Lectionary Readings for Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022
Weekday Sabbath
Book of Discipline Chapter 6
1. O man, apply thyself to understand the spirit of my discourse, for herein shalt thou find the key to the Father’s kingdom.
2. These are the rules of the second resurrection: To become an interpreter and worker without a written formula:
3. That whatsoever giveth joy to thy fellow and rendereth peace and good will unto all–shall be called light:
4. That whatsoever giveth sorrow to thy fellow, or discouragement to others–shall be called darkness:
5. As to find fault with another, or to aggravate unto displeasure–shall be called darkness:
6. But to make another’s burden light, to encourage him unto strength and happiness–shall be called light:
7. To be forever complaining about this or that–shall be called darkness:
8. To be forever imparting cheerfulness–shall be called light.
9. Now therefore whoso becometh a member of my kingdom shall practice light; but whoso practiceth darkness, will depart away from my kingdom of his own accord.
10. Neither shalt thou practice darkness upon thy fellow for any shortness he hath done.
11. Nor shalt thou reprove him for error, nor blame him, nor make thyself an inquisitor over him, nor assume to be a judge over him.
12. Nor ask him to apologize, nor otherwise seek to make him humble himself before thee.
13. Nor shalt thou boast over him because thou art wiser or stronger or more expert.
14. For all such inquisition cometh of darkness, and shall return upon him who uttereth it, in time to come.
15. Rather shalt thou discover the good that is in thy neighbor, and laud him therefore, for this is the method of raising him higher.