Agni. Fire or light, especially without combustion, as spirit lights. A pillar of fire by day, as with the Israelites going out of Egypt.

Algonquin. The United States of the North American Indians before their destruction by the Christians.

Angel. A spirit man or woman. (The word “spirit” does not define whether man or animal, but is often erroneously used instead of angel.)

Aph. The God who submerged the continent of Pan.

Apollo. The God to whom was assigned the duty of beautifying mortals in form and figure. He had many names, as Soodhga, So Gow, Choo-Choo, Sudghda, and so on; but the meaning is the same, whether in Chinese, Hindu, Greek, Latin or English.

Archangels. Angels next in rank to Gods, who dwell in certain arcs in etherea. They generally come in the dawn of a new cycle to give new inspiration to mortals.

Asaphs. Angels in heaven whose office it is to receive the spirit when a mortal dies, and bear it to the place prepared for it. They are in organic associations. Their rank is next below ashars.

Ashars. Guardian angels who are appointed over mortals, to be with them during life. They deliver the spirit in time of death into the hands of the asaphs. They also keep the record of the mortal, which is also given to the asaphs in heaven, along with the newborn spirit, which is called an es’yan, for a certain season. Ashars are next in rank to loo’is.

Atmospherea. The earth’s vortex.

A’su. The first race of man. To crawl on the belly.

Beast. The animal man. The earthly part of man. Anything that is enforced, as a religion.

Brah, or Brahman. Wisdom, knowledge. Brah was the founder of Brahmanism, and was cotemporaneous with Abram, or Abraham.

Bride and Bridegroom. The emancipated degree of angels in heaven; a title bequeathed to all such as have gone beyond the bound heavens, atmospherea, and who are free from the Gods and Saviors. As we say of man at twenty-one years, he is free from his father; he is strong enough to go alone.

Chaotics. Deranged angels; such as are killed in war or in anger.

Che’-ba. The desire that comes of inspiration.

Chinvat. The boundary between the rotating atmosphere of the earth and the ether beyond. Called also Bridge of Chinvat.

Christ, or Kriste. Wisdom, knowledge, education. After the false God, Looeamong, falsely took this name, it became synonymous with warrior.

Christians, or Kriste’yans. A brotherhood of warriors; they were named Christians, in derision, by the Hebrews.

Corpor. Whatever has length and. breadth and thickness, and is perceptible to sight, hearing and feeling. Ethe is the solvent of it.

Corporean. A man of the earth in contradistinction from an angel, who is a man of Es.

Crucify. To melt; to test by fire; to test by binding. The, original form of testing a su’is or sar’gis, (medium) was by binding him on a wheel.

Orian. A ruler over etherean worlds.

Sar’gis. Both a materialised angel, or a person in whose presence, the angels can take on the semblance of mortal forms.

Satan. The chief of the seven tetracts, the captain of the selfish passions. Selfishness per se.

Spirit. Synonymous (but not correctly) with angel. When we Say angel, we mean a spirit; but when we say spirit, we may not mean an angel.

Su’is, Clairaudience and clairvoyance. A person who can see with the eyes closed, or one who can hear angel voices.

Umbræ. Great darkness occasioned by the falling of nebulæ.