Reincarnation – Is It a Reality?
Faithist elders have often said that the Hindu and New Age concepts of reincarnation are not the same as it is understood within our spiritual communities. Many within New Age cults and in Hinduism in general, state that reincarnation is when a person returns to a physical body due to past transgressions. This is often explained as karma. Some say that a person can return either in human form or that of an animal, or even as plant life. These groups also believe that reincarnation is often endless. Faithism does not agree with this definition.
Faithism does recognize a type of reincarnation, but as mentioned above, this is not the same type as taught in Hinduism and in some cults. Jehovih’s Faithists teach that after one leaves their human existence at death, they enter into a certain level of the spirit world. The level of the spirit world in which the soul or spirit enters depends on the virtues practiced primarily in the physical life. However, it is also taught a virtuous life can be lived in the spirit world in which the soul is assigned at the death of the physical body.
Faithism does not teach that the majority of people are reincarnated, being reborn on earth. Instead, it is believed that the majority of souls enter into the spirit world and are taught there by various celestial beings assigned to them. Faithists believe that those who return to earth do so because of being assigned a mission, or to fulfill an additional lesson in life either for ones self or for the benefit of those whom the spirit associates, for example, being born to certain parents in specific situations.
Most lessons can be learned in the spirit world, and if the soul is willing to learn it can progress in its grade and be elevated to additional levels of the spirit world. One term used by Faithists to describe a more accurate understanding of reincarnation is “resurrection” — which basically means being resurrected from one level of the spirit world to another as one progresses. For some this can be a very long progress, while it can be shorter for others.
Reincarnation is a reality, but not as defined by certain religious cults in the world. Instead, this is a near eternal progression of the soul in the spirit world, reaching higher grades as the soul learns more and lives out the virtues as it should, in harmony with Jehovih’s purposes and according to the words of His celestial beings.
We hope to explore this subject in future issues of the Faithist Star with additional details provided by Faithist elders.
Nyle Dahlstrom, editor.