Lectionary Readings for Sunday, July 7th, 2019
Holy Memorial Day
Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapters 7 and 8
Chapter 7
1. Having shown the impossibility of philosophy based on corporeal knowledge to
demonstrate truth in regard to unseen things, and in regard to planets distant from the
earth, it becometh a part of these revelations to put the student in the way to learn from
the unseen forces which govern all corporeal things, man included, as a general and
important part.
2. When a heavy stone falleth on a man and holdeth him down, it is sufficient to say the
stone ruleth over the man. If an epidemic come upon a city because of uncleanness, it is
well to consider that cause also. Nevertheless, if an epidemic be periodical to a certain
city, even when not unclean, it is wise to prophesy an unseen cause. The same rule
applieth in comparing one locality with another.
3. In certain regions of the earth, certain diseases are common; in certain times of the
earth, as to cycles of three thousand years, certain diseases were common. In certain
places of the earth man hath at times, thousands of years ago, attained to great knowledge
and virtue. But his whole country in after centuries became a wilderness.
4. It is not the place of a prophet to answer these things by the accusation of ignorance or
war. The prophet must account for that tendency in man to fall into ignorance and into
war. In other words, he must find the cause of causes.
5. At certain periods of time, for hundreds of years, nations have dwelt in peace, and have
risen in virtue; then turned to war within themselves and gone down in death.
6. The prophets of old divided time into cycles of three thousand years, with slight
variations. And they found that at such periods of time, some certain impulse came upon
the people, causing them to try to be better and wiser. Even as the same feeling is this day
manifesting itself in many nations.
7. The scale then riseth for four hundred years, more or less; and, after that, wars and
epidemics come upon the people. They begin then to decline, especially in virtue and
peace, but the general intelligence suffereth little for about another six or seven hundred
years. After which time they destroy their libraries and records, and reduce themselves to
ignorance and vice. Then followeth a darkness of one thousand or more years, with slight
intermissions. In other six hundred years the corporeal senses begin to ascend. Selfconceit cometh upon them; they think they are the beginning of wisdom on earth. Then
cometh another cycle of light. Angels descend from the unseen worlds. New revelations
crop out in every quarter. Inspiration cometh upon mortals, and they go to the opposite
extreme; superstition and obedience to unseen influences.
8. Such, then, is the general character and behavior of man during a cycle. And he riseth
and falleth in all these particulars as regularly as the tides of the ocean.
9. That man may begin to comprehend these things, and learn to classify them so as to
rise in wisdom and virtue, and thus overcome these epidemic seasons of cycles, these
revelations are chiefly made.
10. As previously shown, there are positive and negative forces forever going to and
escaping from the earth. Without these no creature could live on the earth. The negative
imparteth to man his corporeal growth, and corporeal desires, passions, and so on.
11. According to the corpor solutions in the firmament and their precipitations to
the earth, as to quantity and quality, so will man be affected and inclined to manifest.
These influences are easily discernible by some persons. One is depressed by a dull day;
another inclined to drunkenness and fighting. By a bright day man is inspired to energy.
12. A su’is is so susceptible to vortexian currents, he can realize the qualities of a
medicine whilst it is yet in a glass bottle, by merely holding it in his hand; or know the
character of the writer of a letter by holding the letter in his hand. Yet all this is
accomplished by the vortexian current of the article in question.
13. These revelations however are not in reference to individuals, but to nations
and peoples, in periods of time embracing hundreds of years, and thousands of years.
14. It is an error to say whilst the corporeal worlds are organized, with fixed orbits and
uses, the unseen worlds are nothing, or at best not organized. They are organized, with
orbits, places, forms, figures, and so on, as definitely as are the corporeal worlds. Their
times and seasons are regular and well provided.
15. In the passage of the earth in its own roadway, it goeth amongst these etherean and
atmospherean worlds regularly; so that the periods of inspiration, and periods of darkness,
are not haphazard.
16. It is not the purpose of these revelations to work out prophecies, leaving nothing for
man to do. But to call his attention to the unseen forces that rule on the earth, and show
him the way to make the prophecies himself.
17. In orachnebuahgalah the student will draw a curved line, representing the travel of the
great serpent for three thousand years. This shall be cut across in eight places, to represent
the periods of light. The places between them shall be made dark and light according to
the history of man’s behavior during said three thousand years. War shall be represented
by black. The duration of wars shall be marked with a cut called change. Numbers shall
designate the degrees of historical manifestations. For every great division of the earth
make one orachnebuahgalah. The scale should be from one to a thousand for the entire
length; and from one to a thousand from one dawn to another, and from one to a thousand
for each and every characteristic designated. Number man 1 and 33, and the moon 1 and
18; and number the earth 1 and 365. These were called by the ancients the grades of a
thousand (So-e-cen-ti).
