Lectionary Readings for Thursday, April 4th, 2019

Lectionary Readings for Thursday, April 4th, 2019

Book of God’s Word Chapters XXV and XXVI

Chapter XXV

1. Zarathustra, the All Pure, divided the people, leading his followers away from the
others, taking them into good places of delight. After that, he looked back with
compassion, and he said to I’hua’Mazda:

2. What of them who will not accept the Ormazdian law? I’hua’Mazda answered him,
saying: Behold, thy arms are full! Let the dead have dominion with the dead. Not only
this generation, but many that come after thee, will not be alive to the Ormazdian law.

3. Zarathustra apportioned his people into cities and villages and families, but over the
whole of them he appointed Yus’avak as Chief, one of his companions who came with
him from Oas.

4. And when Yus’avak was established, Zarathustra and his companions traveled further,
and came to the city of Ne’ki’ro, kingdom of Aboatha, king of twelve generations through
his forefathers, whose title was, A

5. Ne’ki’ro was a walled city, but the Zarathustrians gained entrance without paying
tribute, because the law thus favored strangers. Abaotha, in his youth, had traveled
amongst the Parsi’e’ans, and knew the language; and when Zarathustra was before him,
speaking in the Oas’an tongue, the king inquired his business, and how long he purposed
staying, stating, moreover, that he had received the tablets of the Ormazdian law, with the
interpretations, from the King of the Sun, Asha; and that he had desired to see

6. Zarathustra said: I came to establish the Ormazdian law. In the name of the All Light
will I blunt the edge of the sword and the spear. Until I have fulfilled the commandments
upon me, I shall tarry within thy city. Of things thou hast read in the holy book I am come
in the Person of I’hua’Mazda.

7. The king said: My city is not so large; I have more scalps and skulls, for the size of my
city, than any other king in the world. But know thou, O man, I am a philosopher. Many
of my people are also learned people. Hear thou me, then, and if thou hast a greater
philosophy than I have, I will not only bequeath to thee the public skulls and scalps, to be
thy treasures forever, but I will also give my skull and scalp into thy hand, as the most
valuable treasure in the Jaffeth’an empire.

8. Zarathustra said: Though thou settest great value on skulls and scalps, because they are
the product of labor, yet they are of no value to me, nor to the Father in heaven. Neither
have I any philosophy for thee, or for the Father’s begotten. To accept His will; to be
servant unto Him, by doing good unto others, comprise the whole of the law, by which all
men may be made to rejoice in their creation.

9. The king said: Think not that I am as other men. I am not as other men. In the first
beginning of all things, there were S
EVEN and NINE things. I was one of them. By division,
we created all there is in heaven and earth. Seven thousand and seven millions, and nine
thousand and nine millions of times, have I divided myself. One-seventh and one-ninth of
all there are of created things is my very self. Tell me, then, hast thou as great a
philosophy as this?

10. Zarathustra said: O the folly of men before Thee, O Ormazd! They run after that
which flattereth self, seeing their fellows going down in death, and they raise not their
hands to lift them up! I tell thee, O king, thy poorest slave that bringeth out of the earth
food for two men, hath a greater philosophy than thine! He that can rule over his own
self-conceit, that speaketh not of himself, giveth a better philosophy of himself than thou
hast. He who hath not yet risen from his mother’s breast, hath more treasures to give than
thou has obtained with all thy philosophy. Ere three days have passed by, the city’s skulls
and scalps will be burned to dust. Nor will thy philosophy avail thee to stay the hand of

11. The king said: Proposest thou with this handful of men to battle with my army?
Zarathustra said: I have spoken. There is no value in discoursing with any man who
hath an opinion to establish, nor is man’s opinion of value to raise up the souls of
men. Bring thou, therefore, thy army, and command them to fall upon me and mine!

12. The king said: Thou hast no weapons; think not that I battle with men who use their
tongues, like women!

13. Zarathustra said: Why boasteth thou? Thy soldiers will turn and flee when thou
bringest them against me!

14. The king turned away then, and ordered his officers to bring soldiers, and dispatch
Zarathustra and his companions, and to hang their skulls and scalps on the walls.
Zarathustra and his companions went into the king’s garden, and formed in an altar. When
the sun had set, and evening came, the king’s soldiers, more than ten thousand, came upon

15. I’hua’Mazda had great power, because of the faith of Zarathustra, and he spake with a
loud voice, saying: Light of Thy Light, O Ormazd! Build me here a wall of fire! And
behold, there fell from heaven curtains of fire, till a great wall stood betwixt the two
peoples; nor would one soldier throw a spear or sling a stone; and many of them broke
and fled.

