Lectionary Readings for Monday, June 1st, 2020

Lectionary Readings for Monday, June 1st, 2020

Book of Lika, Chapter 1, Chapter 2


Chapter 1
1. In the far-off etherean worlds spake the Voice of Jehovih, saying: Lika, Lika, My Son!
Behold the red star, the earth. She cometh thy way; she mergeth dark and soiled from the
forests of ji’ay, in the swamps of Bonassah. She will cross thy etherean fields,
the Takuspe, and Opel, and Wedojain, dripping with the odor and dross of the
ji’ay’an swamps. Go thou to her, and wash clean her soil and her atmospherean heavens.

2. Lika said: Alas, O Jehovih, how they have forgotten Thee!

3. I will go to the red star, the earth, O Father! I will deliver her into purity and faith. Thy
chosen shall be delivered from bondage; Thy God made triumphant on earth and in her

4. Lika called to his high Council, in his etherean kingdom, Vetta’puissa, in the Plains of
Peo’ya, off the Road of Ahtogonassas, at the high Arc of Bon, made light by the holy
angels of tens of thousands of years; and he said:

5. Behold, the red star, the earth; the Voice of Jehovih came to me, saying: Go thou to
her, O My Son, and wash clean her soil and her atmospherean heavens. And I said: I will
go, O Father! I will deliver her into purity and faith.

6. Lika said: Five hundred million etherean hosts will I take with me. For five years and
forty days will I and my hosts sojourn on the red star and in her heavens. Her true God
shall be restored and delivered in my name by Jehovih’s hand. According to the rank of
harvest of the gardens of Honyon, so shall my marshals choose and record my hosts.

7. Then spake the Council, the historians of the etherean libraries of the Vorkman Road,
where hath traveled the earth for tens of thousands of years. And they detailed the affairs
of the earth for many cycles past; made plain before the Gods assembled all the doings of
the earth and her heavens.

8. Then Lika sent swift messengers off to the earth and her heavens; in arrow-ships of fire
they sped forth, twenty thousand, well skilled in coursing the etherean heavens and
penetrating the atmospherean vortices of traveling stars. To obtain the details of her God
and her false Gods; her Lords and false Lords; her hadas and her hells; to scan her
libraries and hastily return to Vetta’puissa, to lay the matters before the high Council and
Lika, the Nirvanian Chief on Jehovih’s throne.

9. Lika was sprung from the corporeal star Atos, which traversed the roads, Yatas-koowen, of the south circuit of Thoese, the vortex of another far-off sun, and was raised to etherea in the cycle of Sai-kah, one hundred and twenty-five thousand years, by Meth-ya,
Goddess of Ori-iyi, afterward Chieftainess of Yeuna-gamaya.

10. And Lika rose to be God of Avalassak four thousand years; God of Kemma, six
thousand years; Inspector of Judas’etherean roads at the a’ji’an swamps of Hennassit,
fifteen thousand years; Surveyor of Iwalt, two thousand years; Surveyor of the Wacha
excursion, four thousand years; Recorder of Hitte-somat, eight thousand years; Deliverer
of Habian vortices, twenty-six thousand years; Measurer of densities in Ablank, one
thousand years; Recorder of the Ratiotyivi, two thousand years; God of the Home Plains
of Cteverezed, twelve thousand years; and Chief of Vetta-puissa, twenty-five thousand

11.Lika had for his high Council thirty thousand Chieftains and Chieftainesses, of grades
of more than a hundred thousand years in the etherean worlds; five hundred thousand of
the rank of Inspectors; seven millions of the rank of Gods and Goddesses; and of the rank
of Lords and Lordesses, more than half a thousand million.

12. Of the Rapon hosts there were seven Chiefs and nine Chieftainesses, who were Lika’s
private companions. First, Rebsad, Chief of So-tissav, forty thousand years; Sufristor
of Sheleves, sixty thousand years; Marshal of Zele’axi, twenty thousand years;
Master of Bassaion, seventy thousand years; and he passed twenty thousand years on the
journey of Loo-soit-ta-vragenea, besides thousands of other journeys of less duration.

