Lectionary Readings for Tuesday, May 19th, 2020

Lectionary Readings for Tuesday, May 19th, 2020

Book of Wars Against Jehovih Chapter 29, Chapter 30


Chapter 29

1. On the following day the three false Gods, Osiris and Te-in and Sudga, wrote
their account, each in his own way. And when they were read, Osiris’stood clearer
than either of the others’; but nevertheless, Te-in’s and Sudga’s had much of merit.
So it came to pass Osiris’account was adopted, with interpolations from the others’.

2. This, then, is the completed report, to wit:

3. These are the times of earth and heaven when created; the time the Lord God
created them. And the Lord God formed man out of the dust of the earth, and quickened
him through his nostrils with the breath of life, and man became a living creature.

4. And God caused mists to rise up from the waters, and spread over the earth, and
rain upon it. And he caused trees and herbs to grow up out of the ground; everything
that is pleasant for the sight and good for food. Thus out of the ground the Lord
God caused man to come forth, being of the earth, of the land of Eden (Spe-a).

5. To dress the land and keep it pleasant, the Lord God commanded man, saying: This
shall be thy labor, in which thou shalt be perfected unto everlasting life. Of all things in
the land of Eden mayst thou freely take and enjoy.

6. And man prospered on the earth for a long season; and he was naked and not
ashamed. And God planted the tree of knowledge in the land of Eden, and he said unto
man: This tree have I planted; partake thou not of it, for it pertaineth to life and death.

7. And God called the name of the first man A’su (Adam). And the Lord God caused
man to name all things on the earth, and in the waters, and in the air above the
earth, and whatsoever man called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

8. And the Lord God caused A’su to fall into a trance; and an angel of heaven came
and stood by his side. And the Lord God drew from the flesh, and from the bones,
and from the blood of A’su, and thus made woman, and brought her unto A’su.

9. And the Lord God repeated his commandment unto woman, saying: Thou shalt sojourn
for a season on the earth, and cleave unto A’su, for he is thy husband, and thou art his
wife; and thou shalt partake of all things on the face of the earth, save of the tree of
life, which is of both good and evil, for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

10. But because of the serpent (the earth) of the woman, she hearkened unto him, and he
said unto the woman: I say unto thee, in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt have thine
eyes opened, and shalt become as a Goddess, creating offspring.

11. And the woman was more easily persuaded than man, for she had confidence in the
serpent; and they partook of the fruit thereof; and, of a truth, their eyes were opened, and
they beheld their nakedness.

12. And presently they heard the Lord God walking in Eden, and they hid themselves in
the bushes. And the Lord God said: Where art thou, A’su? And A’su said: Because we
heard thee walking, we hid ourselves, for we were naked.

13. The Lord God said: Who told thee thou wert naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree
whereof I told thee thou shouldst not eat? A’su said: The woman thou gavest me to be
with me, led me, saying: Behold, it is good fruit; and we ate thereof.

14. The Lord God said: Woman, what hast thou done? And the woman answered, saying:
The serpent beguiled me. And the Lord God said unto the serpent: Because thou hast
done this, thou art accursed, and thou shalt not rise up from the earth, but return to dust
whence thou camest.

15. Unto the woman the Lord God said: Because thou hast conceived, thou shalt have
great sorrow; in sorrow bring forth children; thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he
shall rule over thee. And I will put enmity betwixt the serpent and thine offspring; and
the flesh shall call one way, which is unto earth, but the soul of man shall call unto me,
the Lord God. And though the serpent bite, yet man shall bruise him, and subdue him.

16. And God taught man to make coats of skins and be clothed. And the Lord God said:
Lest man partake further, becoming as one of us, he shall go out of Eden, where I created
him. So he drove man out of Eden backward, and gave him cherubims to hold him on
every side, to preserve unto man the tree of life, that man might not only fulfill the spirit,
but the flesh also.

17. When Osiris had gone thus far, Sudga interposed, saying: If we say, Becoming as one
of us, will not man say: Behold, there are more Gods than the Lord God?

18. Te-in said: Because De’yus said: Let us make man, shall we not use US in this

19. Osiris said: Hear me, my brothers, yet further; for I previously found a way out. For I
have divided the Lord from God; that is to say:

20. And the Lord God said: Because man hath learned good and evil, I am as twain unto
him, for I am Lord of the earth and God of heaven. And that which is on the earth is the
Lord’s, and that which is in heaven is God’s.

21. And A’su called his wife’s name Eve (We-it), for she was the fountain of all men. And
Eve brought forth a son, Cain, saying: I have begotten a son from the Lord. And she
brought forth another son, Abel. And the first-born was begotten in darkness, but the
second of the light of the Lord. And the Lord had more respect unto the second, Abel,
than unto the first, Cain.

