Lectionary Readings for Monday, May 6th, 2019

Lectionary Readings for Monday, May 6th, 2019

Book of Wars Against Jehovih Chapters IV and V

Chapter IV

1. Jehovih spake to God, saying: Because thou hast founded Me-de thou shalt make Mede-ci laws; and thou shalt send thy surveyors down to hada and to the earth also, and they
shall choose a heavenly place for thy new kingdom. And thither shalt thou go and create a
plateau and holy place and capital, and provide a throne for it.

2. And when thou hast completed thy work thou shalt call to the throne a sub-God, who
shall rule in thy place with wisdom, and power, and love, in My name.

3. But since many of My chosen forget Me and so apostate themselves, thy sub-God shall
also receive their spirits, and his kingdom shall be their kingdom till they are purged of
their sins.

4. God spake in the Council of Craoshivi, relating what Jehovih had said to him, and the
Council then ratified the commandments of Jehovih. And there was selected one Achung-le, and made sub-God of Me-de, with the title Anubi, signifying mediator, and
judge of grades.

5. God said: Anubi shall have a badge, and a pair of scales; with mine own hands will I
invest him. And, accordingly, the place, the kingdom, the person, and the badge of office
were duly established by God under the commandment of Jehovih through his kingdom
of Craoshivi. And the term of office was made to correspond with God’s and his Lords’.

6. Thus was put upon the throne in the heavenly place, Me-de, Anubi, who had been
A-chung-le, an angel of a thousand years in the colleges of Jehovih, most wise and full of
love, and industrious withal.

7. Again Jehovih spake to God, saying: From this time forth My colleges shall be in
Craoshivi; from this time forth My schools and primaries shall be in the kingdoms
of My Lords. The Diva afterward made this another section of the Divan law.

8. So God and his Lords removed all his colleges and places of great learning to
Craoshivi; but the schools and primary educationals were left in the dominions of the
Lords, their heavenly places.

9. Now, during the dawn of dan, four etherean Gods had sojourned on the earth, walking
with four mortals, namely: With Po, of Jaffeth; Abram, of Arabin’ya; Brahma, of Vind’yu,
and Eawahtah, of Guatama. And the four Gods preached through these four men,
explaining Jehovih and His kingdoms; and the angels of Jehovih inspired many followers
unto them. For four years these Gods dwelt on the earth, and then ascended into the upper

10. Jehovih spake to God concerning the matter, saying: For four years I bestowed My
light in Person on the corporeal earth, and then I departed; for it is well that men and
angels learn to be self-raising. For which reason I left four substitutes, Lords of heaven,
on the earth, with My four peoples whom I delivered. And I commanded these My
substitutes to abide upon the earth for forty years, in order to indulge My chosen in a
surety in My creations founded in corpor.

11. Provide thou unto them; for My substitutes are ethereans; and thou shalt have their
places filled by atmosphereans from the highest grades.

12. The Diva then made a section of the Divan law, providing for the four who stood
highest in the grades in Craoshivi to take the places, to dwell with the Faithist in the
names of the Great Spirit; and the names given were: To Jaffeth, Te-in; to Arabin’ya,
Jehovih; to Vind’yu, Ormazd; to Guatama, Egoquim; according to the languages, and to
the capabilities of mortals to pronounce words.

13. The Diva then made another section of the Divan law, which was the title to be given
to the four angels thus provided to bestow the Voice of Jehovih on mortals, and the title
was O-yra; that is, O the High Heaven; and Y, going to; and ra, the earth.

14. The twelfth section of the Divan law provided that each O-yra should have ten
thousand attendants; angels from above the eightieth grade, from the colleges of
Craoshivi, and their attendants were to sojourn on the earth with the Faithists as inspiring
spirits and protectors.

15. The thirteenth section of the Divan law made the terms of office for the O-yra eleven
years each; and the same for their attendants.

16. The fourteenth section of the Divan law explained the duties of the O-yra and their
attendants, which were: that the O-yra should reside with the chief rab’bah or high
priest, and be his inspirer; being with him day and night; and by virtue of his presence
make the chief rab’bah know the voice of the All Highest. And the attendants first in
rank were to dwell in the same way with the ordinary rab’bah, and for the same purpose.
And the other attendants were to dwell with the multitude in like manner, and for the
same purpose. And each O-yra was to have a heavenly place in the mortal temple, where
he could meet his attendants in Council in reference to the Faithists and their affairs.

17. The fifteenth section of the Divan law made the O-yra and his attendants the heavenly
kingdom for the ashars of the Lords who dwelt with mortals.

18. The sixteenth Divan law provided for the O-yra to increase the number of his
attendants, according to the increase of the number of Faithists in each of the four
divisions of the earth.

19. Such, then, were the chief of the Divan laws made in heaven in the cycle of Cpentaarmij, during the first two hundred years. And all the kingdoms of atmospherea were
established and officered; and all the people in these heavens became organic as soon as
passing the es’yan age. Nor was there any dissatisfaction amongst any of the Gods, or
Lords, or other officers, or in any of the colleges, or hospitals; and never since the
foundation of the world had there been such prosperity in the resurrections of the
inhabitants of heaven.

Chapter V

1. And the harmony of heaven reigned on earth; war ceased amongst men on all
the divisions of the earth. And man began to esteem wisdom, and truth, and virtue,
and industry. The inspiration of the angels set man to imitating the affairs of heaven.
He built schools and colleges, nurseries and hospitals, and factories for silk cloth,
and linen cloth, and cotton cloth, and for paper; and factories for making glass,
and leather; and factories for smelting iron, and copper, and silver, and gold.

2. Three great peoples sprang upon the earth within two hundred years; in Jaffeth, in
Vind’yu, and in Arabin’ya; and a fourth great people were overspreading Heleste in every
quarter. And the kings of Heleste were sending emigrants by thousands and thousands
into Uropa.

3. The Lords sent ashars of great wisdom to dwell with mortals, to teach them by
inspiration in regard to all knowledge; to teach them to spin and weave finely; to teach
them the seasons, the times of the earth, and moon, and sun, and stars; to observe them
with lenses, as had been the case in the cycle of Osiris, but was lost on the earth. Yea, the
spirits of thousands of years previous were brought back to the earth, to reveal to mortals
the lost arts and sciences.

4. By night and by day these angels remained in the presence of mortals, and by
virtue of their presence spake unto the souls of men, and made them to understand.

5. And the Lord God of Maitraias restrained the drujas of heaven from coming back to
afflict mortals or lead them astray. He guarded the earth around about on all sides, so
that, in heaven, the Lords and the Divan hosts, in mirth, styled him T

6. Jehovih rebuked them, saying to God: They that sow in mirth oft reap in sorrow.
But even the Lords, with all their wisdom, saw not what was in store for their successors.

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