Lectionary Readings for Saturday, August 24th, 2019
Seventh-Day Sabbath
God’s Book of Eskra Chapters 40 and 41
Chapter 40
1. Not less were the trials of Ennochissa; for his sub-Gods also revolted, and many
of them assumed the names of the Saviors he had given to Chine’ya. And he also
sent an army of two thousand million angel warriors down to the earth to destroy
them, and break them up, and if need be to capture them, and cast them in hell.
2. Of these hosts, he made Yad’deth chief captain, giving him power to select his own
captains and generals. And it came to pass, that a heavenly war ensued on the earth, in
Chine’ya, betwixt the hosts of Ya’deth and the rebellious sub-Gods and their hosts, which
lasted seventy years.
3. And Ya’deth gained the victory, clearing away all the rebel angels of the sub-Gods, and
putting them to flight. Four of these rebel Gods fled into Argos, to Athena, where they
established themselves securely.
4. Ennochissa now summoned Ya’deth and his victorious army to Eta-shong, his heavenly
kingdom. And when he was before the throne, Ennochissa said unto him:
5. Thou hast beholden the machinations of my brother Triune God, Kabalactes, who hath
falsely assumed the name, Budha, and proclaimed himself the All Highest God, and his
heaven the All Highest Heaven of Heavens. Two things do I decree, this day and hour:
An army of angels, for the earth, of two thousand millions; and thou Ya’deth, shalt be
their commander, to do my will. And another army of angel warriors, for my heavenly
kingdom of Eta-shong; and for my kingdom of Damaya, over Guatama.
6. For my heavenly army, thou, Loo Wan, shalt be commander for Eta-shong; and thou,
Biwawotha, shalt be commender for Damaya.
7. And to ye of heaven, I assign the care and protection of my kingdoms with your armies.
And ye shall wall your places around, and fortify me on every side with angel warriors.
Yet, menace not the angels of Budha, nor of Looeamong. Nevertheless, if they offend, or
are disrespectful of me and my kingdoms, ye shall arrest them, and provide places of
torment for them, and cast them in.
8. But as for thee, Ya’deth, thou and thy hosts shalt return again to the earth, to mortals,
and establish me as BRAHMA, which shall be my name on earth and in heaven from
this time forth forever. And thou shalt possess the oracles, and by all possible means
establish me amongst mortals, as well as in Vind’yu and Chine’ya. And all who
profess Brahma hereafter, shall be my subjects on their entrance into heaven.
9. And if it come to pass that Budha’s mortal warriors fall upon the mortal Brahmins, to
destroy them, then shalt thou consider that Budha is my enemy.
10. And thou and thy angel warriors shall obsess every Brahmin to take up arms, and war
to the death every aggressing Budha. For Budha shall learn that I, Brahma, rule these
heavens in mine own way.
11. So it came to pass, the four thousand million warriors of Ennochissa (now falsely
named Brahma), were selected, and apportioned and marched off to their several places
in great pomp and glory. To describe even one of these armies, with their music and
their implements of war, their manual and procession, would require a large book.
Then their vessels of war; their implements of fire and water; their banners and flags;
and, above all, their enthusiasm. For many of them had been warriors in earth-life,
and knew no other trade, and now exulted in the prospect of mortal blood and death.
12. Of the sub-Gods of Vind’yu and Chine’ya, Jehovih said: For this, alone, these
things are good. For, in time to come, man of the earth will look abroad over the earth and
say: How came the Vind’yu Gods in Roma? How came the Chine’ya Gods in Athena?
13. For, since they will not be able to answer their own questions, they will perceive,
there must have been a heavenly cause that mortals knew not of.
14. For in time of the fulfillment of My revelations, it will not be sufficient unto either
heaven or earth to re-establish spiritual communion; but it shall also be shown unto them
that there are kingdoms and principalities in heaven. And they are ruled over by both
good and bad Gods. Moreover, they shall understand that of a truth whoso worshippeth
Budha shall go to Budha to be his slaves; and whoso worshippeth Brahma shall go to
Brahma, and be his slaves.
15. I will make it plain to them that to worship a spirit, though he be a God, is but the
giving of their own souls into bondage. For they shall in that day understand that the
Great Spirit, the Ever Present, is not an idol in the figure of a man, sitting on a throne.
16. Moreover, spirits and mortals shall perceive that to deny My Person, will, soon or
late, bring the doer into a trap from which he can not escape. Give then to Ennochissa the
name Brahma, for it is his choice. And thou shalt perceive that the time will come, when
he will seek to throw aside even this name, and even his own person, in order to escape
17. Thus was established the two false Gods, Budha and Brahma. And at once there was a
war in heaven, as well as on earth. And this was virtually the end of the schools and
colleges in these heavens, and also the beginning of the breaking up of the factories and
places of industry in the two kingdoms, Eta-shong and Haractu, in atmospherea.
