Lectionary Readings for Monday, September 27th, 2021
Weekday Sabbath
Book of Inspiration Chapter 6
1. I am One Spirit, saith Jehovih.
2. My quickening power is upon all the living; because of this, they live and move.
3. According to the different structure of the living, so is My inspiration manifested by them.
4. One, as the hare, runneth away in cowardice; another, as a lion, is ferocious; another, without judgment, as the serpent.
5. And as to man: One is inspired to music; another to mathematics; another to seership, and so on.
6. To all of these I am the One, the Universal Inspirer that moveth all of them.
7. According to their organic structure, so do they manifest My inspiration.
8. The lowest of living creatures made I the serpent, for I gave to him an element capable of destroying himself.
9. When the earth was encircled with poisonous gases, I created poisonous vines and weeds and trees and all kinds of herbs, rich-growing upon the earth.
10. Thus, from destroying gases and from earth-substance created I the vegetable world. And, in that day, all growing things upon the earth which I had created were poison as to animal life.
11. Then, I created the serpents; of all sizes created I them. And they were poison also.
12. And the serpents I created were carniverous, feeding upon one another. Self-impregnating created I them.
13. Thus drove I the poison of the air down into vegetation, and thence into the animal world; thus I purified the air of heaven.
14. This was the first creation I created on this world.
15. Then I overcast the earth with falling nebulae, and covered up the poisons growing upon the earth, and they were turned to oil and coal.
16. Then, I made a new creation; giving feet and legs and bones to the animals I designed for the earth.
17. And when the earth was ripe for man, then I created him; male and female created I those of the second creation.
18. And man was dumb, like other animals; without speech and without understanding, even less than any other creature which I had created.
19. Nevertheless, I had given to man, and thus made him, out of the dissolved elements of every living thing that had preceded him.
20. And man partook of the first and the second creations. After the manner of every animal on the earth, so created I man; with all the characteristics of all of them, so created I him, male and female created I them.
21. And man was unconscious of his creation, not knowing whence he came; nor knew he which was his own species.
22. And I sent angels to man, to teach him who he was, and to rouse him up to his capabilities, for which I created him.
23. And my angels drew, from man’s side, substance, and thus took on corporeal forms; and the angels dwelt with man as helpmates, to make man understand.