Lectionary Readings for Monday, June 29th, 2020
God’s Book of Ben, the Nine Entities, Chapter 1, Chapter 2
To learn more about the Nine Entities, click here:
God said: These are the nine entities; or, according to the ancients, Jehovih and His eight
children, His Sons and Daughters. And these are the same, which in all ages, poets
and philosophers have made to speak as, THE FAMILY OF THE UNIVERSE. Through them I
speak. Jehovih is the Light, that is, Knowledge. The manifestation of Knowledge in man is
Jehovih. The growth of wisdom in man, as the earth groweth older, is the tree of light.
Chapter 1
1. God said: Before the arc of Bon the earth was rank.
2. The seed of the tree of light had been planted many times, but the rankness destroyed it.
3. In the time of the arc of Bon, the earth reached maturity.
4. Jehovih said: I gave to the inhabitants of the earth Capilya, Moses and Chine.
5. Through them the tree of light was made everlasting on the earth.
6. The great peoples then knew I was God, and my word was with them.
7. Es had spoken before that day, and man knew the presence of angels. But he heeded
them not.
8. When my word came, man gave heed. Mine was with authority.
9. Emblems, signs and symbols were the letters of man’s alphabet to lead him upward in
10. Wisdom cometh not suddenly; as darkness goeth away, light cometh.
11. Great knowledge is all around about; to make man perceive it, is the labor of God.
12. Man said: I have looked in corpor, but found not knowledge.
13. Corpor said: Doth thy flesh know? Have thy bones knowledge? Is it in the blood?
14. Jehovih said: I am Knowledge; come thou to Me. I am the Unseen. Behold thyself, O
man! Canst thou put thy finger on the place, and say: Here is knowledge? Hath wisdom
bulk, and a place?
15. Ha’k said: Who knoweth the boundary of Light? Behold, I cannot hide away from
Him. What is my small corner compared with the All Light of etherea?
16. Jehovih said: Think not that the vault of the firmament is nothing; for thither have I
created etherean worlds, of sizes equal to the corporeal worlds; but they are independent
of them. These are My kingdoms, prepared for the spirits of man and women and
children, whom I bring forth into life on corpor. Nor are My etherean worlds alike in
density or motion, but of different consistencies, that they may be suitable for the varied
advancement of My children.
17. Man said: O World, give me light. Give me substantial knowledge, that I can put my
finger on it and say: Here is the real!
18. Uz said: O man! Behold thy folly! All things thou seest and hearest and touchest are
my abode.
19. Man said: How sayest thou? Thou art vanishment! All things perish; thou art that that
is without foundation.
20. God said: Thou art both a flesh-man and an es-man. How hopest thou for thy flesh-talents to acquire substantial knowledge? All substance is evanescent. The real is the All Light, which thou canst not comprehend.
21. Man said: Why, then, this craving in my soul for all wisdom? Was my creation in
22. Jehovih said: Because I created thee craving for light, thou goest forth searching.
Thou art on a long road; to the summit of All Light, even Gods have not attained.
23. Man inquired: Why, then, was death created?
24. Uz said: Behold, even stones molder into dust. Wouldst thou have had a separate law
for man?
25. Es said: I am within thy corpor; when thy corpor moldereth into dust, behold, I am the
es-man, thy real self. I am thy spirit; and like a seed planted, I dwell within thy corpor.
26. Jehovih hath said: The corpor of man I created as a womb for the es of man. By death,
behold, the es is born.
27. Around about My corporeal worlds I placed atmospherea; for, as the earth and other
corporeal worlds provide a womb for the spirit of man, so have I made atmospherea the
substance for a womb for the souls of men.
28. Man said: If, when I am dead, I shall see the place, is not the germ of that light already
in me? How am I made that I see, but see not this? Hear, but hear not this? If I am now
dead to that which is to be, will I not then be dead to what now is? Give me light, O
29. Jehovih said: To man I gave a corporeal body that he might learn corporeal things; but
death I made that man might rise in spirit and inherit My etherean worlds.
30. Two senses gave I to all men, corporeal senses and spiritual senses; nevertheless,
the twain are one person. A man with corporeal senses transcending, chooseth
corporeal things; a man with spiritual senses transcending chooseth spiritual things.
31. Two kinds of worlds have I made: corporeal worlds and es worlds. He who desireth
of corpor shall receive from corpor, for he is My Son, in whom I am well pleased. He
who desireth of es shall receive from es, for she is My Daughter, in whom I am well
32. Kosmon said: Because man liveth on corporeal worlds, corpor is called son; but
because man in spirit liveth in the es worlds, es is called daughter.
