Lectionary Readings for Wednesday, October 30th, 2019
Weekday Sabbath
Book of Judgement Chapter 32
1. God said: Now, behold, O man, I have declared my first and second resurrections unto
thee. And in like manner is the third resurrection, but still higher. And so on are all the
heavens of Jehovih, higher and higher, until the inhabitants thereof and therein become
very Lords and Gods.
2. Nevertheless, hear thou, O man, the wisdom of thy God, and be appreciative of the way
of resurrection being opened up unto thee.
3. Now, I declare unto thee, there are angels lower than the first resurrection; being
incapacitated, from various causes, from knowing who they are, whence they came, or
whither they are going. Yea, many of them know not words of speech, nor signs, nor
tokens; but are as destitute of knowledge as young babes.
4. Many of them died in infancy; some of them were killed by abortion; some of them
were idiots, and some of them deranged.
5. Many of these live by fetal. And that thou mayst know, what fetal is, behold. Jehovih
hath given thee testimony in mortality, whereby, when a young child sleepeth with a very
old person, that child is devoured of its substance. In such case, the old person is fetaled
on the young child; the old person is said to live by fetal.
6. Now, hear thou, O man, the judgment of thy God: Half the people, born into the world,
including still-births and abortions, die in infancy. Therefore, there are a thousand million
angel infants fetaled on the earth every thirty years.
7. These angels never obtain objective knowledge of the corporeal earth, but are
compelled to learn subjectively earthly things through mortals upon whom they are
8. Judgment is rendered against all nations and peoples on the earth for this
great darkness, these early deaths. And, because these angels are thus bound to mortals,
and can not go away from them until such time as mortals die, mortals are
responsible, and bound to train them up by examples of righteousness and good works.
9. Now, aside from such angels, there are such as are slain in war, whose minds are in
chaos, who, dying in the heat of passion and fear and anger, become wild and bound on
battle-fields, or, mayhap, stroll away into deserted houses and castles, and are lost,
bewildered and unapproachable.
10. Of these, there are hundreds of millions; and they are in all countries and amongst all
peoples in the world.
11. They are distracted and tormented with their own fears and bewilderment.
12. Judgment is rendered against all nations and peoples in the world who engage in war,
thus bringing these afflictions upon the angels of heaven.
13. Judgment is rendered against every nation and all people in the world who carry on
war, or who are accessory to war, whereby any man, created alive by Jehovih, is slain, in
defense of any king or other ruler, or in defense of any country or government in all the
14. And, whether war be offensive or defensive, my judgment is against its aiders and
abettors, and against the kings and queens, or other rulers who are parties to war,
willingly, knowingly, or otherwise.
15. And I judge him guilty also who is general, commodore, captain, sergeant or
private that engageth in war or taketh part therein, aiding, abetting, or otherwise,
whereby any man, created alive by Jehovih, is slain or caused to suffer death.
16. And yet, aside from angels who are in chaos, there are hundreds of millions who are
in declension, instead of resurrection. Such angels are those who in mortal life were
whipped and tortured in prisons, or, mayhap, were hanged, or otherwise put to death.
17. These angels take delight in evil instead of good. Sometimes they go about singly, and
sometimes in gangs of hundreds and even thousands.
18. In olden times, the false Gods used such angels to fulfill curses on mortals; and to
carry poison in the air, and inoculate mortals with foul diseases.
19. Behold, in this day, my angels have shown thee that they can bring flowers
and ponderous bodies; even so could the false Gods with their trained warrior
angels, who delighted in evil, cast mortals in death by poisons and suffocation.
20. Judgment is rendered against all nations and peoples who use prisons as places for
whipping and torturing prisoners; and against all nations and peoples who put to death, by
hanging, shooting, or in any way whatsoever, any prisoner, or any person whom Jehovih
created alive.
21. Judgment is rendered against the judge and the jury who condemn to death any man;
and against the law-makers who make, or have left in force, a law authorizing death as a
penalty against any person whom Jehovih created alive.
22. And this is the bondage I put upon all such as obey not my judgments, and conform
thereto: They shall not rise above the first resurrection in heaven, whilst war remaineth
upon the earth. Even though their bondage be a hundred years, or a thousand years, yet
this, my judgment against them, shall not be put aside.
23. Neither shall any king, nor queen, nor any other ruler in all the world, impress as a
soldier, any man who is unwilling to engage in war. And whosoever obeyeth not this my
judgment shall not rise above the first resurrection in heaven whilst war remaineth on the
24. Neither will I more consider the prayers of any king, or queen, or any other ruler, or
any nation or people in all the world who engage in war, offensive or defensive, or who
aid or abet war in any way whatsoever.
25. But I will abandon all such people; and my Lords shall abandon them; and my holy
angels shall abandon them.
26. And they shall be left as a prey to their own harvest of evil spirits, and to all manner
of drujas.
27. And they shall be afflicted with assassinations, and intriguers and despoilers, and with
anarchy and riots and destruction.
28. For they shall be made to understand that whosoever Jehovih created alive is sacred
upon the earth; and that whosoever heedeth not these, my judgments, sinneth against the
29. Behold, it is not sufficient apology for them to say: O, an evil king will come upon
my country and possess it!
30. I say unto thee, O man: All countries are Jehovih’s. Be thou His servant unto peace
and righteousness, having faith in Him.
31. Behold, thy God hath come to put away old things, and to give unto you the kingdoms
of Jehovih, as they are in His exalted heavens.
32. Heed thou the judgments of thy God; thou canst not stay the hand of the Almighty.
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