save by crawling on their bellies. Yea,
such majesty shall surround your God as becometh a Creator; and such newly-invented
rites and ceremonies, dazzling beyond anything in all the worlds!

6. The rites and ceremonies should be carried to the highest. Without rites and ceremonies
a people are as a dead people; they are as an army without discipline. In fact, discipline is
void without the formalities of rites and ceremonies. To not have these is to have every

one do for self, which is the dissolution of all union. Baal hath spoken wisely on this; we
need new rites and ceremonies, adapted for the highest grades. We shall no longer bow to
a God we know not, a scattered substance wide as the universe!

7. Because ye have spoken, I am pleased. Because ye have come to my feast, I am
delighted. To be with one’s own loves, what is greater than that? It hath been said, man
shall love all alike; but I say unto you that that is impossible. We have our preferences,
and we delight to come together. Who shall say us nay?

8. And yet, my Lords and Lordesses, shall we not deliberate on these things? And council
with our best loves upon it; for such is the construction of the mind that it oft seeth better
through others’eyes. And, above all, shall we not mature the subject to know if in our
own souls we are sincere, doing all things for the good of heaven and earth, and not for

9. Ye know how Ahura’s kingdom prospered until he began to work for his own glory; let
us not, then, fall into his errors, but from his errors learn to avoid similar ones. And now,
since the time of the feast is ended, and our respective kingdoms waiting us, I declare the
assembly dissolved. Arise, then, my Lords and Lordesses, and go your way. And
whatsoever ye may have on this matter, desiring to commune with me, do ye even so
through messengers, which ye already have.

Chapter 10

1. Satan went to all the Lords and Lordesses in hada, and said unto each and every one:
Thine shall be exaltation without labor; because thou art wise, others shall serve thee; and
great shall be thy glory. As thou hast witnessed the rites and ceremonies, in Craoshivi, of
the high-raised Gods, even so shall it be with thee. Behold, the heavens of the earth shall
become the brightest and most glorious of all heavens. Be thou patient, enduring
anything, for thou shalt surely, in time to come, be second to none, the highest of Gods!

2. And thy name shall be sung in the ceremonies, and shall be honored even in the far-off
heavens. It shall be said of thee, thou art amongst the youngest of Gods, that by thine own
self-will mastered all things so suddenly that even the oldest of Gods stood appalled at
thy daring.

3. Be thou patient, and seeming most humble, and bide thou thy time; thou wert born to
be a leader even amongst Gods. Be secret; disclosing naught.

4. Satan said to Anuhasaj, even Lord God: Be thou dignified, and by thy much-professed
love, like a father unto all the others. And it shall come to pass that they will thrust these
great dominions upon thee.

5. Now whilst these matters were with these Lords, behold, in far-off Craoshivi Jehovih
spake to God on the throne, before the Council of Jehovih’s Son, saying: Because I
indulged thy Lords and Lordesses in prosperous places, they are becoming forgetful of

6. For so I created man, in prosperity he idolizeth himself. He saith: Behold me! What
great things I can do: Yea, I am wise; I perceive the nothingness of the Creator! And
he buildeth to his own ruin. I created life and death all around him, that he might learn
My power ere he quitteth the earth. And hada I made wide, with a place of ascent and
a place of descent. Upward I placed My holy lights, saying: Come! Downward, I
made darkness, saying: Beware! hell lieth hither! But they plunge into misery headlong.

7. God said: What have they done, O Jehovih? Jehovih said: They are laying their heads
together to rebel against the manner of My everlasting kingdoms. Summon thou the Diva
before thee, and bid them speak outright as to what they desire.

8. God sent messengers into all the divisions of the lowest heavens, to the kingdoms of
Jehovih’s Lords and Lordesses, as the Father had commanded, summoning them to
Craoshivi. On the other hand:

9. Satan spake to Anuhasaj, the plotter of the mischief, saying: Lest God in Craoshivi get
wind of this matter, and so set at naught thy long-laid plans, send thou to him, saying:
Greeting, in love to thee, Son of Jehovih, God of the heavens of the earth. From the light
before me I am resolved to resign the Lord-dom. Search, therefore, and provide one in my

10. Satan continued, to Anuhasaj: Send thou to thy Lords and Lordesses, saying: Greeting
in love to thee, Lord of Jehovih. I foresee that many will desire me to take the place of
God of the earth and her heavens. Seek thou to relieve me of this, and choose one less
radical, that thou mayst the more fully endorse him. Behold, I am about to resign the
Lord-dom, and desire to see thee.

11. The Lords and Lordesses received the two communications at the same time; and they
severally laid the matter before their Holy Councils; and great was the excitement therein.
That which had been planned to be in secret was thus made public in all the hadas in a
day, before thousands of millions!

12. At once the Lords and Lordesses hastened to Anuhasaj’s capital; and they were each
attended by ten thousand attendants.

13. Now when they were assembled, perceiving that God in Craoshivi knew of the matter,
they were by their own shame further incited to disobey the Divan summons, and at once
proceed to founding a consolidated kingdom, with Anuhasaj at the head. Anuhasaj made
believe he desired not the Godhead, and only agreed to serve provided they installed him
with oaths of fidelity. And this they did.

14. So, after a session of three days, Anuhasaj was elected and enthroned in Hored, a new
heavenly place, and crowned O
UR GOD of the earth and her heavens, the VERY LORD GOD
JEHOVIH. Thus he became a false God.

15. But they crowned him not with the true crown, for that was with God in Craoshivi;
but they made one, creating it in the sacred circle. But since he could not be crowned by
those beneath him, they were in a quandary how to proceed. Then satan spake to
Anuhasaj, saying: Command them to lie on their bellies in token of submission to thee,
and say to them: Lay the crown at my feet, and I will stand with my head bare; and when
ye have prostrated yourselves, I will command the crown in my own name to rise up and
lie upon my head; and if it so rise, then know ye of a truth our work is the highest, best

16. Anuhasaj then repeated this to the Lords and Lordesses, and they laid them down on
their bellies, each being anxious to show fidelity, in hope of exaltation. And when they
were down and saw not, Anuhasaj, having not power in Light, said: Crown of these most
holy, wise Lords and Lordesses of heaven and earth, arise thou and lie on the head of him
who shall have dominion on earth and in these heavens!

17. And thereupon he stooped down on the sly, and with his own hand raised it up and
crowned himself, and commanded the Lords to rise up. And lo and behold, some of the

Lords and Lordesses said they saw with the second sight of the soul, and that the crown
rose of its own accord, being under the will of the circle!

18. And they clapped their hands, saying: ALL HAIL, OUR GOD! ALL HAIL, OUR GOD! ALL
HAIL, OUR GOD! Proclaiming him in the east and west and north and south.

19. He responded: THE LORD, YOUR GOD, REIGNETH! Peace be unto you. Behold, the heavens
and earth are mine; be ye steadfast unto me, and ye shall be glorified in my name. Ye that
have been Lords and Lordesses shall be Gods and Goddesses, with great power and with
mighty kingdoms. As I foresaw this, so have I provided for you beforehand. In this very
time and place will I crown you and apportion you with great glory. Yet think not that this
is the last; it is but the first, and temporary until the new heavens are founded with
broader boundaries.

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