16. When the king saw the power of Zarathustra, he feared for his kingdom; and not
deciding at once what course to pursue, he went into his palace. Then came Zarathustra
and his companions out of the garden, but the light extended up above Zarathustra’s
head like a pillar of fire. I’hua’Mazda spake to some who were nearest, saying:

17. Run quickly and call the soldiers back, saying to them they shall be my soldiers, and I
will give them the weapons of the Creator. So, the messengers ran, and brought many
of them back. I’hua’Mazda commanded them to gather the skulls and scalps from the
city walls, and from the gates, and go and burn them, and the soldiers did these things.

18. The next day after they were consumed, I’hua’Mazda began to preach, explaining
the Ormazdian law; and he received many followers. The king had tried by all means
to gather his soldiers together, but no one obeyed him. After that Zarathustra went to
him, saying: If thou art one-seventh and one-ninth of all things, who thinkest thou I am?

19. The king said: They say thou art a very Creator! But, as to my opinion, thou art only a
magician. Thou canst not do anything real; for which reason, I hoped thou wouldst come

before me. Know, then, thy end hath come! With that, the king struck at Zarathustra; but
the king’s sword was broken into pieces, and of non-effect.

20. The king had two trained chetahs, large as the largest lions, and he ordered them to be
unloosed and set upon Zarathustra. And it was done; but, lo and behold, the chetahs came
and licked his hands. But the king was hardened, and would not believe. I’hua’Mazda
called the king to come near, and he came.

21. He said unto the king: I am not thine enemy, but the enemy of evil; I come not to
take thy kingdom. In a few days I shall leave this place. So, thy kingdom would be
worthless to me. And yet I come to establish another kingdom, which is the Father’s.
I come to overthrow sin and wickedness, and to build up that which is good. And in
so doing, it shall be known amongst men that the soul is immortal.

22. Rather would I see thee and thy people alive and full of joy, than to see them dead.
Thou hast said thou understandest the Ormazdian law; perceiving there is also a king’s

23. The king’s laws are for the earth-world; to punish the wicked and reward the valorous;
the Ormazdian law is for the Zarathustrians, who need no kings. Thy subjects are for
war and plunder; but the subjects of the Great Spirit are for doing good, and in love
and mercy. And have I not shown thee that the Ormazdian laws are the stronger of
the two? Yea, a hundred fold. It is wiser for thee to espouse the stronger law. Thou
hast gathered certain treasures, boasting of thy treasures’value. Because thou hast
made a law of exchange for skulls and scalps; how sayest thou? Maketh thou
them valuable? Because a man bringeth a skull to thee, thou givest him bread. Now
I declare unto thee, values consist not in the rate of exchange betwixt men. Shall a
man gather a heap of stones, and say: Behold, they are valuable! Or iron, or gold, or
copper, and say: Behold, they are valuable! A piece of bread is valuable, or flax, or wool.

24. Because man hath set value on things not valuable, he buildeth in falsehood and
death. Ormazd alone is valuable; the man who hath the most All Light, hath the greatest
valuables. For by the Light of the Father all righteous things can be obtained easily.
Whilst I’hua’Mazda was yet speaking, the spirit of Zarathustra went abroad, and, with ten
thousand other spirits, brought fish and fruit, and let them fall around about the place. The
people ran and gathered them up for food. The king made no reply at first, for he was
encompassed about with evil spirits, who were angered with I’hua’Mazda and his
proceedings. Presently the king said:

25. Because I am transcended by thee, it is no longer useful for me to live. With that, he
cut his belly across, and fell dead. And Zarathustra commanded that the king’s body be
laid straight for three days; and it was done; and there came thousands of people to look
upon the king, and witness that he was dead. And they saw of a truth that the bowels were
gushed out of the wound, and that there was no breath in him.

26. So I’hua’Mazda suffered the spirit of the king to live three days in torments, and then
he called his disciples around him, saying: Now will I raise the king to life, and it shall be
testimony in Jaffeth.