18. These periods will be found to come under certain numbers, 11, 33, 66, 99, 100, 200,
400, 666, 333, 66, 18, 500, 600, 365, 99, 33, 18, and so on. (Not that the numbers, as
such, have anything to do with such matters.) Thus, the moon’s time is 18, the earth’s 365,
a generation 33, dan 200, 400, 600, 500; nitrogen or darkness 66 and 666, and so on.
For which reason the following tables of times and measurements were established:
Ain, 16. – Alia, 248. – Anos, 74. – Atu, 441. – Alex, 11. – Alef, 100.
Abram, 9. – Airi, 36. – Ba, 467. – Bais, 74. – Beth, 999. – Braahen, 99.
Boi, 476. – Ban, 666. – Cere, 11. – Ceres, 111. – Ceret, 112 . – Ceriv, 48.
Cra, 98. – C’ta, 126. – Dhu, 69. – Dhi, 408. – Driviis, 6. – Dian, 244.
Diais, 240. – Die, 100. – Etus, 42. – Earas, 80. – Eta, 344. – Edith, 111.
Emon, 44. – Emmon, 444. – Feis, 11. – Foe, 666. – Foor, 333. – Goe, 400.
Gow, 600. – Gow, 500. – Gow, 200. – Gow, 111. – Gu, 888. – Ha, 10.
Hai, 110. – Haa, 120.- Hawh, 464. – Hy, 964. – Hi, 666. – Ham, 7. – Ho, 999.
Hoho, 99. – H’ho, 9. – Hagar, 33. – Hag, 11. – Hagga, 99. – Haig, 18.
Haas, 365. – Hoi, 12. – Hooh, 200. – Hoit, 950. – Ine, 27. – Ines, 274.
Itu, 674. – Ka, 6. – Kabal, 66. – Kaballa, 666. – Kaax, 33. – Ki, 4. – Kii, 999.
Kisiv, 18. – Loo, 999. – Lo, 11. – Loos, 33. – Loos, 66. – Loos, 666. – Lu, 10.
Lulu, 100. – Lens, 200. – Mas, 1. – Mas, 4. – Mas, 18. – Ma, 600. – Mat, 500.
Mi, 1. – Mara, 66. – Mira, 100. – Mithra, 666. – Mieuse, 40. – Ni, 88. – Ni, 888.
Niiv, 846. – Nes, 11. – Nestor, 111. – Nice, 33. – Nu, 880. – Nyi, 500. – Oh, 1.
Oho, 33. – Oise, 91. – Oise, 991. – Pneu, 9. – P’euta, 8. – Ra, 44. – Rhi, 744.
Ras, 600. – Rus, 400. – Rufus, 66. – Su, 248. – Su’is, 999. – Si, 16. – Sa, 441.
Tae, 999.- Tae, 666.- Ti, 33.- Tus, 18 – Vri, 111.- Zed, 66. – Zudu, 4. – Zedeki, 44.
[The student is referred to Book of Saphah for interpretation of the symbols.- Ed.]
2274, 821 – Seven changes, i.e., Howt, oat, bun, lis, vu, mi, ruth.
4750 – Nista, six changes, i.e., wuts, norse, rue, wi, rill and goe.
1060 – Two changes: Aont and foe.
1768 – Four changes: Mathai, yam, luke and jon.
1245 – Eight changes: Woo, gosa, lo, galeb, nor, nu, dhi and yun.
1790 – Six changes: Loo, chong, ouk, chan, clips and wis.
108 – Two changes: Yissain and C’tarin.
3644 – Twelve changes: Yats, rope, sum, div, hong, ras, rak, nir, yute, theo, ike
and mar.
1746 – Eleven changes: Zi, yu, che, gow, rom, luts, wang, said, do, gos and yun.
3601 – Three changes: H’ak, ghi and kong.
47 – Three changes: Sim, Will and loo.
9278 – Four changes: Lai, bom, ross and fur.
326 – Eight changes: Wahes, Yine, Seb, Dhi, Yeniv, gan, li and rak.
2340 – Twelve changes: Mark, hiss, thor, bess, lin, triv, gam, zet, howd, saing,
tum and gowtz.
Chapter 8
1. Let ethe stand as one; ji’ay as two; a’ji as three, and corpor as four. To ethe give motion
one hundred, or ninety-nine (as the case may be); to corpor give zero, that is, no motion
(of itself); to ji’ay give sixty-six; to a’ji give thirty-three.
2. Ethe, being the time of light, is named dan; ji’ay, the time of fevers, epidemics,
plagues; and a’ji the time of wars, dashing forth with power and grasping; mi, the earth
being the subject.
