Word Search (Divine Names and Titles)
Download this word search puzzle (Divine Names and Titles) to your computer. The answer key will be provided next week. To download the full size, click on the image below.
Download this word search puzzle (Divine Names and Titles) to your computer. The answer key will be provided next week. To download the full size, click on the image below.
Book of Fragapatti 15 — Chapter 27, Chapter 28 16 — Chapter 29, Chapter 30 17 — Chapter 31, Chapter 32 18 — Chapter 33, Chapter 34 19 — Chapter 35, Chapter 36 20 — Chapter 37, Chapter 38 21 — Chapter 39, Chapter 40 You can access the readings by clicking here.
4. To corporeans I give corporeal eyes and corporeal ears, that they might attain to wisdom on the earth; but to a few I give su’is, that they may see and hear things spiritually.
Faithists believe in equality for both men and women. If the Oahspe Bible teaches us anything, it is that men and woman are on equal ground, but each one is created with varying strengths and weaknesses. Nevertheless, each person is still equal.
Question: The word Umbræ appears in the Oahspe. Can you give some clarification to this word for our modern age? Reply: Some editions of the Oahspe Bible contain a section titled “Glossary of Strange Words Used in this Book.”
Today we read from the third chapter of the Lord’s Fifth Book.
In a submitted article “Various Sects of Faithists“, it was mentioned that among the different denominations adhering to certain points of Faithism, one is referred to as “Mormon Faithists.” Some within the Latter Day Saint (Mormon) movement might be wondering, “What in the world is a Mormon Faithist?” In this brief article, we would like to highlight one of the sects mentioned in the article cited. Future articles will highlight other denominations. Mormon Faithists are Both Christians and Oahspeans Technically…
Today we read the first and second chapters of the Lord’s Fifth Book.
There are a handful of “denominations” or sects within Faithism – a word used of almost any group that uses the Oahspe as their central Bible.
Today we read the Book of Osiris Chapters 11, 12, and 13. You can read the full text here.