13. Next to Rebsad was Yanodi, Chieftainess of Ure, seventy thousand years;
Chieftainess of the Roads of Sallatamya, seventy thousand years; marshalless of Petanasa,
forty thousand years; Goddess of the ji-ay’an forest of Loo-loo-woh-ga, sixty-five
thousand years; besides Goddess of Mor, Goddess of Chichigennahsmmah, Goddess of
El, and of Raumba, and of Zee.

14. Next to Yanodi was Thazid, Goddess of Zoleth; Matrusettes of Yith-kad, Chieftainess
of Hagu, Chieftainess of De’baur, and of Hachull, and of the Roads of Oleaskivedho,
besides Goddess of more than one hundred etherean worlds.

15. Then came Thoso, Chief of Kassarah and Dassamatz, ninety thousand years; God of
Saxax, seven thousand years; God of Chennesa, God of Hoxora, God of Fiben, God of
Hotab, each six thousand years; surveyor of the Lymthian Roads, twelve thousand years;
marker of meteors, two thousand years; Fireman of Thostus on the Ibien excursion, thirty
thousand years.

16. Next to Thoso came Miente, Chieftainess of Gawl and Sanabtis, in whose dominions
the star T-lemos was uzated, when Gai-loo opened the Road of Enjxi-ustus for the
Nizaigi vortices of Messak; Chieftainess of Lam-Goo and Kud, Goddess of Itzi, Goddess
of Ashem and of the Baxgor Wing, Goddess of the Duik Swamps, and Lordess of Sus and
Havrij; in all one hundred and seven thousand years.

17. Chama-jius stood next; she was Chieftainess of Hors-ad and Tu and Okadad, Goddess
of Asthy, and Hid, and Sheaugus, and Jagri, Surveyor of Arvat and the Vadhuan Roads;
surveyor of Anchas; surveyor of the Han Mountains in the etherean Uuj of Drij-Lee; in all
two hundred and sixty thousand years.

18. Next stood Murdhana, Chieftainess of D’hup and Hen-Dhi, Chieftainess of Happa and
Hirish, surveyor of Sepher and Daka, Inspector of Anachu, and Zadon, and Edau, and
Medtisha, and Roth; in all ninety thousand years.

19. Oshor stood next: Chief of Out-si and of Yotek, and of Samoan, and of Yadakha,
maker of the Bridge of Weasitee, Marshal of the Honlaguoth expedition, and, besides
these places, God of seven etherean worlds; in all one hundred and twelve thousand years.

20. Next came Yihoha, Chief of Shung-how and Agon, Chief of Neo-sin, God of Izeaha,
and Kaon, and Ahsow, and Una, and Yuk-Hoh, and Ahgoon. He was also the builder of
the Raxon etherean arches; in all ninety thousand years.

21. Hisin was next: Chief of the Kionas Belt, where Yagota, the Orian Chief, walled the
Plains of Maga, the Nirvanian home of the delivered hells of Mina half a million
years before. Hismi was here nicknamed Creator of Wit, because of establishing
his Chieftaincy on the ruins of hell. He was also Chief of Mamsa and Jauap, God
of Gah, and of Darah, the region of fountain flowers; in all ninety thousand years.

22. Bowen was next: Chief of Apaha, formerly the Farms of Lung-wan and Srid, Chief of
Vadhua, and of the Valleys of Nasqam, where a million years before the Chief of Chaksa
disrupted the Atmospherean Sakri, and liberated from its four thousand hells more than
thirty thousand million angel slaves in chaos. Bowen had also served as God of Amaan,
and Havat, and Shedo, and Pivan; and as measurer of Pracha, and Xeri, and Asthus,
surveyor of Ulam, and Sheyom, and Chozeh and Zadark, in all eighty thousand years.

23. Gwan Goo was next; she was Chieftainess of Andol, the place of the one-time apex of
the Karowgan vortex, whereat was formed the star Ogitas and sent on its course by
Aclon-guin, Orian hemmer of Shegoweasa. This vortex, when first formed by Aclonguin, was three hundred thousand million miles long and was cometary thirty thousand years in Aclon-guin’s hands. Gwan Goo was also Chieftainess of Ahsa-thah and Waegon;
Goddess of Anoa, and of Howgil, and of Zahaive; in all one hundred and ninety thousand

24. Geehoogan was next; Chieftainess of Sumatri in the By-roads of Yotargis,
Chieftainess of the four etherean worlds, Yoni, Ogh, Theum and Wachwakags; surveyor
of Unshin, Zarihea and Keanteri; inspectress of Saquiz, and Hagimal, and Hafha, and
Borax, and Rab, and Shor-loo; in all eighty thousand years.

