Lectionary Readings for Monday, July 20th, 2020

Lectionary Readings for Monday, July 20th, 2020

New Moon

Book of Saphah The Basis of the Ezra Bible

1. In the time of Moses, the people of Arabin’ya worshiped many Gods and Lords, whose
high heavenly Captain was Osiris. Four chief Gods were under him; they were: Baal,
Ashtaroth, Dagon and Ashdod. There were seven and twenty other Gods also, known to

2. When the Israelites traveled forth amidst the different tribes, they were beset to know
what Lord or what God they worshiped, and by what Lord or what God they were led


3. The Light in wisdom and words came to Moses to say to the nations, ALAS, HIS NAME,

4. Within the commune families, were certain signs and pass-words belonging to the
different degrees. There were also oral rules of life and worship, but these were kept
secret from the multitude, but the instruction of the commune fathers to the families was
by this method made to harmonize all the people.

5. For general behavior, Moses gave ten commands, which were not only made public but
were incumbent on the commune fathers to teach orally to their respective families. The
following are the commandments thus taught, that is to say:

6. I AM THE I AM that brought thee out of Egypt.

7. Thou shalt have no Gods nor Lords but the I AM.

8. Thou shalt not make any image of the I AM out of anything that is in heaven above, or
on the earth beneath, or in the waters.

9. Thou shalt not bow down thyself before idols nor images, nor anything having the form
of anything in heaven, or on the earth, or in the waters.

10. Thou shalt not speak My name in public, for I will not hold him guiltless that giveth it
to idolaters and lovers of evil.

11. Remember the sacred days and keep them holy. Six days shalt thou labor; but the
seventh day is the Sa’abbadha.

12. Honor thy father and mother.

13. Thou shalt not kill (any living thing).

14. Thou shalt not commit adultery.

15. Thou shalt not steal; nor bear false witness; nor covet anything that is another’s.

16. In those days it so happened that one Koetha, an Egyptian woman, a su’is, went into
the lodge at noon, no person being within the lodge save herself. Now, whilst she was
examining the remnants of shew-bread and basins, and the candlestick, a Voice spake to
her, saying: T
OUCH NOT THESE, THEY ARE SACRED. But the woman, knowing it was a spirit,
said: If I tell what I have heard, I will be accursed; for was it not the multitude of
seeresses that brought the plagues on Egypt?

17. Again the Voice spake, saying: I will give thee the signs and pass-words of the High
Fathers, that they may also know that thou knowest. Now, thereupon the Spirit told her
the secrets; and he likewise said: Say thou to Moses, T
HE I AM SAITH (and Moses will
wonder at thy speech): Behold, these implements are sacred. Hide thou them by day, for
they who have spirit perception, perceiving them, will obtain the signs and pass-words.

18. The woman, Koetha, did as commanded, and Moses commanded workmen to make a
tabernacle (a model or image of a place of worship, a portable temple), and the sacred
implements were kept within said tabernacle, and this was the corporeal base of the ark
of Bon, a locality in the etherean heaven, by which the light of the sacred heaven reached
the earth to Moses and his people, in a pillar of cloud by day and of light by night.

19. The secret ceremonies commanded vegetable diet for fathers, prophets, seers, and
wanonas (trance subjects), and many of Koetha’s people followed their example. After
some years of experience, those who fasted from flesh murmured, saying: What have we
gained for our sacrifice?

20. So they broke their fasts by hundreds and by thousands; and there came by their
camps numberless birds, and they caught and killed and ate them freely; but, being
unaccustomed to such diet, they were taken with fever and died, upward of sixty thousand
of them, men, women and children, and the place was called Kibrath-Hattaavah, the place
of lusters.