18. As to the earth regions, Vind’yu and Chine’ya, this is how they stood in that day:
19. Chine’ya was so well established in the doctrines of Chine and Ka’yu, that the people
shunned war and idolatry. The Saviors had gained but little footing. And now, when the
Gods sought to inspire the people to war, in order to establish themselves, Brahma and
Budha, only the most barbarous regions could be influenced.
20. Brahma, the false God, now perceiving the potency of Ka’yu’s books, sent his angel
warriors to inspire the Sun King, T’sin, to have all the books in Chine’ya destroyed, in
order to reduce the empire to ignorance. Accordingly, the Sun King, T’sin, issued a
decree, commanding all the books and tablets of Chine’ya to be destroyed.
21. Brahma said: I will have all, or destroy all. My angels shall not let sleep in peace, any
king or governor in all this land, until he engage in the work of thus destroying mine
enemy, Learning.
22. And there were destroyed, in one year, more than five million books, and one million
tablets of stone and copper; being the destruction of the books of the ancients, for upward
of twenty thousand years. Besides these, there were destroyed many of the books of
Ka’yu, but not all of them.
23. In the meantime, the anti-war spirit of the people had cried out to the Creator: O
Father, what shall we do to avert war, and to preserve the revelations of Thy holy ones of
24. And Jehovih answered them, through God of Paradise, Jehovih’s Son, saying: Build
ye walls against the barbarians. And your walls shall stand as a testimony of what ye are
willing to do, rather than engage in war, even for self-preservation.
25. Because ye have faith in Me, I will be with you even unto the end.
26. And it came to pass that the Faithists of Chine’ya built stone walls, the greatest
buildings in all the world. And they stand to this day.
27. Jehovih said: Behold the works of My chosen. As long as these walls stand, they shall
be testimony of the struggle of My people, to maintain themselves, by means of peace
instead of war. And the walls shall be monuments to the Faithists of this land, who have
perished by the false Gods, Brahma and Budha.
28. Yea, the testimony of these walls shall be stronger, in time to come, against Brahma
and Budha, than though every stone were a sword and spear. And the followers of My
Son, Ka’yu, shall loathe them with pity and hate.
29. In Vind’yu also, did the machinations of Budha and Brahma work sore mischief on
mortals. In this country both of these false Gods decreed the destruction of all books and
tablets, save such as looked favorable to their own doctrines. And there were here
destroyed more than two million books and one million tablets, of stone and copper.
30. And the schools and colleges of the people were well nigh destroyed, the whole
length and breadth of the land.
31. And in both, Chine’ya and Vind’yu, were there slain in war, in order to establish the
names of these Gods amongst mortals, more than one hundred and forty millions of
people, men, women and children.
32. By the angel warriors of these two Gods were mortals thus inspired in the work of
destruction. Not only against the Faithists were these Gods, but against each other also.
And mortals were their victims, for the glory and exaltation of the two heavenly
kingdoms, Haractu and Eta-shong
Chapter 41
1. God said: Hear ye, O earth, and ye, O heaven, of Looeamong, the other of the Triunes,
the founders of the doctrines of the Holy Ghost and Trinity.
2. My word is gone forth; the kingdoms of the spirit of the dead shall reveal through me
unto all men; their libraries shall be as an open book to Jehovih’s Sons and Daughters in
heaven and earth.
3. Because Looeamong pursued Ashtaroth in conjunction with Baal, and overthrew her
and her kingdom, and cast them into hell, he became as a lion, savage at the taste of
4. And I cried out unto him, saying: Hold, hold; enough! But he said: Nay, till I have Baal
also cast into hell, I will not cease the carnage of mortal blood.
5. And he cast about in Hapsendi, his heavenly place, calling up angel warriors, tens of
millions, hundreds of millions. But Baal, the self-God of Heleste, called his mighty
legions in heaven, and sent them down to the earth, redoubled, to inspire mortals to
bloody deeds.
6. Baal said: Mine is an easy doctrine to understand. All mortals that worship not
Baal shall be put to death. The worshipers of the Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy
Ghost, are my enemies. Such mortals shall die! Such angels shall go the way of hell.
7. The Faithists, the worshipers of Jehovih, are also my enemies. Such mortals shall be
tortured and sawed in halves. Such angels shall be bound in knots in hell, and suffocated
forever! I will have them know that Baal is the All Highest God of heaven and earth.
8. All the land of Arabin’ya, Heleste and part of Uropa, was as one great seat of anarchy
and war.
9. Looeamong said: I come not to bring peace, but war! I come to set nation against
nation, people against people, man against man. For righteousness sake will I purify the
earth with human blood.
10. I will not have a half-way peace; I will destroy my enemies, east and west and north
and south. By the Holy Ghost have I sworn it!
11. And the kingdoms of Egupt, and of Media, of Armenia, and Phrygia, and Argos, and
Scythia and Noamedia, and of all the regions of Arabin’ya and the west, shall know no
peace till I have destroyed the worship of all Gods but the Triunes.
12. And it came to pass, that there was no peace in any of those lands. Neither was there
system to the warfare, looking to any important result.
