4. To serve thy God is to work for others, especially the sick and helpless, and not for thyself. Thy prayers and confessions to me are but the waste of thy breath.
The grammar may lead some to think that praying is useless. We know better. The text could be clarified as “(If thou work not for others,) thy prayers and confessions to me are but the waste of thy breath.”
5. There be such as preach for money, and withal are graduated from the colleges and called, learned priests; but they have not yet learned not to serve mammon, save in words.
This verse may remind some of the prosperity preachers that are prevalent on television and social media today. It is all about mammon. They make empty promises to their followers while demanding “thus saith the Lord” to give all they have. There are some millionaire prosperity preachers especially in the United States due to their massive salaries.
6. I say unto thee, that a poor man, who can not read a line, that goeth into the house of the afflicted, giving what little he hath, and, with a willing heart, cleaneth the floor and garments of the bed-ridden, is more learned in my kingdoms than are these graduated preachers.
This is a good example of true Faithists, both laity and priests (chiefs). Their desire is to help others in every way they can, without asking for anything in return. In this regard, their spiritual grade is much higher than those who preach for mammon.
8. Suffer not thyself to be deceived by them whose trade is preaching and praying. They profess to be labouring for the spiritual man; and, according to the number of their converts, who are also taught words and prayers and confessions, instead of works, so are they called, great workers unto the Lord.
9. But I say unto thee, all these are but the subterfuges of satan (self), to palm off words for works.
Many preachers of the Beast have taught their followers that it is their god’s will to be rich and to live in mansions. They believe this to be their calling and think of it as “serving” others. They operate what is referred to as mega-churches. These types of churches can hold thousands of people at a time so that the false prophets and preachers can deceive their followers with their filthy teachings. The ninth verse tells us that their works are actually for their own good, instead of for others.
10. All such preachers and priests and converts are still tarrying in the mire of grade one.
The tenth verse does not hold out much hope for such false teachers or for their followers.
11. Hear thou thy God, and weigh his words in the balance, and be not blinded by the tricks of satan.
12. A preacher, receiving a good salary, giveth half his money to the poor, and the other half to the church; and his people say: O what a good man!
13. And straightway they raise his salary, and they present him a good house, where he feasteth sumptuously every day, laughing in his sleeve.
14. Now, I say unto thee, that that preacher contributed nothing to the poor. The money, he gave away, was not his, but the fruit of hypocrisy.
15. Because he practised not labour; but as a beggar and a vampire obtained his money, not for work, but for words, he was false before Jehovih.
Verses 11 through 15 strongly charge the false preachers and priests as being “false before Jehovih”. No true Faithist would ever wish to be accused of being on the wrong side of Jehovih, especially for not helping his/her neighbour.
16. To serve thy God, or to preach and practice the words of thy God, require not great oratory or education. I require not colleges to brace me up; nor preachers, that serve not the Creator.
Essene Faithists and Jehovih’s Faithists have a simple message for humanity, and it is that there is a Creator who cares about His creation and that He wishes for everyone to progress spiritually by taking in the proper knowledge of His Will and to assist others. Faithists should not waste time debating non-essential issues or delving into complex philosophies. Anything that does not promote the Standard of Jehovih or the assistance of one’s neighbour is a waste of time.
17. One crieth out: Come to God! or: Make thy peace with the Lord! But he himself would not give up his bed to a poor sick woman.
18. I say unto thee: All such are either hypocrites or deceivers of their own souls.
19. Except thou usest thy hands, and bendest thy back in practice, and in producing something in the world, and contributing it unto others, thou art none of mine, nor knowest the way to come to me, nor to make peace with me.
Like similar verses above, verses 17-19 present very strong words for those who are among the false teachers. The Oahspe refers to them as hypocrites and deceivers. One of the most convicting phrases for such ones is “thou art none of mine, nor knowest the way to come to me, nor to make peace with me”.
20. It hath been said of old: Do unto others, as thou desirest should be done unto thee; also, to return good for evil, and to sell all thou hast, and give to the poor, and love thy neighbour as thyself.
In the twentieth verse, we have what is typically called the “Golden Rule” attributed to Joshu, the historical Jesus. “Whatever you wish men to do for you, do likewise also for them; for this is the law and the prophets.” (Matthew 7:12, Lamsa)
21. And these words are well known; but who is there, that practiceth them? 22. Wherein the words are impotent and of non-effect. 23. To remedy which, many practice serving themselves by their labour; but in Jehovih’s service, their practice is by prayers and confessions: words, words, words!
The Oahspe Bible calls out those who replace true works of faith and service with lifeless words and practices. Their prayers of rote are nothing but dead words.
24. Saying: It is not possible, in the present condition of society, to do these things!
25. Did thy God limit thee, saying: Do thou this, in the present condition of society? The way was open for another condition; but thou soughtst not to find it. Thou wouldst not give up thyself, and live in a brotherhood. Under the name of liberty, thou held fast to satan and his haunts, saying: I am willing to serve the Creator, but I will not sacrifice my liberty.