22. In course of time Cain brought of the fruit of the ground and offered it unto the Lord.
And Abel brought for the Lord, as his offerings, the firstlings of his flocks. And Cain
perceived that the Lord had more respect for his brother, and Cain was wroth, and his
countenance fell.

23. And the Lord said unto Cain: Why art thou jealous? If thou doest well, shalt thou not
be accepted? And if thou doest not well, sin lieth at thy door.

24. But Cain would not be reconciled (because of the darkness in him), and when
he and his brother were walking in the fields, Cain turned upon Abel and slew him.

25. God said: Behold, darkness is between men; the son begotten in darkness falleth upon
him begotten in the light. And it shall come to pass on the earth from this time forth that
the righteous shall be persecuted by the unrighteous.

26. And the Lord said unto Cain: Where is Abel, thy brother? And he said: I know not.
Am I my brother’s keeper? The Lord said: The voice of thy brother’s blood crieth out unto
me from the ground: Now art thou accursed from the earth, for it hath opened to receive
thy brother’s blood from thy hand. In my sight thou shalt be a fugitive and a vagabond
upon the earth. And because thou hast shed blood, blood shall not cease to flow from thy
sons and daughters forever.

27. Cain said: O Lord, my punishment is greater than I can bear. For I am become the
first foundation of all the wars on the earth; for thou hast hid thy face from me;
and it shall come to pass that every one that findeth of me in them shall be slain also.

28. And the Lord said unto Cain: Whosoever slayeth thee or thine, vengeance shall be
upon him seven-fold. And the Lord wrote upon Cain’s forehead the word Asugasahiben,
BLOOD FOR SAKE OF SELF, a mark, lest any finding him might kill him.

29. And from this time forth Cain lost the voice of the Lord, because he went off into Nod
(darkness). And Cain took a wife and begot heirs unto himself after his own manner, and
they were called Cainites, and the heirs after them were called the tribe of Cainites, which
survived him nine hundred and ten years, after which they were divided into six and
twenty tribes. (And the name Cain was lost. But the people survived, and are known to
this day as

30. And We-it bore another son, Seth, in place of Abel, whom Cain slew. And after these
came the generations of men, good and evil. And the Lord God said: Behold, I created
man without sin, and I gave him warning, that he might remain holy on the face of
the earth. But woman hearkened not to my counsel, but to the serpent, and sin came
into the world. Therefore shall woman bring forth in pain all the generations of the earth.

31. Thus it was that the Lord God created man; in the likeness of God created he him.

32. And the sons of Cain were called tribes, even unto this day, but the sons of the
righteous were sons of God; wherefore it was said of old: Behold the sons of earth and the
sons of heaven.

33. And the Lord said: Shall I not accord to myself to choose what I will? For this right I
gave to man also. And from that time after the sons of God were called God’s chosen.

34. And it came to pass that man multiplied on the face of the earth; and the tribes were
mightier than the sons of the Lord God, and the wickedness of man became great in the
earth, and the desires of his heart were evil continually.

35. And the Lord God repented that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at
his heart. And the Lord God said: I will destroy man whom I have created; nor will I
spare beast nor creeping thing in the place I gave.

36. Behold, I will bring a flood of waters upon the lands of the earth, and I will destroy all
flesh wherein is the breath of life. But my covenant is with my chosen, who shall not be
destroyed by the flood of waters.

37. And God’s sons in Noe took with them pairs of the living, of beasts and
birds, according to the commandments of God, to keep the seed alive on the earth.

38. And when the earth was six hundred years in Noe, the flood of waters was come upon
the earth. And for forty days and forty nights the rain fell, and the fountains of the sea
came up on the lands of the earth. And man and beast alike, that drew the breath of life,
died, for the land was no more.

39. But the heirs of Noe suffered not; and the ships of the arc, whither the Lord had
concealed them, rode upon the waters. And God made a wind to pass over the earth: and
the fountains of the deep were stopped, and the rain of heaven restrained, and the ships of
the arc borne upon dry land.

40. And the Lord God said: Behold, I will build a new earth and a new heaven. For these,
my sons, have proven their faith in me. Neither will I again destroy the tribes of men
because their hearts are set on evil. And the Lord God swore an oath by the bow of the
arc, saying: This is the token of the covenant which I have established between me and all
flesh that is upon the earth. And by the sons of Noe was the whole earth overspread, and
the Lord blessed the earth, and said: Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for
man; even as the green herb I have given. But flesh with the life thereof, which is the
blood thereof, shall men not eat.

41. For surely your blood of your lives will I require; of every beast will I require it; at the
hand of every man’s brother will I require the life of man that feedeth on living flesh and

42. And whosoever sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed; for in my
image made I man. And ye, be ye fruitful, and multiply, and bring forth abundantly in the
earth, and inhabit it, for it is yours for perpetual generations.

