Lectionary Readings for Sunday, February 2nd, 2020
Holy Memorial Day, First Quarter Moon
Book of Aph, Son of Jehovih Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17
Chapter 15
1. Jehovih spake in the light of the throne of God in Hored, saying: Behold, a star
2. The voice ceased, but God and his hosts knew the meaning, for it was the time of Aph
to return and complete his deliverance of Neph and his hosts, and his Lords and their
3. So the Council were moved to look into the firmament; and the messengers who had
heard the voice, and who were departing on their various missions, also looked upward,
even as they sped forth to their places; and they proclaimed it in the places of all the
heavens of the earth, and to the Lords and their divisions of the earth.
4. And the angels of heaven and those that abode with mortals were stirred up, and
because of their contiguity to mortals, the latter comprehended that something unusual
was near at hand.
5. The Council of Hored knew not how they should proceed, for the event was to surpass
in magnificence anything they had ever witnessed.
6. God said: I have heard Thy voice, O Jehovih. I know a star cometh, and great shall be
the glory thereof. Give me light, O Father. How shall Thy servant know the decorum
of Orian Chiefs? Behold, I am as one abashed with obscurity in Thy wide universe!
7. Jehovih’s voice answered, saying: Fear not, My Son. And let thy Council be
strong also. Proceed at once to decorate thy people, preparatory to receiving the
resurrection. And those who are to be My Brides and Bridegrooms clothe ye in white.
8. The whole Council heard Jehovih’s voice, and they ordained officers to proceed
throughout atmospherea and put in effect Jehovih’s commandment. And the decorated
angels, and those prepared as Brides and Bridegrooms for etherea, were ordered to form
in companies near the throne of God in Hored; and the officers of companies were also
provided with badges, whereon was inscribed an account of their labor on earth and in
heaven, the number and nature of their charities and self-sacrifices for others’ good, and
their grade in purity and power and wisdom. And the privates were decorated with stars to
illustrate the same things, in degree and number; and the stations of their file in Hored
were provided in the order of music, rating them according to their chord and discord, and
their social adaptability.
9. For these things were done before etherean judges, to whom Jehovih had said: Let the
people pass before you, and judge ye them, that being assorted and arranged they shall
make one harmonious whole; for it is only by this they will have power to ascend and
endure in My regions of light. There were one million of these judges, and they took up
their stations in different parts of atmospherea, wherever the second resurrection had been
established, every judge choosing a district for himself or herself, for they were both men
and women.
10. And as the angels passed before them, the wisdom of the judges was so great they
could comprehend all they had ever done, either on earth or in heaven. And by signals the
proper officers were advised how to decorate and adorn all of them.
11. And as fast as companies of one thousand passed, they were provided with
conductors, who took them to their places, which had been previously determined by the
command of God.
12. Whilst this work was proceeding, lights began to appear in the firmament above;
these were the marshals of the Orian fields in etherea, in their star-ships, making course
for Hored, and their number was legion. But presently one brighter and more powerful
than the rest made way from the western arc of Onah’yi, and it steered direct to God’s
throne, growing brighter and larger as it came. And when it entered past Chinvat, and was
well within the vortex of the earth in the belt of the moon’s orbit, its light spread across
the whole atmosphere of heaven, and Hored was illumined, and the angels of Hored were
stirred up with enthusiasm.
13. Not long the brilliant star delayed the suspense of the angel world, for he who
sailed them was a God of millions of years, and by his wisdom attained to such
mastery that the elements of earth and atmospherea gave way, as if appalled by a heaven
on fire. Down came the star-ship whose majesty outweighed all ceremony, a very crown
of magnificence, even to the arena of the Council of Hored. And he who came,
attended by half a million, was Sue’ji, marshal for that which was soon to follow.
14. God rose up, saluting, and all the hosts rose up, whereupon Sue’ji ascended the throne,
greeted by God and his Council, near at hand. Sue’ji said:
15. By thy will, O Jehovih! And God said: In Thy name, O Father, Creator! Welcome to
Thy Son! And presently all the place was aglow with a golden light, which ranks first in
heaven of all colors, and the voice of Jehovih descended on Sue’ji, and he said:
16. Well beloved, come! Long enduring, come! Of patience and steadfastness, My sons
and daughters! Behold, I came in the darkness and delivered Mi, for she was of twins
heavily laden. And the one dwelt with the mother, but the other I sent to nurse in
Hautuon. And they are grown to maturity; a son and daughter twin.
17. Turn ye to Hautuon; lo, the twin cometh! She was the puny child; but look ye upon
her, O ye Gods and Goddesses! Her thousand millions come as an avalanche of ji’ay’an
worlds. Open your arms, O My beloved sons and daughters.