False teachers and their disciples claim that in today’s society it is impossible to do unto others as we would want them do unto us” However, the Oahspe says this type of thinking is wrong. While issues within society, especially among uzians (worldly people), Faithists are still obligated to serve their fellow man. Some seek solitude for the wrong reasons. If those who seek solitude are not helping their fellow Faithists and the world to find liberation, they are not following the Will of Jehovih.
26. And thou sellest thyself to self, which shall follow thee into hada.
The term hada refers to the lower realms or lower heavens. See Wars 53:3; Eskra 3:3.
27. Know then, O man, that whoso would rise into my organic kingdoms in heaven, shall teach himself the first lesson of liberty, which is to free himself from self. 28. He shall not say: I want this; or I must have that; or, I cannot have self abridged; or, I will suffer no dictation. 29. I say unto thee, all such men are already in the bonds of drujas and the throes of hell.
Everyone must realise, in one way or another, in the present or the future, the importance of cutting the chains of materialism and removing selfish desires. Once this first step takes place, one must develop a heart of compassion for others. Loving-kindness for our neighbour and their well-being should be our first work. We can not go back to our old ways. The Oahspe says that by retaining thoughts of selfishness and neglecting our neighbour, a person is under the control of drujas (evil spirits).
30. But thou shalt say: Here I am, O Jehovih, Thy servant! Appropriate Thou me whichever way I can do the most good unto others! Myself is no longer any consideration. 31. This it is, to be a Faithist in the Father.
Rabbah recently stated that these verses should form part of our daily, or morning prayer. He said, “Not in words only, but because we genuinely wish to do only Jehovih’s Will, to free ourselves from the fetters of evil and to do good unto our neighbour. Pray to Jehovih the Creator: ‘Here I am! Here I am to worship Thee.'”
32. If an exalted man marry a woman beneath him, he can lift her up. 33. But if an exalted woman marry a man beneath her, he will pull her down. 34. Even so is it with the righteous man, that weddeth to the world and liveth therein; soon or late, it will pull him down.
For more information about the importance of marrying believers, see the article “Notes on the Book of Judgement Chapter 14“.
35. But, if the righteous man go with his fellows into a separate place, and wed himself to Jehovih and His ways, then shall that righteous man be lifted up. And, moreover, he shall be a power to lift up the world.
36. Shall a bride not live with her husband? And they that chose the Creator, live with him?
37. I say unto thee. If thou do not live in a brotherhood on earth, thou shalt not soon find one in heaven.
Fellowship among Faithists is too important to be neglected. For many it is is a precious commodity since there are very few Faithists in the world. There are some who are isolated areas, who desire fellowship with their fellow brothers and sisters. Being isolated in today’s world does not always keep one from meeting one another. The technology we have today is nothing as it was back when the Oahspe Bible was first put into print in the late 1800s. With the proper use of the internet, isolated ones are able to discuss the Oahspe with one another and lift one another up with the hope of the future Kingdom of Jehovih. Our Creator has blessed us with ways to fellowship with one another across thousands of miles at the same time with the use of the internet.
Others who live in intentional communities are blessed to share all things in common and to meet with one another physically. They take the example of Faithists from ancient times, such as Joshu’s Essene community, by working in fields to grow and harvest food and to assist others in need.
38. But thou shalt unite thyself with such as are compatible with thee; with whom thou shalt live equal in all things, wherein thou canst do unto them as thou wouldst be done by, loving them as thyself, returning them good constantly.
39. Being willing to make any sacrifice of thine own self’s desires for sake of founding the Father’s kingdom on earth. 40. Remembering, thou wert born in darkness, and art not the same as will be the generations who come after thee, who shall be born in these communities, His kingdoms. 41. Even for them that are yet unborn shalt thy sacrifice be. 42. In which shalt thou consider that it is for the resurrection of others, and not for thyself, that thou art chosen of Jehovih.
In verses 38-42 we are reminded of the importance of unity and making sacrifices on behalf of others and for their welfare.
43. For herein lieth the key of all resurrections; which is to labour for others; to induce them to assimilate unto Jehovih, and with one another.
In the 43rd verse, we have the ultimate goal of all Faithists: To make sure our work and sacrifices are for others, and not the self alone; to teach others how to live the Way of Jehovih our Father and to unite as a brotherhood wherever we may reside on the earth.
44. The words of thy God are not for the glory of any man under the sun, or for any angel in heaven, but for Jehovih. 45. Thou hast had revelation sufficient since thousands of years; and sacred books with most holy doctrines. And, yet, many that know these well, come into the es world as low as drujas, and as wandering spirits.
The teachings we have been given are not for the glory of humans, but for Jehovih alone. The revelations we have received through the sacred texts of the past, the Oahspe and continuing revelation which we receive today, are for our enlightenment in Jehovih’s Way.
46. Thou shalt judge thyself; thy spirit is as a manuscript in thine own handwriting; thou art daily writing thy grade and the place of thy abode in heaven.
Our life, as the Oahspe says, “is as a manuscript”. Our actions and thoughts are recorded throughout our lives. That “manuscript” is then used to indicate our spiritual grade.