43. Thus ended the words of Osiris. Te’in said: Because of flesh blood, thou art wise, my
brother. Sudga said: Hereon hangeth the glory of our enterprise. For man being less
restrained than in the Divan laws, will accept the new readily.

44. After this, Osiris prepared a book of generations of men on earth; and these were the
substance of the doctrines of De’yus and his Gods. And Osiris and Te-in and Sudga
departed, and came down to the earth, to their mortal wards, and by virtue of their
presence inspired they their wards to write them in mortal words, according to the
languages in the places where they lived. And they were so written by these seers; and
copies of them were made and put on file in the libraries of the records of the kings and
queens of the earth, in Arabin’ya, Jaffeth and Shem. And these became the bible of that

Chapter 30
1. Now, after the three false Gods, Osiris and Te-in and Sudga, had revealed these things
to mortals, they sent messengers to the Lord God, praying audience with him, that they
might disclose to him what they had done. Anuhasaj, alias De’yus, therefore, appointed a
time of meeting, and the Gods came before him and made their report. After which
De’yus said:

2. In all ye have done I acquiesce; neither have ye said aught that I would not have said,
save that I desired not to laud myself with mine own mouth. And thus ended the matter,
as to how mortals were taught to worship the names Lord and God, and Lord God, and
Ho-Joss, and Joss, and De’yus, and Deity, and Dyaus, and Zeus, and various other names,
according to the languages of the people of Jaffeth, and Vind’yu, and Arabin’ya, and
Parsi’e, and Heleste. And thousands of millions of angels of the Lord God and his Gods,
who were sent down to mortals, inspired them and taught them the same things through
seers, and prophets, and magicians, and through other people, also, by dreams and

3. And mortals were taught the secret of spiritually going out of their own corporeal
bodies, and returning safely; and in this state they were taken subjectively to the kingdom
of the Lord God, where they beheld him even as a man, sitting on a throne; and they saw
the great glory of his kingdom, and beheld the worshippers, millions of them, glorifying
De’yus, the false Lord God. And these persons became preachers on the earth;
enthusiastically stirring men up on every hand to draw the sword and spear and sling
to go forth in battle, to overthrow the doctrine of the Great Spirit and establish the De’yus.

4. And it came to pass that they thus accomplished the will of the Lord God in all these
divisions of the earth. The Jehovians, being non-resistants, were powerless before them.
Kings and queens on the earth accepted these doctrines, and they marshaled their armies
in all directions to establish the Lord God, who had said unto them: As much as ye exalt
me and my kingdoms, so will I exalt you. As I behold, ye are become wise and powerful
to rule over many on the earth, so will I give unto you large kingdoms in heaven.

5. And the false Lord God and his false Gods prospered in earth and heaven, as to
themselves and their kingdoms, hundreds of years, nine hundred years, and at this time
the Faithists of the earth were reduced to a small fraction of people, mostly hid away, as
sheep from wolves.

6. But in nine hundred and fifty years, behold, the worshippers of the Lord God, the false,
began to quarrel and fight amongst themselves. Even as by blood they had established
him, so by blood were the kings and queens of the earth overthrowing one another.

7. Because of the warfare, schools, and colleges, and houses of philosophy, were wasted
away; the factories for spinning and weaving were destroyed, and the lands not tilled.

8. And now of the heavenly kingdoms of Anuhasaj and his Gods, this is what occurred,
to wit: They had accumulated twenty-eight thousand millions of spirits, all of
whom were servants to De’yus and his Gods. For the most part they were below grade
ten, whilst three thousand millions were below grade five, which is helplessness.

9. Jehovih had so made men and angels that, whosoever had learned to abnegate self and
to labor for the good of others, was already above grade fifty, and his ascension should be
perpetual thereafter; whilst they that were below grade fifty, who had not put away

self (satan), should gravitate downward, toward the earth. Wherein it had come to
pass that the false Lord God and his false Gods were burdened with their kingdoms.

10. And though they were adorned to the utmost, having vast cities for their heavenly
capitals, with millions of attendants, and millions of musicians, who were forever
inventing new and wonderful music, and playing and singing, millions and millions in
concert, with millions of trumpeters, near and far off, to fashion echoes beautiful to the
ear; and though they had decorators forever inventing and changing their thousands of
millions of flags and banners, and the ornaments for the pageantry; though they had
millions of heavenly cities, built with heavenly precious stones and gems of splendor, and
with roadways and streets paved with heavenly diamonds and pearls; and though they had
tournaments, heavenly, and games, and rites and ceremonies, prostrations and salutations,
without end, with great ships, heavenly, capable of coursing atmospherea in journeys and
excursions, ships to carry hundreds of millions of angels, whose chief occupation was to
sing and chant the glory and power and dominion of De’yus and his Gods; yea, though a
large book could not contain a description of the thousandth part of their wonderful glory,
yet each and every God began to see coming danger.