18. The voice ceased, and Sue’ji said: When the harvest of Hautuon arriveth, attended by
the Gods and Goddesses who helped deliver the children of darkness, and who have
changed them into beacons of light, behold ye, there shall be three days of recreation in
atmospherea; for the hosts of Hautuon shall be shown their native world, whence they
came; and they shall read the lineage of kin and condition whence they were rescued by
Jehovih’s sons and daughters.
19. But on the first day, behold, Aph, the Orian Chief, will descend in all his glory. And
on the fourth day all your upraised sons and daughters shall ascend into the etherean
worlds, where there are in waiting, to receive you, millions of millions of souls, long
since dwellers in Nirvana. Sue’ji ceased speaking, having given commands as to the
stations of his marshals around about the earth and her heaven.
20. God sent his messengers, saying: Go ye to Wak’hah and say: God saith: My heavens
have been numbered, and the account of my laborers rendered and recorded in the
libraries of Hored. And of all the hosts who have labored with thy God, behold, thou, O
Wak’hah, standest on the highest grade. Come, therefore, to the throne of thy God and be
anointed God of heaven and earth for the next four hundred years, and as long after as
Jehovih willeth!
21. The messengers, attended by one thousand marshals, departed for Adjun, the place of
labor where Wak’hah dwelt, being a physician’s nurse for es’yans and still-born mortal
children and those killed by abortion. And they delivered the message of God, to which
Wak’hah replied: Thanks, O Jehovih! Tell God I will come. But yet let me surmise: I have
been all my life, now some thirty thousand earth years, trying to learn where I should be
most serviceable to Jehovih and His sons and daughters. And when I judge that I have
found it, lo, a summons cometh from another way, saying: Come thou hither. Wherefore
it seemeth Jehovih forever hurrieth us onward, faster than our wisdom can discover the
requirement. So the marshals provided an otevan, and Wak’hah was conducted before
Hored, even to the foot of the throne of God, where he was saluted and received under a
rod of water, according to his rank.
Chapter 16
1. Nearer and nearer came the visiting stars, the etherean ships from thousands of worlds,
with countless millions of emancipated souls, dwellers in the Nirvanian regions of
Jehovih. And when they reached the boundaries of the earth’s vortex they halted a while,
to form in rank and rank, that their glory might add to one another; and whilst they stood
thus in the great vault of heaven, there opened on one side a gateway amidst the stars; and
far beyond came a strange and mottled sun, swaying to and fro; and this was the great
fields and forests of Hautuon letting loose the thousands of millions of the delivered
2. God and his hosts saw it. And every soul burst forth one universal shout of applause. It
was coming straight to Hored. And as it came nearer, the curtains and sails and streamers,
made of yellow, blue and red fire, began to wave and surge, like a ship in a rough sea, but
steadily holding course in the undulating elements. Presently could be seen guardian
ships, thousands and thousands, traveling beside the laboring sun, the hosts of Hautuon.
3. And the guardian ships were themselves like stars, and carried millions of etherean
souls who had been Gods and Goddesses on many worlds; and they formed wings for the
Hautuon avalanche, to hold steady the course to the red star, the earth of mortals. And
thus, in honored discipline, came the fleet of Jehovih’s worshippers, who only two
hundred years since, were but as vermin delving into darkness, and deep buried in death,
as their only knowledge; to whom Great Jehovih and His exalted worlds were unknown.
4. Brighter and brighter grew that great waving sun, sailed by the immortal Gods, and
larger and more imposing, till, when it entered the earth’s vortex, it became as living fire,
large as the earth, and of brilliant colors, from black to adamant, and blue, and white, and
purple, yellow, scarlet, pink, and of all shades; and living, and sparkling, with the broad
curtains suspended, deep as the breadth of a world, and sails and flags that reached
upward, high as the moon.
5. Midway in the vortex of the earth it halted, and the myriads of stars beyond now
gathered in, majestically, from every side, till nearly around about the fabric of the earth’s
atmosphere was not a place but glowed with Jehovih’s fire of heaven. Music, which rose
from the throne of God a little while before, now ceased; for here was the play of
elements in harmony, of which music is the same to the ear of mortals.
6. Hardly stood the kaleidoscope of splendors in one attitude, but moving, changing and
forming by the decrees of the Gods and Goddesses; as a general on earth manipulates his
armies, in the evolution of arms, so in majesty and splendor the marshaling stars forever
evolved new and glorious changes stretching abroad over the whole firmament of heaven.