25. Next stood Bachne-isij, Chief of Yahalom, where the Gein Maker, Tarmoth, cleared
the Forests of the a’ji’an Haloth, in making a roadway for Havalad’s group of Shemasian
corporeal stars, in which labor he employed ninety thousand million Nirvanians for
four thousand years, and the distance of the road was more than one hundred thousand
million miles. Bachne-isij was Chief of Agwan, and Shoe-nastus, and Hador, and
Ad; God of Vach, and of Kuja, and Rai, and Kathab, and Cynab, and Buhd, and
Abbir; measurer of the mountains of the etherean worlds, Vijhath, and Hakan, and Dis;
measurer of the arches in the etherean world Niksh; constructor of the Plains in
the Nirvanian world Chom; in all one hundred and thirty thousand years.

26. Rehemg was next; Chieftainess of Otaskaka, commonly called World of Shining
Waters, a great visiting place in Nirvania; she was Goddess of Theasapalas and Timax,
weigher of Sultzhowtcih in the Ofel Plains; in all one hundred and ten thousand years.

27. Then stood Antosiv, Goddess of Munn, renowned because she was of two hundred
and sixty thousand years, and had declined exaltation above the rank of Goddess.

28. Such, then, were the Rapon hosts.

Chapter 2
1. Far and wide, spread the words of Lika, words of Jehovih, over the Plains of Poe-ya,
first highest light in etherea, where traveled the earth and her heavens. Far off, toward the
northern group of twinkling stars, gazed the etherean millions; rose the voice of millions:

Where is the red star? Where lieth the earth and her troubled heavens? Is not this the
young star, a satellite that traveleth with the hidan sun? What is the angle and course of
this little, traveling world, that our eyes may feast on the road where soon our Chief will
send Jehovih’s redeeming ships?

2. Then they pointed, surmising, by the red-like color and tedious motion, which was the
earth, one of the small gems that Jehovih had placed in the measureless firmament. And
they gazed thereon, speaking with souls of delight: Great art Thou, O Jehovih, to build so
wide. To stud the etherean worlds with gems like these; to provide a place for the souls of
men to germinate. Surely her people, the sons and daughters of the red star, must behold
etherea; must realize the difference betwixt a short corporeal life and this endless
paradise. Can it be that they have, in their small heavens, unscrupulous false Lords and
false Gods who set themselves up to be worshipped as creators, whom mortals name with
bated breath? And have they, too, a host of Saviors, who profess to have the key to all
the roads that lead into this great expanse, the etherean worlds? Some excuse mortals
have who are brought forth to life on the central suns, to be stubborn in their egotism
of their Lords and Saviors and Gods; but on one so small like the earth, how can it be?

3. Then came back Lika’s swift messengers in their arrow-ships; messengers attained
to be very Gods in wisdom, and in swiftness. And they quickly told the tale, about
their visit to the red star and her heavens; told how the true God, Son of Jehovih,
had struggled on, but had been outmatched by all odds by self-Gods and self-Lords,
who had plunged thousands of millions of hapless souls into torturing hells.

4. And this news Lika spread abroad in his etherean dominions, which only needed to be
told once, for every sympathetic soul by his shocked appearance told it to others, the
like of which spread instantly to thousands of millions of high-raised ethereans. And
when Lika said: Five hundred million angels shall go with me to the troubled earth
and her heavens, in double-quick time the volunteers were ready to be enrolled on the list.

5. Then Lika inquired more fully of the swift messengers, and they answered him, saying:
This, O Lika, Son of Jehovih! The earth hath passed her corporeal maturity, and mortals
have set up a pyramid to mark the time thereof. The days of the highest, greatest audacity
of the self-Gods are passed, and are memorized by the pyramid also; for in that self same
time, they taught mortals to worship the God and the Lord and the Savior, instead of the
Great Spirit, Jehovih. But darkness is upon the self-Gods, and they are bound in hells; and
mortals are also bound in hells.

6. Behold, this is the first dawn of dan on the earth since she passed the limit of her
greatest corporeality.

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