Lectionary Readings for Monday, June 15th, 2020

Lectionary Readings for Monday, June 15th, 2020

Book of the Arc of Bon Chapter 3, Chapter 4

Chapter 3

1. When Yokovrana went to the temple to do sacrifice, the high priest besought him to
consult the oracle in reference to the child, and for his kingdom’s sake. And he so
consulted the oracle, and the angels of Ormazd said unto him: O king, thou, before whom
all people fear, hear thou the angels of heaven and be wise, for thy kingdom’s sake, and
for Capilya. Behold, thou hast maintained the custom of thy forefathers, and caused to be
slain on the altar of thy God, Dyaus, twelve young men and twelve virgins for every day
of the twelfth new moon, that by blood thy God might triumph on the earth, and that thou
mightst be the most feared of kings. And thou hast subdued all the regions of the rich
earth to honor thee and thy laws.

2. Therefore, the God of heaven saith thou shalt no longer pursue the sacrifice of human
blood, but instead thereof make sacred the blood of the lamb, which shall be called the
Lamb of thy God. And in the day of thy first sacrifice, thou shalt bring Capilya to the
altar, and sprinkle the blood of the lamb thou hast slain upon his head, as a blood offering
to thy God. And he shall be called C

3. To this the king assented, and Capilya was accordingly sprinkled with the blood of a
lamb, which was sacrificed in the altar of the king. Thus ended the first of the evil edicts
of the evil Gods of Vind’yu; and from that time after mortals were no longer sacrificed to
the Gods, by consent of the kings.

4. Capilya was called Yokovrana’s son; and he was taught all things which it was lawful
in those days to teach a prince; and because he was prepared for the throne, he was made
acquainted with the kings and governors of all the tributary cities and countries in the
land of Vind’yu.

5. Of the matters of Capilya, hereinafter revealed, know ye that in all things he was
directed by the angels of Jehovih (Ormazd).

6. When Capilya had attained maturity, he besought the king for leave to travel, saying to
the king: Is not the greatest wisdom that which cometh by the eye and the ear? And is it
not wise that he who may some day become king should acquaint himself with his
kingdom whilst he is yet young? For then, he will not only see and hear better than if he
were old, but he will have time to weigh the nature of the government, as to its best
adaptation to the people.

7. To this the king replied: Thou art already wise, my son; thou knowest sufficient of the
earth and her people according to the laws of the ancients. Therefore to travel for
wisdom’s sake would be great folly. Thine eyes and ears are too sharp already; better is it
for thee that thou seest not the people of thy kingdom. For the time may come when thou
shalt need to use great severity upon them; therefore, to be strange with them, thy
sympathy will not lead thee away from justice.

8. Capilya said: Thou reasonest well, O king; and because thou art wise, have I no credit
in being wise also. For it must be true that a son hath his wisdom from his father. And
since thou hast so wisely put me off with thy arguments, answer me this: Is it not
profitable to a young prince, before he hath the cares of a mighty kingdom, to go abroad
and enjoy the pleasure of the world?

9. The king said: There are but three pleasures in all the world: eating and drinking is one;
sleeping is another; the presence of women is the third. Why, then, shall a man go

10. Capilya said: And yet thou hidest the true reason as to why thou desirest thy son not to

11. The king said: If thou tell me the true cause, then shalt thou go whithersoever thou

12. Capilya said: First, then, I will say to thee that I rejoiced because thou didst deny
me; for I so loved thee, O king, that I knew no joy but to remain with thee. And,
moreover, thou so lovest thy son, thou wouldst not have him go far from thee?

13. The king was so delighted with this answer, he said: Of a truth, O prince, thou hast
guessed aright. And if thou find it in thy heart to leave me for a season of travel, then will
I indeed bear with thy loss until thou returnest.

14. Capilya traveled for nine years, and he went to the uttermost extent of the land of
Vind’yu, east and west, and north and south. And because his nurse, who was, in fact, his
real mother, had told him thousands of tales about the persecution of the Faithists, and
their sufferings, he sought to obtain information of these scattered people, but as yet he
knew not he was of that race.

