Lectionary Readings for Tuesday, September 1st, 2020

Lectionary Readings for Tuesday, September 1st, 2020

God’s Book of Eskra, Chapter 50

1. The Lord said: Gabriel raised upon the earth one Mohammed, and inspired him
through his angel hosts. And the angels inspired Mohammed to go once every month in
the year into the cave of Hara; on which occasions, Gabriel came in person, and talked
with Mohammed, who had su’is in great perfection.

2. Twelve years in peace did Gabriel inspire mortals through Mohammed. But, at the end
of thirteen years, Mohammed attained to sufficient strength to draw the sword for
Gabriel’s doctrines. And Gabriel, through inspiration, caused the Mohammedans to
commemorate this as the beginning of his kingdoms on earth. And they, therefore,
consecrated the said period of time.

3. And, on this first meeting of the faithful in Gabriel, Mohammed, being under
inspiration, spake before the multitude, saying:

4. There is but one God, and he is God. Heaven is his. The earth is the Lord’s, through the
angel, Gabriel. This is the sum and substance of all things. This was the doctrine of
Abraham and of Moses, our forefathers.

5. But evil men have invented other Gods, which have no existence. They are idols,
which exist only in superstition and ignorance.

6. Revere me not, nor call me wise. I am not wise; I have little learning. Knowledge
cometh to me from the Unseen. My eyes are open, my ears are open. I see and hear
spiritual things. The angels of heaven tell me things of wisdom.

7. I do but repeat them. Therefore, I am not wise, nor great. I strive to be honest and
upright before God, but I am weaker than a child in these respects. Therefore, worship not
me, nor bow down before me. I am nothing.

8. As I am an instrument in the hands of God, through his angel, Gabriel, so also were
Abraham and Moses and many of the prophets. They could work miracles. I can not.
Therefore, I am the least of God’s prophets.

9. That ye may become exalted before God, I am sent into the world. Shall I reveal what
Gabriel hath told me? Or do ye believe God is dead, or gone afar off? Believe ye, that he
can not raise up a prophet in this day? Is God weak? or hath he forgotten the world he

10. Why hath this thing come at this time? No man can answer that. Gabriel saith: There
is a false God in heaven, and he hath falsely called himself, Kriste. Gabriel saith, that he
himself, Gabriel, provided the way for the gathering of the lost sheep of Israel, through an

11. Brothers, I will tell you why I am chosen of God: It is to circumvent the Kriste’yan’s
idolatry from coming into Arabin’ya and the countries north and south and east.

12. These countries were given by God to our forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and
thence down to Moses, and thence down to us.

13. There is but one God, and Gabriel is his angel of all the world.

14. And God raiseth up a prophet from time to time, to bless his chosen people.

15. He put this matter upon me; I know only to serve God.

16. The Kriste’yans are merciless warriors. This false Kriste and his worshipers are
working for the Romans, and not for salvation. Wherever they go, they destroy the
libraries and all manner of learning.

17. Will ye submit, like slaves, to have them despoil you? Is there no Arabin’yan blood in
your veins?

18. When asked to state the Mohammedan doctrines, he said: To tell no lies; to not
commit fornication; to preserve the ceremonies; to give to the poor freely; to observe the
sacred days; to aggress not; but to war for the innocent and oppressed; to maintain the
liberty of the people; to steal not, and to deceive no man.

19. Mohammed, being under inspiration of the God, Gabriel, and his angels, collected
together thousands and tens of thousands of warriors, and went forth to conquer. And the
angel hosts of Gabriel went forth with Mohammed’s army, and inspired them to such
degree that they were without fear or hesitation. And Gabriel’s hosts of angels went into
the armies that fought against Mohammed, and inspired them with fear and cowardice
and panic.

20. And it came to pass, that wherever Mohammed went, there was sure victory, the like
of which had not been for many centuries.

21. Now, Looeamong, the false Kriste, had previously destroyed, for the most part, the
Alexandrian library, having inspired a mortal priest, Coatulius, to do the work.

22. And Looeamong, now perceiving the triumph of Mohammed, inspired three hundred
monks and priests to go throughout Heleste and Arabin’ya, and destroy the ancient state

records and libraries. And they went thither, and accomplished the destruction.

23. Mohammed was shown this by Gabriel, and he used it as a battle-cry for his soldiers.

24. Looeamong now declared war in heaven against the false God-Gabriel; and, in not
many years they both carried their war down to earth, contending for certain localities on
the earth.

25. As for the other two false Gods, Kabalactes, alias Budha, and Ennochissa, alias
Brahma, they had been in war against each other for over six hundred years.

26. Now had these four false Gods possession of the whole earth, at least, wherever there
were mortal kingdoms and empires.

27. Now, in reference to the Faithists: In Chine’ya and Vind’yu, they were no longer
identified with the kingdoms or governments, but lived about in scattered families. In
Arabin’ya, Heleste and Uropa, they were scattered in all directions. From the time of
Joshu’s death, in Jerusalem, they began to migrate, mostly toward the west.

28. And these called themselves, Israelites and Jews.

29. Nevertheless, many of the Israelites and Jews, so-called, were apostates in fact; eating
flesh, and marrying with other peoples.

30. Now, after the fall of the great empire, Egupt, her people migrated westward,
hundreds of thousands of them, and they settled in western Uropa, where these people
married with the aborigines. Their offspring were called Druids, Picts, Gales (Gaelic),
Wales (Welsh), Galls (Gauls), and Yohans (Johns), all of which are Eguptian names,
preserved to this day.

31. Now, when the Faithists were moved by the inspiration of God to have no more kings,
and to flee away from the Kriste’yan warriors, they came amongst the people above
mentioned. (The apostate Faithists married with them, and their offspring were the
forefathers of those now called, French, German, Russian and English.)

32. God, Son of Jehovih, had said: Suffer the apostates to so marry, for here will I find a
way to raise up disbelievers in the false Kriste; and they shall ultimately become believers
in Jehovih only.

33. For, inasmuch as I have suffered them to become scattered, so will I appropriate them
as seed to quicken all the races of men to comprehend the All One.

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