13. Jehovih hath said: Let this stand as a testimony unto coming generations. For they
shall look back to these times, and behold, that the wars raged without purpose on the part
of any king. And that mortals were the instruments in the hands of the angels, who ruled
over them. And it shall be testimony unto them of what cometh upon peoples, who deny
My Person. For they shall compare the peace and rejoicing of My people, whilst they had
no king, but kept My commandments, with such as put Me away, and tried to make
themselves strong in kings and standing armies.
14. Baal now established two more heavenly kingdoms, one over Jerusalem, and one
above the Apennine mountains, off from Roma. And in the latter kingdom, which he
called Arkoli, he made an alliance with the Vind’yu Gods that escaped from their own
heavenly regions and fled to the mortal city, Roma. And near Athena, he founded a subkingdom of five hundred million angels, and made an alliance with the Gods that escaped
from the Brahmin kingdoms.
15. In this emergency, Looeamong, the Triune God of the Holy Ghost, beheld, with fear
and trembling, his formidable enemy, Baal. And so he determined, to send to Buddha for
assistance. Thus he solicited, to wit:
16. To the Triune, the Holy Budha, Son of the Holy Ghost, greeting in love and majesty.
17. By the power of the Triunes are we sworn to each other, to establish the Holy Ghost
in heaven and earth. By which confederacy are we three Gods powerful above all other
18. Now behold, Baal, the most fiendish of all Gods, wageth war against our holy
doctrines in all the regions of my heavenly kingdoms and on my dominions of the earth
also. But my forces in heaven and earth need re-enforcement. And I come to thee,
according to our original compact, asking thee for a thousand million angel warriors.
19. By messengers Looeamong sent this to Budha, who answered him as followeth, to wit:
20. It is said that great trials are the making of angels and mortals. I need my hosts for
mine own purposes. Nevertheless, if thou wilt cede Egupt to me, thou shalt have the army
thou asketh for, for the space of one hundred years.
21. Insulting as was this proposal, Looeamong was obliged to accede to it, or to have his
kingdom destroyed by Baal.
22. Accordingly, such an alliance was entered into; and so, Looeamong removed his
heavenly city, Hapsendi, westward, and cast it over Naomedia. And immediately
thereafter, Budha established a heavenly kingdom in Egupt, and called it, Celonia, giving
its management into the keeping of Thoth, the Bertian, an angel, so named, because he
was cunning, like a fox.
23. With these additional forces, Looeamong now renewed the assault on Baal on every
side, even more violently in his heavenly places than on the earth.
24. And it came to pass, that Looeamong routed Baal from his heavenly kingdom, and
from his sub-kingdoms also, but he did not capture him, or subdue him. And the angels of
Looeamong obtained Jerusalem and Athena, besides two hundred small cities with their
oracle-houses and temples also. And Looeamong’s angel warriors took possession of
them, so they could answer the oracles, the magicians and priests, in their own way.
25. Baal still maintained an army of three thousand million angel warriors; and he
established himself in the city of Roma and Hieadas, that is, Bizantium, but used most of
his army as rambling marauders.
26. Now, when Looeamong beheld, that the other two Triunes had taken new names
falsely, and that they had gained power thereby, he resolved to adopt for himself the
names, Lord and God.
27. Thoth, his chief warrior angel, fighting against Baal, had said: Most Holy Triune,
I must give mortals a name to fight for. The term, Holy Ghost, is not potent.
28. So, Looeamong falsely assumed to be God, the Lord of heaven and earth.
29. He said to Thoth: Go tell mortals I am the same, who wrought wonders for the
Israelites. And, forsooth, the Israelites will fight for me.
30. Thoth did this. And furthermore Looeamong inspired one, Ezra, to gather all the
records he could, to be proof of his labors for the Israelites.
31. To accomplish this, Thoth employed seven hundred thousand angels, to be with Ezra
and the numerous scribes whom Ezra employed. And by their inspiration were the books
of the Ezra Bible written and compiled, according to the commandments of Looeamong.
And there were thus collected seventy-two books, and they were put on file in the king’s
library in Jerusalem, after the manner in which the ancients preserved important records
of events, and these books were named by Ezra, The Holy Library, of which number fiftyfour remain to this day.
32. But, of all these, not one book was inspired of Jehovih, or His Son, God of heaven
and earth. Nevertheless, there are many things within them, that were of Jehovih and His
angels. Howbeit, though they were put on record by men, and interpreted by men.
33. Looeamong, in these things sinneth not against Jehovih, for he did not cause his own
name, Looeamong, to be made worshipful.
The position of the earth that led to the building of the Chinese Wall. It came to pass,
in those days, that the spirit of the Father dwelt in mortals, and they were turned
away from the shedding of blood. And when the earth came into Lo’iask, in etherea,
His etherean angels penetrated the darkness and inspired the chosen of China to build
a wall to protect themselves from destruction. And a wall was so built, the greatest
on the whole earth. Jehovih said: Since these, My chosen people, have achieved the
age of peace on earth, let them shut themselves in, away from the barbarians without,
and they shall endure as a secluded people till the coming of kosmon. And it was so.
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