11. Jehovih had said: Two precipices have I left open for testing man’s strength, and they
are: great prosperity and great adversity.

12. And behold, satan came upon them in the guise of a good friend. First, he went to
Anuhasaj and said unto him: Thou greatest of Gods! Who is like unto thee? Behold, I
came to thee in the beginning, and told thee what to do, even to stretch forth thine hand,
and heaven and earth should be thine forever, for thine own glory. And lo, it hath come
on finely! Thou hast routed Jehovih and His hosts in heaven and earth; they are as a
remnant skulking away. Hear me, then, O De’yus, for I will not only praise thee for what
thou hast accomplished, but I will chide thee for thy failings.

13. De’yus said: Wherein have I failed, O satan? And satan answered, saying: Thou art
too honest for thine own good; too pure for thine own benefit; too unsuspecting as
regards thy Gods. Being thyself honest, thou hast easily attributed honesty unto others,
and they have taken advantage of thee.

14. Anuhasaj said: How? Satan answered, saying: In the first, thou saidst to thy Gods:
Maintain ye your schools, and colleges, and factories, and otherwise prepare the spirits of
the dead unto resurrection. And as fast as they arrive at grade thirty, send ye them to my
kingdom, that Hored may be glorified forever. But lo and behold, thy Gods used the
angels as slaves, to build up the glory of their own kingdoms. They have suffered their
heavenly places of education, for the most part, to be scattered and gone. Neither have
they inspired mortals to instruction, as I warned thee at the first. And mortals have thrown
aside their schools and colleges, and their places of art, and have become riotous, and
given to gross living, and there is no resurrection in them. Which matters show thee that,
soon or late, all the spirits of the earth will be of no grade at all, but as fetals and vampires
to live on mortals.

15. De’yus said: Why are mortals become gross livers? Satan answered him, saying:
Behold, in thine own revelation to mortals thou saidst to them: Partake not of fish, nor
flesh, nor blood, for food, nor of anything that breatheth the breath of life. And now,
behold what came to pass: Thy three Gods, whom thou hadst elevated and trusted, fell to
and made other revelations, wherein they said: Partake of fish and flesh; for they desired

to please mortals. And lo, it hath come to pass that man not only warreth for thee, but he
warreth to the right and left, for it is in his blood, after the manner of beasts that feed on
flesh. Thy Gods had no right to give this law unto man without first consulting thee, to
know thy will and pleasure.

16. Anuhasaj said: Alas, it is true. What shall I do? Satan said: Thou shalt call thy Gods
before thee and chide them in thine own way, and command them to go down to mortals
and re-establish learning and industry, instead of war. Anuhasaj said: Even so shall they
come and receive my reprimand. They shall know of a truth that I am the Lord their God.

17. Satan went to the other false Gods, every one separately, saying unto each: Hear me,
O thou wisest of Gods, who shouldst in fact be at the all highest Godhead in heaven,
because of thy great wisdom and integrity. Behold, I came to thee at the first and foretold
thee how thy kingdom should become great and glorified; and even so hath it come to
pass. When thou puttest forth thine hand to do a thing, it is done; for thou wert born into
life different from all others, and for the highest of glories. And because of thy greatness,
behold, all the Gods of heaven are jealous of thee and fear thee, all of which thou knowest
of thine own knowledge. Now, whilst I accord this unto thee, I will also chide thee for thy

18. For, because thou art honest thyself, thou believest the same of others; wherefore thou
art cheated and ill-used on all hands. In the first while, thou didst send thy highest grades
to the Lord God, to be his; yea, thou hast robbed thine own kingdom of its finest and best
subjects for the glory of De’yus. And who is De’yus more than thou? Is he not a coward?
for he feared to give his own doctrines to mortals; but he abridged his words till they were
worthless. And thou and thy fellow-Gods made his doctrines up in full for him! Yet thou
servest him as if he were thy superior.

19. The false God said: Alas, it is true, with all my wisdom I have acted like a fool.
Because I was too honest and pure for De’yus and his Gods, they have taken advantage of me. What shall I do? Satan said: I told thee at the first, that the time should come when thou shouldst rise to be higher than all other Gods. Behold, the time is near at hand
when thou shalt strike the blow. Thou shalt not only have thine own kingdom, but the
kingdoms of thy companion Gods; and even De’yus shall be tributary unto thee and thine.

20. The false God said: What shall I do? And satan answered, saying: De’yus will scent
the danger to his kingdom, and he will summon his Gods for consultation. Be thou ready
with thine answer unto him and them; not hastily, for such is the manner of the weak;
but most deliberately, in high holiness of purpose, for the good of mortals and spirits.

21. Thus alike and like spake satan unto all the false Gods; and they nursed the planted
seed; held it in the light and shade to see it grow, till it became the very giant of each
one’s understanding.

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