15. At the end of nine years Capilya returned to Yatinghadatta, rich in knowledge as to
the inhabitants of Vind’yu. And when he came before the king, Yokovrana, where he was
received in great honor, he related the knowledge he had obtained of the country, its
extent and grandeur, and its hundreds of great cities and innumerable people. To all of
which wisdom the king lent a willing ear; and he declared Capilya was the wisest and
most learned man in all the world.

16. And now was come the time when God, Son of Jehovih, came to establish Jehovih,
and begin the deliverance of the Faithists, and to collect them together in the places
designed for them.

Chapter 4
1. The word of Jehovih (Ormazd) came to Capilya, saying: Son of heaven, hear thou the
Voice of the Ever Present! Capilya asked: How sayest Thou? The Ever Present?

2. Jehovih (Ormazd) said: Behold Me; I am not of the king’s laws; I am the Maker of
kings. They have made a law against Me, the Ever Present. They have scattered My
people. They have denied My people the right to obtain knowledge.

3. Capilya said: Mine eyes and ears have proved these things. What shall Thy servant do?

4. Jehovih said: Thou shalt deliver the slaves unto freedom, and provide them places to
dwell together, according to the laws of the ancients.

5. Capilya said: O Ormazd (Jehovih), why hast Thou put this upon me, Thy servant? Why
gavest Thou not such matters into the hands of the Vrix?

6. Jehovih said: Thou art thyself of the race of Faithists, and have been prepared for this
labor from the time of thy birth. Go thou and find thy nurse that cared for thee in infancy,
and when thou hast her alone, say to her: Nurse, the voice of heaven hath come to me,
saying: Capilya, thou art of the race of Faithists: how sayest thou? And the nurse will say
to thee: My son! my son! Alas me! Thinkest thou I would by thy death, or thy mothers
death? For is not such the law?

7. Capilya went and inquired of the nurse, and she said to him: My son, my son. Alas me!
Thinkest thou I would be thy death, or thy mother’s death? For is not such the law?
Capilya answered: Such is the law. But tell me the truth, and I swear unto thee, both
under the name Dyaus and under the name of thy God, Jehovih (Ormazd), that thy words
shall be secret with me, as the God’s will. Am I an adopted Vrix?

8. The nurse said: Behold, thou hast loved me all thy days; from mine own breasts wert
thou fed. Shall I, then, lose thy love, and so die of a broken heart?

9. Then Capilya made oath before the Gods, and thereafter she answered him, saying: I
am thy mother, O prince! The angels of the Ever Present came to me in the moment thou
wert born, and carried thee into the queen’s arms; and the king knew not even to this day
but thou wert his.

10. Capilya said: Why hath this been done unto me?

11. The nurse said: Hearken, O prince! The king’s wife was barren; the king desired a son
who should be heir to the throne.

12. Capilya interrupted: And thou barteredst thy flesh and flood with the queen for this?

13. The nurse said: Patience, O prince! I am of a race that owneth only One King,
the Ever Present! Respect me, therefore, till thou hast learned the whole truth. The
angels of Ormazd came to me before thy birth, saying: Alas, the Chosen People are
persecuted and abused, scattered and despised; but because they are faithful and
most virtuous, the Ever Present will come and deliver them. Then I said unto the angels:
What is this matter to me? Behold, I am myself but a servant, and can do nothing.

14. Then the angel answered, saying: Thou shalt have a son, and shalt call his name
Capilya; and he shall be the deliverer of thy people. For which purpose he shall receive
great learning. But because great learning is denied to thy people, thy son shall be adopted
by the queen, and the king, believing it is his own son, will render unto the child learning
and power also.

15. And I said unto the angel: Flesh and blood of me are nothing if I can thereby serve
Jehovih (Ormazd).

16. Capilya said: Since thou committedst me to thy God, then am I indeed his. Now
whilst they were yet talking, Jehovih spake to Capilya, saying: I am not come to give
new doctrines unto men, but to rescue My people from bondage, and to restore equal
rights unto the inhabitants of the earth. For this purpose wert thou, O Capilya, sent
into the world. Because thou wert of the race of the Faithists My voice hath come to thee.

17. Because the king imagineth thou art his son, and loveth thee dearly, thou shalt
not suffer from his hand. Go, then, whither I will lead thee, and it shall be testimony
to thee, that I am the Ever Present, moving them by means of the spirit to come to thee.

