Lectionary Readings for Thursday, November 3rd, 2022

Lectionary Readings for Thursday, November 3rd, 2022

Book of Judgement Chapter 36


1. GOD saith: Behold, the work of my hand, O man: As thou findest an old house, no longer habitable, thou sendest workmen to pull it down, and then, thou sendest laborers to clear away the rubbish.

2. And, afterward, thou bringest builders, and they lay a new foundation, larger and broader than the old one, and, thereon, they build thee a new edifice, adapted with new improvements unto the increase and requirements of thy family.

3. Even so, hath thy God labored, for hundreds of years, to prepare unto the generations of this day.

4. For I saw, beforehand, that man would circumscribe the earth, and that all the nations and peoples thereof would become known to one another.

5. And I beheld also, that, in the coming time, which is now at hand, the old edifices of doctrines and creeds and religions, as of the Brahmins, Buddhists, Jews, Ka’yuans, Kriste’yans and Mohammedans would not fulfill the requirements of man.

6. And now, behold, O man, the wisdom of Jehovih previously: He had permitted corruptions and contradictions to creep into the sacred books of all of the said great religions, purposely and with design, so as to make easy the work of thy God.

7. And when I saw that the coming together of nations and peoples would require a new religious edifice, I perceived, also, that the old ones must be cleared away.

8. And, behold, I, thy God, went to work systematically, inspiring man to accomplish even what man hath accomplished.

9. I raised up scholars and infidels against these religions; inspiring them to attack the corruptions and contradictions in the sacred books of all these peoples.

10. And, in the same time, that I sent infidels against the Jewish bible, I sent infidels against the Hindoo bibles, and against the doctrines of Brahma and Buddha and Ka’yu, and against the Kriste’yans and Mohammedans.

11. And I made the beginning of the work of these infidels and scholars to correspond with the discovery of Guatama by Columbo, and I kept them at their work for three hundred years, which was up to the time of the establishment of the republic of Guatama, which I, thy God, provided to be untrammeled by an established religion.

12. After my workmen, the scholars and infidels, had thus undermined the old edifice, behold, I sent laborers, under the name of merchants and traders, to commence clearing away the rubbish.

13. And, because of their desires in money-getting, they considered not the religious edifice of any people, and they provided comity relations withersoever they went.

14. For a hundred years, these, my laborers, have been at their work, stripping off and clearing away the prejudice of nations and peoples against one another.

15. And then, behold, I came with my builders, and I prepared a new foundation, broader and wider and firmer, for an edifice adapted to all the nations and peoples in the world.

16. First, I sent my miracle-workers forth into every quarter, saying unto them: Whatsoever was done by the ancient Gods and Saviors, do ye even so, and greater. For I will show, unto all the world, that no man nor God is worthy to be worshipped because of miracles.

17. And they went forth at my command, and my angels went with them, doing wonders.

18. They healed the sick, by the laying on of hands; they restored the blind to sight, and made the deaf to hear, and have brought the supposed dead to life.

19. They have caused writing to come on stone tablets, and on paper, in the light of day, by unseen hands.

20. They have caused ponderous bodies, without mortal contact to move, and to beat time to music.

21. A child hath lifted eight full-grown men with her little finger.

22. They have passed full-blown flowers and plants through boards and tables, unbruised and uninjured, and, yet, there was neither hole, nor opening in the boards and tables.

23. They have made stars of light that spake with audible voices; they have made pillars of fire by night, and pillars of cloud by day.

24. They have caused the spirits of the dead to appear as if in flesh and blood; and whilst thus appearing, talking face to face with their mortal kin, who saw them, heard them, and, by the subject of the discourse, proved them to be the very angels of heaven returned to their earth-kin and friends.

25. For the time of one generation thy God hath thus kept open the gates of heaven; working through mortals, by the angels of heaven.

26. My testimony and my witnesses are hundreds of thousands. I hide not the work of my hand and of my angels in a corner; I extend them abroad over the earth; I manifest in the cities and country places; I prove unto all peoples, that common men and women can do the miracles for which Gods and Saviors have been worshipped.

27. Yea, I give these powers unto good and bad men, and unto good and bad women.

28. For I show miracles in order to break down the worship of miracle-workers.

29. For I will have none worshipped but Jehovih. And I have inspired angels to this end, and to the end that good works and wisdom shall be, henceforth, the means of resurrection in heaven.

30. And I have shown also, that only by harmony and the union of many, can any great good come unto the generations of men.

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