21. In the year 3269 B.K., the Israelites began to marry with the Canaanites, who were
under the control of Baal.

22. Ashtaroth, whose dominions extended jointly with Baal over Western and Southern
Arabin’ya, sent spirit emissaries to the handsomest of the women of Canaan, and by
impression led them into the camps of the Israelites, to tempt the young men, for by these
means did the heathen Gods determine to destroy the worshipers of the G
And many of the Israelitish young men were tempted by the beauty of the heathen women
and thus took them for wives; and said wives brought with them their own familiar
spirits, who were slaves to Baal and Ashtaroth.

23. The ark of Bon immediately sent Jerub, an etherean angel, into the Israelites’camp,
giving him two thousand inspiring spirits to counteract the labors of Baal and Ashtaroth.

24. Nevertheless, it so came to pass that when the half-breed children were grown up,
having Canaan mothers, they began to murmur against the peace policy of the Israelites,
saying: As other people have kings and emperors, why not we? As other people raise up
soldiers, declare war, and go forth possessing themselves of lands and cattle, why do not

25. For three hundred and ninety-seven years after going out of Egypt, the Israelites
lived without a corporeal king, or other government, save the community of fathers;
and they attained to the number of six millions of souls, men, women and children.

26. But in the three hundred and ninety-seventh year, the Gods Baal and Ashtaroth
triumphed, through their familiar spirits, and caused the Israelites to anoint a king to rule
over them. This king was called Saul, signifying O
F THE LORD GOD. Prior to this the
Israelites acknowledged no God nor Lord, but covenanted with the Great Spirit, E-O-Ih.
The name had been kept secret with the fathers, and the commandments were announced
from the Great Spirit, I A

27. The familiar spirits now inspired Saul to change the words of the commandments to
the L
ORD THY GOD, as a conciliatory stratagem to please the nations and tribes of people
who worshiped Baal, Dagon, Ashtaroth, Haughak, and other Gods and Lords of the lower

28. Thus was substituted Lord God (Land God) for Jehovih (called sacredly, E-O-Ih), and
as the Great Spirit had been heretofore taught to the Israelites as an inconceivable entity,
HOSE FORM AND EXTENT no man could attain to know, so was He now transformed and
declared to be in the form of a man, and having a residence in the firmament of heaven.
Thus they made the Great Spirit merely an idol; thus they began the overthrow of the holy
doctrines of Moses.

29. Jerub, the etherean angel in command, sought to preserve the old tenets, and amongst
mortals sought out one, Samuel, and inspired him to establish a college of prophets, and
this was done at Naioth, and hither congregated the inspired; and they established
a crescent Tablet, and made prophecies from etherea for a period of seventy years.

30. Hereupon the Israelites were twain, those of the king and those of E-O-Ih, the
prophets, and these placed them at a disadvantage before neighboring tribes and nations.

Having sacrificed the name of the Great Spirit, and made him into a man figure, the
heathen said: What better is their Lord God than our Lord or our God? and they made war
against the Israelites on all sides; and the latter having stooped to a corporeal king, went
further on and raised armies of soldiers and went to war.

31. In the four hundred and ninth year after the departure out of Egypt, the entire
EACE POLICY and NON-RESISTANCE of the Mosaical Inspiration was overthrown, and the
Israelites became warriors, and even warred against one another.

32. The Israelites not only worshiped the imaginary idol, Lord God in heaven, but built
representatives of Him in stone and wood, and worshiped them also.

33. And now, one Ahijah, a young man from the college of prophets, foretold the coming
captivity of the Israelites as a consequence of their idolatry.

34. In the year 2768 B.K., a young man, Elijah, was raised up from the branch of the
college of prophets, and, under the inspiration of the angel Jerub, went forth preaching
amongst the heathen, preaching not the Lord God, but Jehovih.

35. Ahab, a king, a worshiper of Baal, said to Elijah: What better is one God than
another, or more powerful? Are not all Gods but the spirits of men raised up in heaven?

36. Elijah answered him, saying: I preach neither Lord nor God, but Jehovih, the Creator,
who is Ever Present and Potent over all things.

37. Ahab said: Then thy Master hath neither eyes nor ears, knowing nothing, like the
wind. He is foolish, and without intelligent answer to thy prayers.