18. In due time the prince departed from home, not advising the king of his purpose;
and he went as Jehovih led him, and came to Hosagoweth, near the river Vesuthata,
where there was a forest, with meadows interspersed, and he found a camp of four
families of wandering Faithists, and they were famished with hunger, and were ragged.

19. The prince, seeing they feared him, said: Be not afraid; I come not to persecute or
drive you hence. As ye perceive by my dress, I am a prince, judge ye not me to be your
enemy, come to destroy you. For, by the same power ye were led hither, am I come also.
This land do I bequeath to you, to be yours forever. Cease ye, therefore, traveling about,
but begin and till the soil.

20. Yatithackka, the rab’bah, said: How sayest thou? Thou wert brought hither by the
same God? Then, of a truth, thou knowest the signs and pass-words?

21. Capilya said: None of these things have I learnt; but even as there is a legend amongst
thy people that one would come of Jehovih and restore His chosen people, so declare
I unto you, I am he. That thy Ruler is my Ruler; take me in private with thee,
O rab’bah, and the Ever Present will give the signs and pass-words, and thus prove me.

22. Moreover, I say to thee in prophecy, ere three suns have risen and set, there
shall come to this place hundreds and hundreds of thy people. Now when the rab’bah
had examined Capilya, and found that he had the signs and pass-words, he
wondered exceedingly. The prince then caused wood and stone to be laid in the form of a
crescent, and its size was sufficient for seats for one hundred people. He said: This is
the altar of Jehovih (Ormazd). Let us sit this night, for the Father’s voice is with me.

23. During the day, many more came; so by night there were one hundred, men, women
and children, and the prince commanded them to sit about the altar of Jehovih. And
presently the Voice spake in the midst of the altar, saying: This is My Son, of whom it
hath been prophesied, one would come to restore My people. Behold, I am the Ever
Present, and not in the figure or image of a man, but I am the All Space and Place, doing
My will through My angels and through the souls of men. Be ye steadfast in righteous
works and love toward one another; and most just to a fraction with all other peoples.
With you will I establish Myself, even as in the ancient days with your forefathers.

24. Capilya then appointed the oldest rab’bah as chief of the altar; and this was the first
established family (community) since many a hundred years, that was assured by a prince
that they should not be driven off.

25. On the next day the prince took the people a little way off, about half an hour’s walk,
and he said to them: Build ye here another altar, for yet, ere night comes, there shall come
others even here. Let the Ever Present have an altar provided unto them. Accordingly the
people fell to in faith, and built another altar; and when it was finished, and the sun gone

down, there came many wanderers, Faithists, to the place.

26. Capilya said unto them: Come ye to the altar of Ormazd, for he desireth sacrifice of
all whom he blesseth. And they went in and sang, and prayed, giving thanks to God.
Jehovih said: Suffer him I have sent unto you to build three more altars at like distances
apart; for I will bring My people together for three places of sacrifice.

27. On the next day there came many more wanderers, who had escaped from the
province of Anassayon, where a war was being carried on against raiders from Tubet, the
high mountain region. And Capilya built altars for them also; and to them he also
appointed rab’bahs and chief rab’bahs.

28. Now, behold, they were without food, and many had been famished for many days.
Capilya, perceiving that some of the people were suspicious of him, said unto them:
Whoso hath faith in me of Jehovih, let him stand with me this night, for the Father will
manifest unto us.

29. Not more than forty came to the place designated; for they feared Capilya was an
imposter. And when they were assembled, Capilya tried them, and found of a truth they
had faith. And he said unto them: Stand in a circle and join hands, and I will stand in the
midst. Yet I know not what the Great Spirit will do for us.

30. And when they were thus standing, Jehovih sent a cold wind, and there came down
from heaven an abundance of Ahaoma, sufficient to feed the whole of the people for
many days. Neither knew any man of what ahaoma was made; but it was savory and

31. And the people came and ate, and also gathered up the ahaoma, and carried it home.
Capilya said unto them: Because Ormazd hath done this, go ye into the altars and return
thanks unto Him.

32. And the people did as commanded; and from this time forth not one of them lacked
faith in Capilya. And thereupon he said unto them: This place shall be called Maksabi,
for it is the first colony (Tarag-attu) in all the world where the Father hath fed His
people with His Own hand. So the place was called Maksabi, which, in Vedic, would be
Suta-ci-ci (I speak with food!).

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