Lectionary Readings for Monday, January 18th, 2021

Lectionary Readings for Monday, January 18th, 2021

Weekday Sabbath

Book of Judgement Chapter 2

1. God, embassador of Jehovih, saith: Ye shall assemble for the communion of angels,
regularly, and maintain intercourse with them. For in no other way can ye demonstrate the
immortality of the soul.

2. Doing this in the name of Jehovih, and for spiritual light in regard to spiritual things.

3. Whoso consulteth the spirits for earthly things, shall fall in darkness.

4. But when ye assemble, let no man nor spirit be as a spectacle to others. But as all men
labor in the field to gather the harvest, so shall all members in the assembly, by prayer or
by music, contribute a glory unto the Father.

5. Remembering that the humblest prayer, even with weak words, if given with a full
heart, is as strong unto Jehovih as the best oratory.

6. From all men the spirit shall pour forth unto the Father in praise, according to what
hath been created unto it. Neither is more required of any man.

7. But this shall happen unto many: Learning to speak by entrancement or by inspiration,
they shall imagine themselves controlled by certain angels, when, in fact, it is only their
own spirit, eliminated from the corporeal senses.

8. Others, being influenced, shall imagine it is themselves and not an angel, whereas it is
an angel speaking through them. This was the case of Ka’yu. Both are good, and shall be

9. Let no man concern himself as to whether it be the spirit of himself or an angel; for it is
only the subject uttered which is of value. In this day, all things shall stand on their own
merit, and not on a supposed authority.

10. And let not him, who speaketh with his own spirit, judge others to be the same; nor
yet the reverse of this; for no two in all the world are alike.

11. To them, that have not experienced elimination of the spirit-self from the corporeal
self (trance), all speech is believed to be of the corporeal senses only, or of a diseased
condition. Such men are not to be blamed for their interpretation; rather shall ye pity
them, and not answer them.

12. For many such, even after death, will not admit they are dead, because of the darkness
upon them.

13. It is wiser for the spiritual-minded to keep to themselves, especially when communing
with Jehovih and His angels. For a greater wonder than these will follow: Some will enter
the trance of the first resurrection, and go in spirit out of the body, but only subjectively;
others will enter the trance of the second resurrection, and go in spirit out of the body
objectively. And the first shall not believe but the second was like himself, going only
subjectively. No two men in all the world have I created alike, saith Jehovih. Even many,
after death, are not capable of entering the second resurrection objectively. He, that is in
subjective state, speaketh and writeth from the earth, looking upward; he, that cometh of
the objective heavens, speaketh and writeth as one come down from My kingdoms to the

14. Two conditions will manifest: Subjective spiritualists will affiliate with the world’s
people, being deniers of the Ever Present Person, and they will pursue earthly avocations
for self sake; but objective spiritualists, being such as live for the spirit’s sake, will be
Faithists, believers in the Ever Present Person, Jehovih, Whom they will worship not only

in words, but by abjuring self, and uniting themselves in brotherhoods, for sake of doing
good unto others. These latter are the chosen people of the Father of the kosmon era, and
they will become supreme in all the world.

15. These three peoples, the world’s people, the believers and the Faithists, have been in
all ages of the world. The latter only of them all practiceth harmony and good works.
Both of the others are resistants, quarrelers and warriors and disintegrators and breakers-down of all things.

16. Yet, the Faithists, having faith in the All Person, shall ultimately possess the whole
earth, and make it a paradise of peace and love.

17. As the first is bound in the flesh, and as the second is bound by the hadan spirits, so is
the Faithist bound unto Jehovih, which is emancipation. As the second can commune
with the spirits of the first resurrection, so can the Faithist commune with the Father
through the second resurrection.

18. Nevertheless, this shall happen: The second shall say: My angels are high, thine are
low! Or they shall ask: How know ye your light is higher than ours?

19. And the Faithists shall answer them, saying: We know no high, no low. We give up
all things, in order to serve Jehovih by doing good works unto our fellows.

20. And Jehovih shall judge betwixt them, as to which is high or low, not by their words,
but by their works.

21. And the signs of good works and self-abnegation shall be as a witness before the
world, whence cometh the inspiration of each.

22. Let no man say, that only seers and prophets and such persons as work signs and
miracles are under the influence of spirits; for even as much as these, so are other mortals
under the dominion of spirits. Yea, the infidel, the disbeliever, the philosopher, the
lawyer, the judge, the preacher, the fanatic, and all others, are more controlled by the
spirits of the dead than by their own personal spirit. And the more a man’s spirit is
wrapped up in his own corporeality, the more is he subject to vampires and spirits of

23. Neither knoweth the philosopher whether his ideas come from Jehovih or from the
spirits of the dead.

24. Whosoever hath witnessed and knoweth of a truth, that he hath seen the spirits of the
dead, that knowledge is impregnable. And whoso hath entered the second resurrection,
even though in mortality, that knowledge is impregnable.

25. But, whoso hath found the All Person, his knowledge is greater than all. And none
below him can judge him. Neither can any man attain to this knowledge, till he hath
passed through the other two conditions.

26. No man knoweth the Creator, unless he hath proven the communion of spirits.
Neither can any man rise to the second resurrection, till he hath arisen to faith in the All
One, Jehovih.

27. Neither shall the Brahmin, nor Mohammedan, nor Budhist, nor Kriste’yan join in the
second resurrection on earth or in heaven.

28. For they have not the doctrine of unit; they are as a house divided against itself. Their
colonies and communities shall fail in all cases.

29. There shall be but one doctrine, which is Jehovih, the All Person, who is Ever
Present; with good works done unto others, with all of one’s wisdom and strength.

30. And this shall prevail with the young; whom, as orphans and castaways, ye shall
gather up in infancy, founding them in the light of Jehovih, teaching them from the start
to sing and pray unto Him, in reverence and fear and joy, that He may be glorified in their
purity and good works.

31. And they shall grow up of all nationalities, and races, knowing not: This is mine, or
that is mine, or that is thine, but understanding, that they own nothing, and that all things
are Jehovih’s.

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