27. And Zarathustra pushed the bowels back into the belly, and drew the place shut,
saying: In Thy name, O Father, heal I this man’s body, as a testimony of Thy Wisdom and
Power! And when Zarathustra had drawn his hand over the belly twice, it was healed.
And then Zarathustra said: O Father, as by Thy spirit Thou didst quicken into life this,

Thy child, in his mother’s womb, restore Thou him to life!

28. And the king was healed, and restored to life before the people; and he awoke and
looked about, and then rose up. He said: Even now I was dead and in hell, and I saw
millions of the dead, and they were in hell also. And there went up around about them
fires of burning brimstone, and none could escape

Chapter XXVI

1. When the king was restored, he was as another man, having su’is, and believing with a
full conviction; and he asked Zarathustra what now he should do that he might escape the
fires of hell after death.

2. I’hua’Mazda spake through Zarathustra, saying: Think not what thou canst do to escape
hell fire, for that would be laboring for self. Think what thou canst do to save others. For
which reason thou shalt practice the Ormazdian law. One year shalt thou dwell with the
poor, carrying the alms-bowl, according to the Zarathustrian law. After that thou shalt
preach the I’hua’Mazdian law, of the denial of self for the good of the city, teaching the
turning away from earthly things, and striving for spiritual things, having faith in Ormazd.

3. The king said: All these things can I do, yet one thing I cannot do, which is having faith
in Ormazd. If He be a Person, and created all the creation, is He not the foundation of evil
as well as good? If He heretofore created evil, or by incompetence suffered it to enter into
creation, may He not do so in after time, even after death?

4. I’hua’Mazda said: When a potter hath a pot half made, sayest thou it is an evil pot? Nay,
verily, but that it is not yet completed. Even so are all men, created by Ormazd. Those
who are good are completed, but those who are evil are unfinished work. But the Creator
also gave to man knowledge, that he might see himself in the unfinished state, and the
Creator gave to man power and judgment, that man might turn to and help complete
himself, thereby sharing the glory of his creation. The man that doeth this is already clear
of hell fire; he that doeth it not shall not escape.

5. The king inquired concerning animals, to which I’hua’Mazda answered, saying:
Animals are of the earth creation, and are completed in the place of their dwelling.
Neither hath any animal aspiration to make itself better or wiser, that it may contribute to
the creation. And some men have no more aspiration than an animal serving the beast (the
flesh-man) only. Only the torments of hell can stir them up.

6. When I’hua’Mazda explained the Ormazdian law, the quarter of which is not here
related, the king comprehended, whereupon he took the vows on the altar, and under the
eye, according to the Zarathustrian law. So when those people were restored, Zarathustra
left one of his traveling companions with them, as God-ir in Chief, and Zarathustra
departed, taking his other companions with him.

7. Whereof it is recorded in the libraries of heaven, showing that the next city kingdom
was likewise delivered, and the people became Zarathustrians.

8. And again Zarathustra departed, and came to another city, which was overthrown and
delivered also. Until it came to pass that Zarathustra overthrew and delivered twenty and
four cities and kingdoms in Jaffeth.

9. After that he departed to the upper lands of Shem, where he also overthrew and
delivered many cities and kingdoms, establishing the Zarathustrian law. For two whole

years he labored in Shem; and so great was the power of Ormazd upon Zarathustra that all
the cities and kingdoms of Shem threw off the bondage of the Sun Kingdom of Parsi’e.

10. After that Zarathustra traveled toward Ham, which was called Arabin’ya. But in those
countries Zarathustra had not so great success, because the people were not learned
in books, nor in the stars, nor tablets. Nevertheless, Zarathustra delivered many cities.

11. So I’hua’Mazda said to Zarathustra: Go back, now, to thine own country; and thou
shalt overthrow yet seven cities and seven great kingdoms; and after that thou shalt return
to Oas, and it shall fall before thy hand, that the prophecies of thy childhood be fulfilled.

12. So Zarathustra returned to Parsi’e and went to the seven great cities and kingdoms,
and overthrew them; and many of them were destroyed utterly by fire and by war; but
Zarathustra delivered the faithful and established the Zarathustrian law with all of them.

13. And now he returned to his native city, Oas, according to the commandment of

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