7. And now another gateway opened amidst the stars; and a cluster star was seen
approaching from the southeast. It was as a star surrounded by stars, and brighter than all
the others. This was the ship-star of Aph, the Orian Chief. At sight of which all souls in
the firmament turned in pride and wonder. Swift and mighty above all the countless
millions of Gods and Goddesses assembled had he attained in the play and management
of worlds. And at sight of his etherean star, angels and Gods whispered: Aph! And the
magic of his name, widely known in the Nirvanian fields of the emancipated heavens,
spread abroad, till every soul uttered, APH! in all the regions of atmospherea and on the
8. Nearer and nearer he came, nor halted at Chinvat, the boundary of the earth’s vortex;
but steadily, and with power, sailed on till his star stood in the doorway of heaven, and
here halted as if to complete the immortal scene.
9. But a moment more, and all the avalanche of the glorious worlds around moved
onward toward the earth, and surrounding it on every side, and the star of Aph making
headway for Hored, even to the throne of God.
10. This was the morning of the third day in tide of dan, in which there were still four
days left. But now the marshals took their parts; first, Sue’ji, Chief over all the rest, from
the throne of God, cried out: All hail, O Aph, Son of Jehovih! And the words were caught
up on every side, and uttered in one breadth around the world. Yet nearer and nearer
gathered in the great star-ships and sun of Hautuon, till even like a net they joined and
filled the earth’s atmosphere in the east and west and north and south, and below and
above; on every side. And the words of the marshal: All hail, O Aph, Son of Jehovih!
went like an echo over all the heavens.
11. Then Aph’s fleet drew near, and he and his hosts alighted, and he ascended the throne,
saluting, saying: All hail, O Neph, God of heaven and earth! And this was also uttered by
the millions of hosts. Whereupon the signs and ceremonies of the Gods were briefly
concluded, and a recreation of three days proclaimed. And the angels’ hosts came forth
out of their ships, or by the endless chain sped to any quarter of the earth they desired to
visit. And for three days and nights the visitors dwelt on the earth and in the lower
atmospherea; inspecting how the earth was made; its land and water; its mountains and
valleys; its beasts of prey and beasts of burden; its birds and fishes; and above all, its
mortal people and spirits who lingered about the earth, the great story tellers, who knew
no higher heaven. And then they surveyed atmospherea and the works of God and his
Lords; their nurseries, hospitals, factories, schools and colleges.
12. And on the fourth day the marshals called order; and so great was the discipline of the
hosts and the arrangement of the star-ships, that in a moment of time order reigned
amongst all these countless millions of people.
13. Now, during the recreation, the Chiefs from many worlds, and Gods and Goddesses,
mingled together, and exchanged their varied experience in the wide regions of Jehovih’s
universe, of the management of both corporeal and es’sean worlds, and of the cosmogony
of etherean planets; and the surveying of roadways, and of turning worlds from their
orbitic course, or changing their axic rotation, and of the deliverance of millions of souls
into the ji’ay’an fields, and of the creation of new corporeal worlds and the dissolution of
others, and the gathering together of the spirits disinherited, and of their final
resurrection. Neither seemed there any end to Jehovih’s universe, where such wonders go
onward forever!
14. When order was restored, God commanded Wak’hah to rise to be anointed, and God
said: In Thy name, O Jehovih, I anoint this, Thy Son, God of heaven and earth for the
next four hundred years. Guide him in wisdom and love, O Father.
15. And God gathered from the abundance of eth’ic and made a crown and placed it on
Wak’hah’s head, saying: Hail God of heaven and earth, Jehovih’s Son! This was shouted
by the hosts. And then God took off the triangle, the sam’gan, the heirloom of the Gods of
the red star, the earth, and God hung it on Wak’hah’s neck, saying: Take this heirloom,
the symbol of three entities in one, and wear it for the glory of the Great Spirit, Jehovih.
16. To which Wak’hah, now God, answered: Thy will be done, O Father, Creator and
Ruler over all. And all on the throne stood aside, and God (Wak’hah) ascended the throne
and sat in the midst, whereat the es’enaurs chanted, and the hymn sounded around the
whole earth. Then Aph, Son of Jehovih, spake, saying:
17. In four hundred years, O God, I will come and deliver thee and thy harvest, and thy
Lords and their harvest, for the glory of Jehovih, the Unapproachable Almighty! Amen.
18. And now Aph went and sat down at the foot of the throne, whereat God came down
according to custom and took his hand, saying: Arise, O God, Son of Jehovih, and go thy
way! And Aph rose up, saluting, and he and his attendants departed and entered his starship. The es’enaurs chanted, the trumpeters played, and the solemn MARCH OF JEHOVIH’S SEA OF FIRE sounded from heaven and earth.