38. Elijah said: Summon thou thy priests, and thy high priests, who have power through
Baal and Ashtaroth and Dagon, and they and their Gods shall try in a tournament against

39. Ahab caused the tournament to take place, and when the priests and high priests of
Baal had spread the sacrifice they repeated their invocations for a miracle to prove the
power of Baal and the other Gods; but lo and behold, Jerub, the etherean angel, with ten
thousand spirits to assist him, prevented any sign or miracle being accomplished by the
familiar spirits of Baal and Ashtaroth.

40. And now Elijah stretched forth his hand unto Jehovih, saying: If it be Thy will, O
Father, give these people a sign of Thy Power!

41. And Jerub and his etherean host of angels, caused a flame of fire to descend on the
altar and consume the sacrifice. The people feared, and many fell down, exclaiming,
Jehovih is mighty! Jehovih is mighty!

42. When the tournament was ended, Elijah went upon Mount Carmel, and prayed for
rain, and Jerub, with ten thousand times ten thousand angels, brought the winds from the
north and south and east and west, and the moisture in the air above was converted into
rain, and thus the long drought was ended.

43. In the year 2635 B.K., the college of prophecy raised up Jonah, and Amos, and Hosea.

44. In the year 2574 B.K., the kingdoms of Israel perished, and they became a scattered
people, and fell into bondage again.

45. 2439 years before kosmon, Manasseth, son of Hezekiah, established idol worship,
and, by law, abolished the worship of Jehovih. He caused the prophet Isaah to be sawn in
twain; and the judgment was, because he worshiped Jehovih.

46. For three hundred years following, the only Faithists amongst the Israelites were the
prophets, and the followers of the prophets, who had never affiliated with those of the

kingdoms and armies.

47. The Faithists proper were a small minority, and scattered in many lands. The rest,
who were called Jews, lived under written laws and ceremonies, which were compiled
and established by Ezra, in Jerusalem, which combination of books was called the Bible,
and was completed in the year 2344 B.K.

48. From that time forward, the Jews became worshipers of THE LORD and THE GOD,
but the scattered tribes of the Faithists still held to the Great Spirit, Jehovih, keeping
their service secret. These latter were without sin, doing no war nor resistance
of evil against evil, but returning good for evil, and loving one another as one’s self.

49. From the Faithist branch sprang the Asenean (Essenean, or Es’eans) Association,
cultivating prophecy and purity of spirit. For further light, read of Pharaoh in the lower
heavens, and the migration of the East Indian Gods westward, in another part of Oahspe.

50. The angels of Jehovih now dwelt with the Aseneans, who were the true Israelites in
fact. Though many of the Jews also professed Jehovih under the name of God and Lord God.

51. In three hundred and fifty years after this Jehovih raised up from the Aseneans, one
Joshu, an iesu, in Nazareth. Joshu re-established Jehovih, and restored many of the lost
rites and ceremonies.

52. In the thirty-sixth year of Joshu’s age he was stoned to death in Jerusalem by the Jews
that worshiped the heathen Gods.

53. Forty years after Joshu’s death, a false God, Looeamong, with millions of angel
emissaries, obsessed the inhabitants of all those countries and plunged them into war and

54. The Faithists were scattered to the four ends of the earth.

55. Jehovih said: Never more shall My chosen have kings. I alone am King.

56. And so it is to this day.

57. Looeamong, the false God, now changed his name and falsely called himself
Christ, which is the Ahamic word for knowledge. And he raised up tribes
of mortal warriors, who called themselves Christians, who are warriors to this day.

58. The doctrine of these warriors was, that knowledge, which implieth general
education, was the best preventative against crime and misery. Neither understood any
man in those days that the word Christ had any reference to a man or person. Now, from
the time of Moses to Ezra, there was an interval of four hundred years, in which the Jews
had no written record.

59. The age of the Ezra Bible is not, therefore, from the time of Moses, but from the time
of Ezra, 2344 years B.K.

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