The first chapter of the Book of Discipline begins by urging us to open our minds to discern the beauty and glory of heavenly places prepared by the various celestial beings. In the second verse, we read about the concept of two resurrections. The first resurrection is described as chaotic,…
Comments on the Book of Discipline – Chapter 6
1. O man, apply yourself to understand the spirit of my discourse, for herein shall you find the key to the Father’s kingdom. 2. These are the rules of the second resurrection: To become an interpreter and worker without a written formula: 3. That whatever gives joy to your fellow…
Notes on the Book of Discipline Ch. 10
Shalom, In today’s Oahspe readings we learn about the need to be patient with our neighbors and brothers (1-4), confession to others, and to Jehovih (5-11); Faithists have a C’Chief (chief of chiefs, first priest) and Chiefs (priests) to whom we seek counsel for our wrongdoing and guilt. We do…