Chapter 2
1. God said: Hear me, O man. I am come to teach thee wise dominion.
2. Man said: The aborigines were free. Why shall man with more wisdom learn
3. Seffas said: My peace is forced peace; I am the light and the life.
4. Man inquired: Behold, the air of heaven is free. Can dominion come down out of
nothing (as it seemeth) and rule over something (that is proven)?
5. How can God rule over solid flesh?
6. Uz said: O vain man! Do I not come in the winds of heaven and cast cities in
epidemic? And yet man seeth me not.
7. I inoculate in the breath; I cast fevers in the bright sunlight, and yet no man seeth me.
8. Jehovih said: All power gave I to the unseen to rule over the seen.
9. Kosmon said: Why wilt thou, O man, search forever in corpor for the cause of things?
Behold, the unseen part of thyself ruleth over the seen.
10. God said: Think not that the es worlds are less governed by system than are the
corporeal worlds. The same Creator created all.
11. Behold, all things are in dominion. Thou wert in dark dominion before the time of
12. By mine own light gave I thee a dominion of light in the time of Bon.
13. Man inquired: If the unseen rule in man, what ruled the substance of man before he
was made?
14. Jehovih said: I created all things, seen and unseen. My hand was forever stretched
forth in work. I make and I dissipate everlastingly.
15. Behold, I make a whirlwind in etherea, hundreds and hundreds of millions of miles
across, and it driveth to the center a corporeal world from that which was unseen.
16. I blow my breath upon the planet, and lo, man cometh forth, inquiring: Who am I, and
what is my destiny?
17. I send an elder brother of man, to teach him, and show him the light.
18. God said: Behold me, O man, I am an elder brother. I have passed through death and
found the glory of the unseen worlds.
19. Jehovih gave to me, thy God, to have dominion over the earth and her heavens.
20. Man said: I have found truth in corpor; I know that I live; that trees grow and die.
21. This is true knowledge. Give me truth in regard to the unseen, that I may prove it
22. Why, O God, givest thou the matters of heaven and earth in signs and symbols? Give
me the real light, I want no figures.
23. God said: Thou art vain, O man. What, then, hast thou learnt? Canst thou tell why the
grass is green, or why one rose is red and another white, or the mountains raised up,
or the valleys sunken low? Or why a man was not made to fly as a bird, or live in the
water like a fish? Whence came the thought of shame? Even thyself thou dost not
comprehend, nor know of thine own knowledge the time of thy beginning. Thou knowest
three times three are nine; and even this thou canst not prove but by symbols and images.
24. Nor is there aught in thy corporeal knowledge that thou canst prove otherwise, save it
be thy presence; and even that that thou seest is not thy presence, but the symbol and
image of it, for thou thyself art but as a seed, a spark of the All Light, that thou canst not
prove to exist.
25. Man inquired: Where, then, is real knowledge possible to man? If my corporeal body
and corporeal senses are evanescent and soon to fly away, how can I comprehend that
which flieth not away, the spirit?
26. Yet I know a truth: I know that ten things are ten. This knowledge I can write down,
and clearly teach to my brother. See, here are 10. This is exact science.
27. Esfoma said: Thou hast written but two strokes, and called them ten. Now, I will
show thee ten. (Esfoma wrote: / / / / / / / / / / .) Yet, be not surprised, for now I will
convict myself, also, inasmuch as I have deceived thee. I said I would show thee ten, and
straightway, I made ten marks; but I should have written the word ten. Now, thou art
wise! Nay, hear me further, for all I have spoken is false; for have I not tried to persuade
thee that the one uttered word, TEN, was ten; wherefore, I should have uttered ten
utterances. Thy supposed exact science is nothing, and thy supposed truth is only
falsehood compounded and acquiesced in.
28. Jehovih said: Man’s wisdom is but the experience of my creations, expressed to man’s
understanding in signs and symbols.
29. Man said: If I search for the real, shall I never attain it? Why, then, this craving? Is
truth only that which flieth away?
30. Behold, thou hast said: Thou shalt love the Creator with all thy heart and soul! How
can I love that which I can not comprehend?
31. Es said: Behold the utterances of the birds; and the skipping of the lambs at play!
These are the expressed love they have for the Creator.
32. To rejoice because thou art created; to seek after exalted rejoicing, to cultivate the
light of thy life; to turn away from dark things; these are to love thy Creator.
33. Man said: Why, then, if truth can not be found, and mathematics can not be proven
but by things that are false in fact, I will search for goodness; I will shun sin. Is this not
34. God said: This is wise. But what are goodness and good works?