Comments on the Book of Discipline – Chapter 6

1. O man, apply yourself to understand the spirit of my discourse, for herein shall you find the key to the Father’s kingdom.

2. These are the rules of the second resurrection: To become an interpreter and worker without a written formula:

3. That whatever gives joy to your fellow man and renders peace and goodwill unto all–shall be called light:

4. That whatever gives sorrow to your fellow man, or discouragement to others–shall be called darkness:

5. As to find fault with another, or to aggravate unto displeasure–shall be called darkness:

6. But to make another’s burden light, to encourage him unto strength and happiness–shall be called light:

7. To be forever complaining about this or that–shall be called darkness:

8. To be forever imparting cheerfulness–shall be called light.

9. Now therefore whoever becomes a member of my kingdom shall practice light; but whoever practices darkness, will depart away from my kingdom of his own accord.

10. Neither shall you practice darkness upon your fellow man for any shortness he has done.

11. Nor shall you reprove him for error, nor blame him, nor make yourself an inquisitor over him, nor assume to be a judge over him.

12. Nor ask him to apologize, nor otherwise seek to make him humble himself before you.

13. Nor shall you boast over him because you are wiser or stronger or more expert.

14. For all such inquisition comes of darkness, and shall return upon him who utters it, in time to come.

15. Rather shall you discover the good that is in your neighbour, and laud him therefore, for this is the method of raising him higher.


The above reading emphasizes the importance of spiritual understanding and living a life of light rather than darkness. These divine teachings encourage us to focus on the positive and uplifting aspects of life and to avoid actions that cause harm or negativity towards our fellow man.

The first teaching states that in order to understand the path to the Creator’s kingdom, it is imperative that we apply ourselves to understanding the spiritual nature of the discourse.

The second teaching describes the rules of the second resurrection, which includes becoming an interpreter and worker without relying on written formulas. These “written formulas” would indicate printed literature that we use now in our lifetime to help guide us in various policies or procedures when dealing with various situations. In the second resurrection, such written formulas would not be necessary since individuals have risen to another state or level of existence.

The third and fourth teachings define light as that which brings joy and peace to others, while darkness is that which causes sorrow and discouragement.

The fifth and sixth teachings speak of the importance of encouraging and supporting our fellow man, rather than finding fault or causing harm.

The seventh and eighth teachings contrast darkness, which involves complaining and negativity, with light, which involves imparting cheerfulness and positivity.

The ninth teaching states that those who practice light will become members of Jehovih’s kingdom, while those who practice darkness will depart from it. Notice that departing on according to the will of the individual. Verse 9 states: “Whoever practices darkness, will depart away from my kingdom of his own accord.” This is willful walking away from the Light of Jehovih — that is, a conscientious decision to walk toward the darkness.

The remaining verses provide guidance on how to interact with others in a positive and uplifting manner. These include avoiding blame and judgment, seeking to understand and uplift others, and focusing on the good in others rather than finding fault.

May Jehovih bless you!