3. There is still another period to all corporeal worlds, LUTS. In the time of luts there falleth
on a planet condensed earthy substances, as clay, stones, ashes, molten metals
disseminated, and so on, in such great quantities that it can be compared to snow-storms,
piling up corporeal substance on the earth in places to a depth of many feet, and in drifts
to hundreds of feet.
4. Luts was by some ancient prophets called UZ , because it was a time of destruction. If
luts followed soon after a se’muan period, when portions of the earth were covered with
se’mu and rank vegetation, it charred them, penetrating and covering them up. Thus were
made, for the most part, the coal-beds and oil-beds in the earth.
5. Luts belongeth more to an early age of a planet, when its vortex is more extended, and
when the nebulous clouds in its outer belt are subject to condensation, so as to rain down
on the earth these corporeal showers.
6. The time of dan is the opposite of this; and although it is the time of spirituality
amongst mortals, and the time of prophecy and inspiration, yet it is the time the earth is
rapidly giving off its life force, and its moisture; rapidly growing old.
7. Consequently the two most important periods for the prophet’s consideration come
within thirty-three and sixty-six, or, as they of old said, man and beast. In which measure
man is divided into two parts (man and beast), and there is ever a percentage in his
behavior inclining to one or the other, and they correspond to the vortexian currents of the
8. The student must not consider merely individuals, but nations and peoples belonging to
continents. And the relationship that cometh of a’ji or dan, or their percentage, must have
reference to such nations or peoples as manifest to its influence.
9. Thus, suppose a grade to run below thirty-three, but not as low as twenty-two, and such
a people fall under a’ji for a period of sixty-six years, or even more, war, destruction,
death and lust will come upon that people. But suppose the same fall of a’ji come upon a
people graded above thirty-three, to sixty-six, war and intellect, with oratory, music and
remarkable men of genius will result. But, to carry it still further, the same fall of a’ji
coming on a people above sixty-six, they will manifest in multitudinous Lords, Gods and
Saviors, and in superstitions, rites and ceremonies, which will all more or less pertain to
10. The prophet is thus enabled to determine, by the vortexian currents, the rise and fall
of nations, and to comprehend how differently even the same showers and shadows
of the unseen worlds will affect different peoples. And the same rules apply in the
manifestation of dan; according to the grade of a people, so will they receive its light. If
below thirty-three, they will become magicians and prophets without virtue; if above
thirty-three, but below sixty-six, they will become self-opinionated malefactors, running
into licentiousness for self-sake. But if above sixty-six, they will become true prophets,
abnegating self for sake of righteousness.
11. Let the student compare the Faithists of Capilya in India with the Cojuans of the
same country; and the Faithists of Moses in Egupt with the Eguptians of the same
country. The Faithists of both countries advanced, but their persecutors both went down
to destruction. The peace of the Faithists held four hundred years; and then both peoples
began to choose kings, which was followed by nine hundred and ninety years of darkness.
12. So that whether the vortices show approaching light or approaching darkness the
prophet must bear in mind the grades of peoples. Any given light amongst mortals as to
the past, will thus show the date of its occurrence; whilst the heavenly lights will equally
foreshow what will come upon any people.
13. It is not sufficient for man to know how to prophesy; but to learn how to overcome
the elements of his surroundings. As previously set forth, there are regions of drought on
the earth, which man must learn to overcome, by causing rains to fall. He shall provide
explosive gases high up in the air, which shall break the wind currents, establishing
vortices from the upper regions downward.
14. And when an epidemic is prophesied to a city, man shall dissipate the falling se’mu,
and thus save it from destruction.
15. The inoculation, or vaccination, of flesh with poison, to save it from poison, is to use
the battle-ax of satan. Man shall learn the higher law; to save by virtue instead of vice.
16. As to the grades, the student is referred to the Book of Es.
17. Prophecy is not guess-work. Absolute rules govern all things. A few individuals in a
nation, or of a people, are a small matter. Nor must the prophet swerve one jot or tittle by
the pretensions of a people. As for example: the Brahmans, the Buddhists, the
Mohammedans and the Christians, all profess faith in their respective Gods and
Saviors; but their professions are false. Their faith is in soldiers and standing armies,
and in implements of destruction. The prophet must not, therefore, suffer himself to
hearken to individual explanations. He must grade them in their entirety; whether
they manifest below thirty-three, or above sixty-six, without regard to pretensions.
18. When the student hath completed his tables of orachnebuahgalah, with the history of
the period, and taken the measure of grades of the different nations and peoples of the
earth, he will find that he can not only foretell the future, but he can discover the past
history for an equally long period of time.
19. And when he hath thus completed two cycles, he can find a third, and then a fourth,
and so on, until all the past history of the earth is delivered up to his understanding.
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