Seek to Find the Good

“Only see the virtues and wisdom in your neighbor; you should not seek out his faults.” – Eskra 44:16

To find the good in our neighbor, we have to start by focusing on their strengths and the ways they bring light into the world. We have to keep in mind that everyone has some kind of gift or talent, even if they shine in ways we wouldn’t expect. Look for acts of kindness they offer, no matter how small. Speak to them with a heart open to understanding, not judgment.

If we see something that seems like a fault, we can remind ourselves that it may be part of a story we don’t know. Think of Creator’s work in every person, shaping them just as they are. Spend time appreciating their unique way of walking through life, and we will find their virtues easier to see. What we seek, we will find, so let’s choose to see the beauty in their spirit.

Remember this, everyone is on a journey. Some strive less than others in this walk on Creator’s road. Some walk on the side, while others walk away from it. If we let our light shine so others can see the glory of the Great Spirit, their soul can be helped in progression to higher levels of truth and light.