19. The marshals now put the great works in order: Neph and his attendants were
stationed on the right of Aph in a ship new built; next to him, the ships of his Lords and
their attendants; after them, their marshals from the different divisions of the earth and
atmospherea; next to them, the ships of the messengers; then the factors, then the nurses,
then the physicians, and so on; and finally the divisions of earth-raised, who were now
adjourned to the sun-avalanche, being of the same rank. And these comprised the harvest
of Neph for Jehovih’s emancipated realms; and the number of souls exceeded all other
harvests raised up from the earth.
20. And now had come the time for the ascent, and Aph said: Give us of Thy power, O
Jehovih! And his words were echoed in all places in heaven and on earth. The plateaux
trembled and oscillated. Again Aph said: Of Thy power, O Jehovih! Arise, O Heaven!
Arise, O Heaven!
21. And the plateaux of the sphere started from their foundations, and slowly moved back
and outward from the earth. The es’enaurs played the march; the ethereans tore off strips
of fabric and threw them down in Hored, and then formed flowers and leaves and
perfumed them, and cast them out, to fall in the lower heavens.
22. Outward and outward the etherean world moved and moved, and then parted the
breadth of the earth, and then rose slowly upward. Presently it turned on its own axis, and
was as yet one entire world; but with its rotation the different stars began to individualize
and separate, all save the harvest of Neph, which was the central figure, led onward and
upward by Aph, Son of the Great Spirit.
23. Faster and faster rose the glorious scene, and more aweful, and sparkling with
splendor! Nor could one from Hored scarce look upon the dazzling light. But higher it
rose, and onward, toward its far-off destiny, till it disappeared in the firmament above.
Chapter 17
1. Now was the atmospherea like a new heaven stripped of visitors, and ready to resume
labor after a glorious festival. So God at once dispatched all hands to their places, and the
factories, schools and colleges, nurseries and hospitals, were once more alive with willing
2. And Hored prospered in every department; and so also did the departments of
the Lords on earth; and mortals also prospered under the light of the Great Spirit.
3. For four hundred years God reigned in heaven, and his Lords under him, and the
second dan of Aph fell upon earth and heaven. So God appointed An’on as his successor.
And now Aph and his attendants came to deliver God; his Lords and people prepared for
their resurrection up into etherea.
4. And the number of Jehovih’s harvest was one thousand million souls.
5. And God (An’on) reigned his time, and his Lords under him, and they were also
delivered by Aph, but by proxy, and the harvest of Jehovih was eight hundred million
6. And his successor, God of Hored and atmospherea, and his Lords, fulfilled their dan,
and they and their harvests were delivered by the proxy of Aph also; and the number of
souls delivered was six hundred million. And Jehovih commanded Aph to commit
atmospherea and the earth to the successors of Ra’zan of Garowista, in Ems of the
etherean phalanx of eighty Ar’doth.
7. And the next harvest of God and his Lords was two hundred million souls. After
that the earth passed into the a’ji of Urk’stand for eight hundred years, and the light of
the upper heaven was lost to earth and atmospherea; so there was no harvest for the
etherean realms. And because of the darkness in atmospherea it began to fall in hada;
and the seven entities of tetracts took root in Hored, and overspread the dominions
of God and his Lords. And many in heaven rose up, and, proclaiming themselves
Gods or Lords, obtained followers, some to the extent of three millions of souls.
8. And these false Gods made slaves of their followers, exacting service, and in lieu
giving pitiful homes and regimen; and by the labor of their slaves embellishing their
mansions and cities in hada.
9. Jehovih had said of old: Before mortals I keep death forever present that they may not
forget the change from corporeal to spirit life; otherwise they would dispute it possible in
My hands for these things to be. But My resurrections in heaven are far apart, and the
inhabitants thereof lose faith in those above them. Through faith is all power and glory
attained; therefore have I exacted that angels cultivate faith in the next resurrection.
10. But during the last thousand years in atmospherea, there being no resurrections to
etherea, many fell into disbelief of the emancipated heavens, and so sat about, building up
heavenly kingdoms on their own account, and for their own glory. And in order to have
exalted kingdoms they sent their slaves back to mortals to inspire them with the
glory of their false God’s kingdoms, that others in turn might become slaves also.
11. So confusion began in heaven again, and it reacted on mortals, through the angels’
presence, and war and misery overspread the nations and tribes of men on earth. Thus
ended the cycle of Aph’s arc of Noe, which was three thousand six hundred years.
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