Lectionary Readings for Sunday, June 7th, 2020

Lectionary Readings for Sunday, June 7th, 2020

Holy Memorial Day

Book of Lika Chapter 13, Chapter 14

Chapter 13

1. Lika spake before the Rapon hosts, saying: Behold, the hosts of laborers are allotted to
their places.

2. Let us go about, and examine the earth and her heavens. It is proper that my surveyors
measure her land and water, together with all the living thereon and therein, and
especially as to every man and woman and child, and the time of maturity unto them, and
the years of the generations of men.

3. And man that is brought forth out of the earth shall be numbered; and the grade of his
understanding measured; and the nature of his desires and aspirations shall be
ascertained; which reports shall be copied and sent into the Orian kingdoms, for the

deliberations of the Chiefs, that they may determine as to the requirements of the earth,
and as to the nature in which her roadway shall be strewn with either light or darkness for
the ultimate perfection of her soul harvests.

4. And the heavens of the earth shall be measured, as to the spirits of the dead; and their
grades shall be made out, together with their desires and aspirations; the lengths of the
times of their bondage to the earth, and the places of their habitation, and the nature of
their supplies. And a copy of such record shall be made and also sent to the Orian Chiefs
for their deliberations.

5. And the plateaux of the earth’s heavens shall also be numbered and measured, and
their localities mapped out and recorded, and copies thereof also sent to the
Orian Chiefs, that they may determine as to necessary changes therein and thereof.

6. During which time of my absence from Theovrahkistan, I appoint Havralogissasa as
vice-Goddess in my place. How sayest thou, Havralogissasa? She said: Jehovih’s will and
thine be done. I am rejoiced.

7. Lika then called Havralogissasa to the throne, and commissioned her vice-Goddess of
Theovrahkistan. And after this Lika gave instructions as to extending the capital,
Yogannaqactra, and enlarging the places for reception of the higher grades; all of which
were duly provided with the persons to carry out the commands.

8. And now Lika spake to Ahura, saying: Behold, thou shalt return to thy kingdom, Varapishanaha, for when I come thither on my journey, I will resurrect thy hosts as Brides and Bridegrooms to the etherean kingdoms. Thy labor is well done; thy glory is the glory of
thousands of millions! May the love, wisdom and power of Jehovih be with thee, now
and forever!

9. Thereupon Ahura saluted, and was in turn saluted, when he advanced and met the
marshals, who conducted him hence, to the arrow-ship, where he embarked and departed.

Chapter 14
1. In due time Lika’s otevan was completed, and he, with the Rapon hosts, besides
one million hosts in attendance, to make necessary surveys and records, entered into
the ship and departed for his two years’cruise around about the earth and in her heavens.

2. Sufficient unto the earth is the history thereof; and the maps of land and water; and the
number of inhabitants; and the living creatures upon the earth and in the waters thereof;
which are in the libraries of the earth. Therefore, suffice it that the revelations of
the heavens upon the face of the earth, which records are in the libraries of heaven,
shall be disclosed before the generations of men from the records of Lika, Son of Jehovih.

3. This, then, is a synopsis of the atmospherean heavens at that time, to wit: In the hells of
Hored, with Anuhasaj, alias De’yus, forty thousand million angels.

4. In the hells of Te-in, eight thousand millions; in the hells of Sudga, twelve thousand
millions; in the hells of Osiris, seventeen thousand millions.

5. In the smaller hells in other parts of hada, there were in all fourteen thousand million

6. These ninety-one thousand millions were not all bound in their respective hells;
upward of thirty thousand millions of them surged about, from one hell to another, often
in groups of a thousand million.

7. And these groups, at times, descended to the earth, fastening upon mortals, even
casting large cities and nations in death. Because they carried the foulness of their hells
with them, they impregnated the air with poison, so that mortals were swept off by the
million. And these were called plagues.

8. Lika said: Behold, I will give a new grade to these heavens for a season. From this
time, such angels shall be known as being in the first resurrection. But spirits who have
quit their old haunts, and joined organic associations, being enlisted in companies, either
for labor or for receiving heavenly instruction, shall be known as being in the second
resurrection. And such spirits as have attained to etherean grades, being Brides and
Bridegrooms of Jehovih, and having ascended beyond atmospherea into the etherean
worlds, shall be known as being in the third resurrection.

9. Such angels as engraft themselves on mortals, becoming as a twin spirit to the one
corporeal body, shall be known as re-incarnated spirits. But where such spirits usurp the
corporeal body, as of an infant, growing up in the corporeal body, and holding the native
spirit in abeyance, such spirits shall be known as damons (which was the origin of that

10. Spirits who inhabit mortals in order to live on the substance mortals eat and drink,
and oft absorbing the strength and life of mortals, shall be known as uzians (vampires).
Nevertheless, these shall not include fetals.

11. All the foregoing, who are not in the way of resurrection, shall be called drujas.

12. Now, behold, there were millions of angels in those days who knew no other life, but
to continue engrafting themselves on mortals. And, when one mortal died, they went and
engrafted themselves on another.

13. These were the fruit of the teaching of the false Gods, who had put away the All
Highest, Jehovih. They could not be persuaded that etherea was filled with habitable

14. And they professed that they had been re-incarnated many times; and that, previously,
they had been great kings or philosophers.

15. Some of them remembered the ji’ay’an period of a thousand years, and, so hoped to
regain their natural bodies and dwell again on the earth, and forever. Hence was founded
the story that every thousand years a new incarnation would come to the spirits of the

16. Lika said: Such spirits as come to mortals purposely to inflict them with pain or
misfortune shall be called evil spirits.

17. And when they go in groups, having a leader, that leader shall be called Beelzebub,
that is, captain of evil (prince of devils). (And this was the origin of that word.)

18. In Parsi’e and Heleste there were habited with mortals one thousand million
damons, and one twelve hundred million evil spirits. In Egupt there were inhabited
with mortals seven hundred million engrafters (re-incarnated spirits), who, for the
most part, held the spirits of their victims in abeyance all their natural lives.

19. In Jaffeth there were habited with mortals more than fifteen hundred millions
of damons and evil spirits, besides four hundred million vampires. So that in these
three great divisions of the earth, Vind’yu, and Jaffeth, and Arabin’ya, there were
habited upward of ten thousand million spirits who had not attained to any resurrection.

20. Besides all the foregoing there were thousands of millions of spirits in chaos, being
such as had been slain in wars. Of these chaotic spirits there were in Parsi’e and Heleste a
thousand millions; and in Jaffeth two thousand millions; and in Vind’yu two thousand
millions. But in Egupt there were not half a million, all told.

21. So that, in atmospherea, at the time of Lika, there were upward of one hundred and
twenty-five thousand million angels, who had no knowledge of or belief in any higher

22. To offset this great darkness, there were of believers in, and laborers for Jehovih
and his emancipated kingdoms, only four thousand millions, and many of these were
not above grade fifty. And these were members of Craoshivi and Vara-pishanaha.

23. Two thousand million of them were ashars, laboring with the Faithist mortals of
Egupt, Jaffeth and Vind’yu.

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